3. Server Admin Reference

Updated 3 weeks ago

How to use this mod on a generated map.

This mod has locations that will generate only on newly created map. Playing this mod on a pre-generated map requires advanced procedures to generate altar / runestone locations from this mod.

Before proceeding, make sure to make a backup of your seed/map first. You will also need to enable console on your game in able to execute admin commands.

  1. Downloading Required Mods - Download Upgrade World by JereKuusela HERE. Note that this mod will also install JereKuusela-Server_devcommands. I advise to do this locally or while there are no players on your dedicated server.
  2. Commands - Pullup your game console (F5) and type in this command and press Enter.

locations_add Runestone_GreydwarfElderTG,Runestone_TrollWarriorTG,Runestone_WhisperTG,Runestone_LightningWolfTG,Runestone_QueenDeathsquitoTG,Runestone_ArmoredGjallTG

  1. Verify the Locations - On your console, type in this command to verify the locations were successfully added.

locations_list Runestone_GreydwarfElderTG,Runestone_TrollWarriorTG,Runestone_WhisperTG,Runestone_LightningWolfTG,Runestone_QueenDeathsquitoTG,Runestone_ArmoredGjallTG

  1. Save the Map - Once the locations are verified, save the map by typing "save" on console. You may also visit one of the locations using "goto" command.

Mod prefabs

Here are the item and creature prefab names in case needed: Creature Prefabs:

  • TGGreydwarfElder
  • TGTrollWarrior
  • TGWhisper
  • TGLightningWolf
  • TGLightningWolf_Wild
  • TGQueenDeathsquito ​- TGArmoredGjall

Item Prefabs:

  • TGGreydwarfElder_Resin
  • TGTrollWarrior_HairBundle
  • TGWhisper_Chain
  • TGLightningWolf_Fang
  • TGQueenNeedle
  • TGFlameBilebag
  • TGCatalyst
  • TGWispBelt
  • TGStaff_LightningWolf
  • TGSaddleWolf
  • HelmetDvergerWishboneTG
  • TGCapeFlameFeather