Items 2.0

Updated 2 years ago

Item Mains

  • name (string, required): The name of the item.
  • m_weight (float, required): The weight of the item.
  • m_name (string):The in game name.
  • m_description (string): The description of the item.
  • clonePrefabName (string): The name of the prefab to clone.
  • mockName (string): The name of the mock object.
  • customIcon (string): The custom icon for the item. PNG 64x64, Icon needs to be in the Icon folder ( doesn't server sync)
  • material (string): The material of the item. Images on nexus of the various changes you can make.
    Visit the Material and CustomVisual Section to understand this complex system.
  • customVisual (CustomVisual): The custom visual data of the item.
  • sizeMultiplier (float): The size multiplier of the item. You can go from .01 to 1000.5 if you want. Have fun!
  • scale_weight_by_quality (float): The scaling factor for weight based on quality.

Attacks, Primary and Secondary

  • Most weapons have two attacks, you can control each independantly now.

  • Primary_Attack and Secondary_Attack

    • Each one has 30+ things you can change, you can delete the whole section if you don't want to change anything.
  • AttackType (Attack.AttackType): The type of attack.

  • Attack_Animation (string): The animation for the attack.

  • Attack_Random_Animation (int): The random animation for the attack.

  • Chain_Attacks (int): The number of chain attacks.

  • Hit_Terrain (bool): Indicates whether the attack can hit terrain.

  • Custom_AttackSpeed (float): This mod keeps track of this adjustment 1.0 is normal speed. 2.0 is twice as fast. This will override Wackymmo speeds. Should be compatible with most other mods that increase speed.

  • m_attackStamina (float): The stamina cost of the attack.

  • m_eitrCost (float): The eitr cost of the attack.

  • AttackHealthCost (float): The health cost of the attack.

  • m_attackHealthPercentage (float): The health cost percentage of the attack.

  • SpeedFactor (float): The speed factor of the attack.

  • DmgMultiplier (float): The damage multiplier of the attack.

  • ForceMultiplier (float): The force multiplier of the attack.

  • StaggerMultiplier (float): The stagger multiplier of the attack.

  • RecoilMultiplier (float): The recoil multiplier of the attack.

  • AttackRange (float): The range of the attack.

  • AttackHeight (float): The height of the attack.

  • Spawn_On_Trigger (string): The spawn-on-trigger effect of the attack.

  • Requires_Reload (bool): Indicates whether the attack requires reloading.

  • Reload_Animation (string): The animation for reloading.

  • ReloadTime (float): The time it takes to reload.

  • Reload_Stamina_Drain (float): The stamina drain during reloading.

  • Bow_Draw (bool): Indicates whether the bow is drawn for the attack.

  • Bow_Duration_Min (float): The minimum duration of the bow.

  • Bow_Stamina_Drain (float): The stamina drain during bow usage.

  • Bow_Animation_State (string): The animation state for the bow.

  • Attack_Angle (float): The angle of the attack.

  • Attack_Ray_Width (float): The width of the attack ray.

  • Lower_Dmg_Per_Hit (bool): Indicates whether the attack lowers damage per hit.

  • Hit_Through_Walls (bool): Indicates whether the attack can hit through walls.

  • Multi_Hit (bool): Indicates whether the attack can hit multiple times.

  • Pickaxe_Special (bool): Indicates whether it is a special pickaxe attack.

  • Last_Chain_Dmg_Multiplier (float): The damage multiplier for the last chain attack.

  • Attack_Projectile (string): The Gameobject projectile has to have Projectile Componenent. Disabled for now.

  • Projectile_Vel (float): The velocity of the projectile.

  • Projectile_Accuraccy (float): The accuracy of the projectile.

  • Projectiles (int): The number of projectiles.

  • AEffects (AEffects): The additional effects of the attack.

Class: AEffects

  • Hit_Effects (string[]): The hit effects of the attack.
  • Hit_Terrain_Effects (string[]): The effects when hitting terrain.
  • Start_Effect (string[]): The starting effect of the attack.
  • Trigger_Effect (string[]): The triggered effect of the attack.
  • Trail_Effect (string[]): The effect trail of the attack.
  • Burst_Effect (string[]): The burst effect of the attack.


Damage (WDamages): The damage values of the item. Damage_Per_Level (WDamages): The damage values per level of the item.

  • Blunt (float): The blunt damage value.
  • Chop (float): The chop damage value.
  • Damage (float): The general damage value.
  • Fire (float): The fire damage value.
  • Frost (float): The frost damage value.
  • Lightning (float): The lightning damage value.
  • Pickaxe (float): The pickaxe damage value.
  • Pierce (float): The pierce damage value.
  • Poison (float): The poison damage value.
  • Slash (float): The slash damage value.
  • Spirit (float): The spirit damage value.

Secondary Attack

Is the same as Primary just for the secondary attack.

Normal Item Configs


  • armor (float): The armor value.
  • armorPerLevel (float): The armor value per level.

FoodStats (FoodData): The food-related statistics of the item.


  • m_foodHealth (float): The health provided by the food.
  • m_foodStamina (float): The stamina provided by the food.
  • m_foodRegen (float): The regeneration rate of the food.
  • m_foodBurnTime (float): The burn time of the food.
  • m_FoodEitr (float): The eitr provided by the food.

Moddifiers (StatMods): The stat modifiers of the item.


  • m_movementModifier (float): The movement modifier.
  • m_EitrRegen (float): The eitr regeneration modifier.

SE_Equip (SE_Equip): The special effect data for equipping the item.
If you want an Item to have an Effect by itself, put the effect name here
SE_SET_Equip (SE_SET_Equip): All of this should be the same accross all items that have this set
You can delete an SE_Equip or SE_SET_Equip from item using EffectName : delete


  • EffectName (string): The name of the effect for equipping.


  • SetName (string): The name of the set.
  • Size (int): The size of the set.
  • EffectName (string): The name of the effect for equipping the set.

ShieldStats (ShieldData): The shield statistics of the item.

  • Shield

  • m_blockPower (float): The block power of the shield.

  • m_blockPowerPerLevel (float): The block power per level of the shield.

  • m_timedBlockBonus (float): The timed block bonus of the shield.

  • m_deflectionForce (float): The deflection force of the shield.

  • m_deflectionForcePerLevel (float): The deflection force per level of the shield.

Properties Continued

  • m_maxStackSize (int): The maximum stack size of the item.
  • m_canBeReparied (bool): Indicates whether the item can be repaired.
  • m_destroyBroken (bool): Indicates whether the item gets destroyed when broken.
  • m_dodgeable (bool): Indicates whether the item can be dodged.
  • Attack_status_effect (string): The attack status effect of the item.
  • spawn_on_hit (string): The spawn-on-hit effect of the item.
  • spawn_on_terrain_hit (string): The spawn-on-terrain-hit effect of the item.
  • m_questItem (bool): Indicates whether the item is a quest item.
  • m_teleportable (bool): Indicates whether the item is teleportable.
  • m_backstabbonus (float): The backstab bonus of the item.
  • m_knockback (float): The knockback value of the item.
  • m_useDurability (bool): Indicates whether the item uses durability.
  • m_useDurabilityDrain (float): The durability drain when the item is used.
  • m_durabilityDrain (float): The durability drain of the item.
  • m_maxDurability (float): The maximum durability of the item.
  • m_durabilityPerLevel (float): The durability increase per level of the item.
  • m_equipDuration (float): The equip duration of the item.
  • m_skillType (Skills.SkillType): The skill type of the item.
  • m_animationState (ItemDrop.ItemData.AnimationState): The animation state of the item.
  • m_itemType (ItemDrop.ItemData.ItemType): The item type of the item.
  • m_toolTier (int): The tool tier of the item.
  • m_maxQuality (int): The maximum quality of the item.
  • m_value (int): The value of the item. The value of the item. if value is >0. Then the object becomes salable at Trader. The Object Description gets a yellow Valuable notice. Just like base game you don't know what object you are selling to Trader.
  • damageModifiers (List<string>): The list of damage modifiers for the item.


The first value is the damage type, the second value is the resistance level.
Blunt Slash Pierce Chop Pickaxe Physical Fire Frost Lightning Elemental Poison Spirit Water

Normal - no change
Resistant - increases status countdown speed by 100%
Weak - Decreases status countdown speed by 1/3
Immune - prevents status effect
Ignore - prevents status effect
VeryResistant - Prevent status effect application except when actively in, and increases status countdown speed by 100%
VeryWeak - Decreases status countdown speed by 2/3

GEffects (GEffects): The additional game effects of the item.


  • Hit_Effects (string[]): The hit effects.
  • Hit_Terrain_Effects (string[]): The effects when hitting terrain.
  • Start_Effect (string[]): The starting effect.
  • Hold_Start_Effects (string[]): The hold starting effects.
  • Trigger_Effect (string[]): The triggered effect.
  • Trail_Effect (string[]): The effect trail.