Valheim Murder Monkeys
Simple small streamlined collection of mods to add more depth and progression to Valheim with low HD/RAM/PACKETS impact for VMM server.
05SEP2023 Version 1.0.3 Mod updates and patches, might be a 1.0.4 update if BoneAppetit updates, or if decisions are made to add the following mods:
- MagicPlugin
- MoreCrossbows
- PotteryBarn
??AUG2023 Version 1.0.2 Added a few mods for more content, to include the following:
- DistantDynasties by The_Bees_Decree
- Zarkow_Tower_Defense by Zarkow
- SeaAnimals by Marlthon Hildir's Quest update broke things, updating and fixing things...
23AUG2023 Version 1.0.1 Everything broke with the Valheim Steam update a couple days ago, so this version has all the updated mods. Fingers crossed all the broken ones were the updated ones!