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Soloredis-RtDMonsters-1.5.6 icon


Fairies, Elfs, Bosses, Locations & Tameables. Drops loot required for gear unlocks in AshLands & DeepNorth via RtDItems/RtDMagic.

Date uploaded a month ago
Version 1.5.6
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Downloads 557
Dependency string Soloredis-RtDMonsters-1.5.6

This mod requires the following mods to function

denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.2202 icon

BepInEx pack for Valheim. Preconfigured and includes unstripped Unity DLLs.

Preferred version: 5.4.2202
ValheimModding-Jotunn-2.20.1 icon

Jötunn (/ˈjɔːtʊn/, 'giant'), the Valheim Library was created with the goal of making the lives of mod developers easier. It enables you to create mods for Valheim using an abstracted API so you can focus on the actual content creation.

Preferred version: 2.20.1



  • This mod offers multiple bosses, monsters, and locations.
  • The wolfs and dragon boars can be tamed.
  • The elfs are tameable but cannot reproduce.
  • 1 new boss & 1 new location will be coming soon
  • To summon the Dragon King use 1 Charred Egg on Altar: DragonEgg_RtD
  • To summon the Necromancer use 5 Burning Glands on Altar: BurningGland_RtD
  • To summon the Spirit use 3 Fae Seeds on Altar: FaeSeed_RtD
  • To summon Thor the final boss and to claim his hammer use 3 Spirit Hearts on Altar (Dropped from the Spirit): SpiritHeart_RtD
  • WARNING for those with Epilepsy, this mod has some flashy spells, and vfx.
  • Genloc is required to add locations to existing world.
  • Monster spawns can be toggled at anytime.
  • Locations must be ran with genloc.
  • Stuff spawned into the world stays in the world till its removed.
  • AshLands is the next biome after Mistlands.
  • Gear can be crafted with RtDBiomes, RtDItems, & RtDSouls mods for a plug and play experience.
  • Elfs will eat CookedMeat, Cooked Fish, Cooked Serpent Meat, Lox Pie, Honey Glazed Chicken, and Coins.
  • Dragonboars will eat Carrots, Turnips, Onions, Mushrooms, Raspberry, Blueberries, Raw Fish, Boar Meat, and Raw DeerMeat.
  • Fae Wolfs will eat Raw Necktail, Raw Boar Meat, Raw Lo Meat, Sausages, Raw Fish, Raw DeerMeat, and Raw Chicken.
  • To obtain Odins Hammer from RtDItems slaying the DeepNorth boss is required.
  • To defeat the Necromancer its required to have at least a T3 Healing staff from RtDItems and group is highly reccomended.
  • To defeat The Spirit boss in DeepNorth a group is reccomended and 1 person at the least will need a T4 healing staff from RtDItems.
  • The Spirit boss is extremely difficult, as it is designed to be the ultimate end game boss that allows you to unlock Odins hammer which is extremely over powered.

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Prefab IDs

  • BurningGland_RtD
  • CookedDragonBoarMeat_RtD
  • DemonHide_RtD
  • DemonHorn_RtD
  • DragonBoarMeat_RtD
  • DragonCore_RtD
  • DragonEgg_RtD
  • TrophyDragonKing_RtD
  • TrophyHatchling_RtD
  • CookedFaeWolfMeat_RtD
  • FaeNectar_RtD
  • FaeSeed_RtD
  • FaeTrophyWolf_RtD
  • FaeWolfFang_RtD
  • FaeWolfMeat_RtD
  • FaeWolfPelt_RtD
  • FairySilk_RtD
  • SpiritHeart_RtD
  • TrophySpirit_RtD
  • Assassin_RtD
  • Berserker_RtD
  • Demon_RtD
  • DragonBoar_RtD
  • DragonBoarTamed_RtD
  • DragonPiglet_RtD
  • FallenCrusader_RtD
  • Wizard_RtD
  • ElfHunterF_RtD
  • ElfHunterM_RtD
  • ElfPriestM_RtD
  • ElfWarriorF_RtD
  • ElfWarriorM_RtD
  • FaeWolfIce_RtD
  • FaeWolfIceCub_RtD
  • FaeWolfIceTamed_RtD
  • FaeWolfLightening_RtD
  • FaeWolfLighteningCub_RtD
  • FaeWolfLighteningTamed_RtD
  • Fairy1_RtD
  • Fairy2_RtD
  • Fairy3_RtD
  • Fader_RtD
  • Necromancer_RtD
  • Spirit_RtD
  • DragonBoarRuinStone_RtD
  • DragonKingAltar_RtD
  • DrakeNest_RtD
  • GothicRuin1_RtD
  • GothicRuin2_RtD
  • NecromancerAltar_RtD
  • Vegvisir_Fader_RtD
  • Vegvisir_Necromancer_RtD
  • FaeRuins1_RtD
  • FaeRuins2_RtD
  • FaeSpawner_RtD
  • FaeTree_RtD
  • SpiritShrine_RtD
  • Vegvisir_Spirit_RtD


  • Recoded all configs.
  • Add localization to Fader
  • Test Fader for possible error
  • Adjusted spawn rates
  • Fixed locatization on the RtD Forge
  • Added vegvisir for The Spirit
  • Updated Elven treasure chests
  • Fixed Fae Wolf Procreation
  • Updated Spirit Shrine model
  • Fixed Location placement
  • Updated FaeTree model
  • Deletes music on locations
  • Add LODS to monsters
  • Removed particles from flying creatures
  • Fixed broken Vegvisirs
  • Fixed dissapearing locations
  • Added individual config options per creature
  • A bunch of other small fixes that I'm being vague about. Huh?
  • Split ocean monsters into new mod
  • Reduced DeepNorth fairy health from 250 to 150
  • Removed ArtisanForge_RtD
  • RtDItems now uses the blackfoge as workstation for easy upgrades
  • Removed double znet view from DragonKingAltar support pillars.
  • Compressed more textures
  • Point no filter applied to match vanilla textures
  • Updated all fairy spell FX to something less flashy
  • Added ragdolls to humanoid deaths.
  • Added new Elf with bow ElfHunterM_RtD
  • Shrunk Elf Priest lightening blast
  • Changed color of elf Lightening to red
  • Increased particle size of new spells
  • Fine tuned all monster attacks
  • Registered all monster attacks to code
  • Adjusted attack angle on all monsters & bosses.
  • Balanced damage & health to match RtDItems & RtDSouls progression.
  • Made tamed dragon boars commandable.
  • Made tamed fae wolfs commandable.
  • Made tamed elfs commandable.
  • Fixed tameable creatures that had missing consumables.
  • Adjusted AshLands wizard flight path.
  • Registered all sfx, vfx, & fx to znet scene.
  • New spell vfx / sfx.
  • Replaced necromancer model.
  • Seperated dragonking altar & necromancer alter into two seperate locations.
  • Fixed missing flight take off error with dragonking.
  • Adjusted Necromancer attacks to more realistic speeds.
  • Added AOE damage to Necromancer, the DragonKing, and The Spirit.
  • DeepNorth Spirit Boss is extremely difficult and will require a group with at least 1 healer with a t4 healing staff from RtDItems.
  • Quick Fix on hard encoded localization for new necromancer vegvisir
  • Fix on DragonKing Altar seperation from Necromancer.
  • Renamed provided JSONs for translations so they automatically load when changed to your langauge.
  • Either delete the JSONS with _RtDMonster JSONS in the title, or rename without that specific part to your language.
  • Easiest fix is to make a new mod profile or delete the _RtDMonster JSONS.
  • Adjusted shader on Fairy Shield bubbles to transparent render.
  • Adjusted the shader color on Fairy Shield to a nice magical color.
  • Further compressed textures with point no filter.
  • Fixed Faction on DeepNorth Elf Archer
  • Fixed Loot dropped from DeepNorth Golem
  • Fixed Localization on 2 Monsters.
  • Fixed Boar Stone placement issue.
  • Added Thors Hammer as drop from Thor.
  • Added 1 new boss
  • Added 1 new Altar & Vegvisir
  • Updated config options
  • Fixed SFX on baby wolf.
  • Fixed SFX on baby pigs.
  • Adjusted attack timings on all monsters to less insane speeds to something more realistic.
  • Reduced Thors attack intervals to less insane speeds.
  • Reduced The necromancer attack intervals to less insane speeds.
  • Reduced the Spirits attack invervals to less insane speeds.
  • Removed ValheimPLUS incompat.
  • Fixed mock issue with wolf idle sfx preventing Fae wolfs from loading.
  • Changed all shaders to JVLmock shaders for better vanilla look.
  • Added static spawners for EW data compatibility Spawner_Prefabname_RtD.
  • Fixed all existing local spawners.
  • Fixed bug where pickable charred egg would not hide when picked.
  • Fixed Odins Shrine bug. (Regenerating this location is required)
  • Increased Odins size
  • Removed valRAFT incompat, if you choose to break your game do not expect help.
  • Updated file path.
  • Minor performance increase.
  • Updated defeated boss keys.
  • Fixed bug with DragonBoar consume.
  • Balanced boss attacks.
  • Fix for charred egg location respawn, set 60 min interval for re-picks that should fix this.
  • Changed znet to persistent znet on charred egg which officially does fix pickable issue which has been tested on a test server.
  • Changed repick to every 120 minutes on charred egg.
  • Fixed multiple item bugs.
  • Updated Assemblies.
  • Major shader improvement on Elfs.