1.0.5 - 0.219.14 Update
- Fixed Error on Load In
1.0.4 - Mod Compatibilities
- Compatible with MultiplayerTweaks
- Compatible with ServerCharacters
1.0.3 - Update to 0.217.28
- Updates for Valheim 0.217.28
1.0.2 - Update to 0.217.24
- Updates for Valheim 0.217.24
1.0.1 - Bug Fix
- Fixing Error that occurs when starting Valheim if the mod is disabled.
1.0.0 - Initial Version of RandomSpawnPointBruh
- Provides settings to adjust the spawn points:
- Randomize the initial Spawn Point of Players
- Full control over the variables to adjust the randomization.
- Set a Static Spawn Point coordinate
- Use the Vanilla Spawn Point.
- Randomize the initial Spawn Point of Players
- Configs are Server Synced to allow admins to set settings.