Console Commands 2.0

Updated 2 years ago
Command Example Info
wackydb_reload NA Primary way to reload all the YML files in wackysDatabase folder
wackydb_save_recipe wackydb_save_recipe Club saves a Recipe YML in wackysDatabase Recipe Folder
wackydb_save_piece wackydb_save_piece bed saves a Piece YML in wackysDatabase Piece Folder
wackydb_save_item wackydb_save_item Club saves a Item YML in wackysDatabase Item Folder
wackydb_all_items wackydb_all_items saves all items in game into wackyDatabase-BulkYML
wackydb_all_recipes wackydb_all_recipes saves all recipes in game into wackyDatabase-BulkYML
wackydb_all_pieces wackydb_all_pieces saves all pieces in game into wackyDatabase-BulkYML
wackydb_all_se wackydb_se_all Gets almost all SE_Effects in game, will get modded Effects (be careful) - Will save all into the Bulk Effects folder
wackydb_se wackydb_se Burning get a singular effect, will save in Effect folder.
wackydb_help NA Commands
wackydb_clone wackydb_clone item Club WackysClub clone an object and change it differently than a base game object. item/piece/creature/mat or material/recipe
wackydb_clone_recipeitem wackydb_clone_recipeitem Club WackysClub instead of cloning an item and then recipe, do both at once. Saves you the trouble of manually editing recipe name and prefab
wackydb_vfx NA saves a vfx.txt file with all vfx effects of base game
wackydb_sfx NA saves a sfx.txt file with all sfx effects of base game
wackydb_fx NA saves a FX.txt file with all FX effects of base game
wackydb_material NA saves a Materials.txt file in wackysDatabase for the different types of materials in the base game
wackydb_describe wackydb_describe SwordIron Saves describe of an object, so you have an idea of the structure of the object for materials and customVisuals
wackydb_get_piecehammers wackydb_get_piecehammers Saves all hammers currently in your game to Hammer.txt file
wackydb_sendtheload wackydb_sendtheload Experimental command that will send pngs and objs to clients utilizing ServerSync. I recommend the Network mod to uncap datarates.