SpkrFrkr-AllTheModsHeim_EpicLootEdition icon

AllTheModsHeim EpicLootEdition

EpicLoot focused total overhaul modpack, extending vanilla/finishing deep north/overhauling oceans & adding an overwhelming amount of new content. Inspired by All The Mods Minecraft Modpack.


1.0.0 - Release for original players wanting to stay on EpicLoot (configs added)

1.0.1 - README updated, all mods brought up to date

1.0.2 - All mods updated, new locations added to world generation mods

1.0.3 - CHANGELOG spacing fixed

1.0.4 - Minor config balancing

1.0.5 - Discord merged with my community server, all mods updated

1.0.6 - Smoothbrain - Vitality removed due to conflicts

1.0.7 - Greatly improved FPS both in and out of build mode

  • Removed: AllTheHeims EpicLoot patches & almost all other mods needing them temporarily, Blacksmiths_tools by GoldenJude, EpicLootPanelFix by Azumatt removed in prep for minimal UI, RandyKnapp-EpicPatches_EpicLoot, AeehyehssReeper-ChaosArmor, MedievalHeim-Marlthon, Distant_Dynasties-The_Bees_Decree, SNOWDAY-The_Bees_Decree, balrond_containers-Balrond, OdinsFoodBarrels-OdinPlus, Templeton_Temples-Horem

  • Added: Seasons by shudnal swapped with Seasonality by RustyMods along with SeasonalTweaks by RustyMods, configs were passed down from the full EpicLoot list

1.0.8 - Added: warpalicious-Underground_Ruins, & MSchmoecker-VNEI (you need to go to his mod page and follow instructions to add the dungeons to your already existing world if continuing, otherwise just generate new world and they will be there) ( side note: with so many changes recently for the people just hitting update, it is better to do a fresh download of the list to get the most current configs and optimizations)

  • Removed: CookieMilk-WildHorses, CookieMilk-ElementalFalls, CookieMilk-ElementalOrbs, CookieMilk-PortalPlane

2.0.8 - UI fully implemented, Removed: CrystalCollector-blacks7ar, FeatherCollector, blacks7ar, FloraCollector-blacks7ar, GuckCollector-blacks7ar, ResinCollector-blacks7ar, TarCollector-blacks7ar

  • Added: Yggdrah-BetterRiding, madkat-DragonRidersExtras, Yggdrah-DragonRiders, Smoothbrain-ComfortTweaks, Azumatt-CurrencyPocket, CookieMilk-GottaCatchThemAll, ComfyMods-ReportCard, Azumatt-ItemCompare, blacks7ar-LazyVikings, Azumatt-Minimal_UI, bid-BrewBeer, bid-CopperRoofs, bid-BrickWalls, Azumatt-AzuAutoStore

2.0.9 - Added 3 mods i forgot to JSON, its been a long 20 hour day of testing okay leave me alone

2.1.1 - ExtraSlots-shudnal & ExtraSlotsCustomSlots-shudnal causing black screen and saving problem (i only think this because the log kept mentioning slots and switching this mod out solved the issue for now) Added: AzuExtendedPlayerInventory-Azumatt

2.1.2 - lol accidentally skipped a version but also Just_Keep_My_Skills_Please-Ravenis removed (can use game settings at world launch to gain same effect)

2.1.3 - Changed number of extra rows in AzuExtendedInventory from 0 to 3, it should have been that in the first place but i must have forgotten to transfer config. Removed zolantris-ValheimRAFT-2.4.3

2.1.4 - RustyMods-SeasonalityTextures added (still working on random black screen, make sure you are saving frequently)

2.1.5 - Blacksmithing & Farming by Smoothbrain removed temporarily as it seems to have cured the black screen/ save issue

2.1.6 - Added: Azumatt-ResourceUnloadOptimizer, updated all mods

2.1.7 - Removed: warpalicious-Altars_of_Creation as its not working correctly

2.1.8 - EpicLoot patches for Warpalicious location mods added/updated

2.1.9 - Icon updated

2.2.0 - Updated README (consistent stutter issue nearly stopped completely with config & launch parameters included) (config is pinned in discord channel #modpack-news)

  • Removed: Explorer-Smoothbrain (had 2 explorer skills by accident), RtDTraps-Soloredis (deprecated)

  • Added: PlantEverything-Advize, PlantEasily-Advize, Trolls_Revamped-Ruijven, Crypts_and_Caverns-Ruijven, ADO_Samurai-Dreanegade, ADO_Horus-Dreanegade, ADO_Anubis-Dreanegade, TheShaperOfDistantOrigins-Dreanegade

2.2.1 - README updated, mods updated

2.2.2 - README fixed

2.2.3 - All mods updated