1.2.9: Updated json to pull version 1.18.4 of Plant Everything as 1.18.3 doesn't work with crosspaly; I also forgot to changed the json to pull the new version of jotunn
1.2.8: Rollback version of Plant Everything to 1.18.3 from it's serversynch not working with 1.19.0
1.2.7: Uodated json to pull new versions of AzuClock, AzuAreaRepair, and swapped AzuSigns to Comfysigns, as AzuSigns is marked as deprecated
1.2.6: Updated json to pull new versions of AzuCraftBoxes, RecyclePlus, Item Stand All Items, and Plant Everything
1.2.5: Updated json to pull new versions of AzuCraftBoxes, Jotuun, and Plant Everything
1.2.4: Once again, updated json to pull new version of AzuCraftyBoxes
1.2.3: Again, updated json to pull new version of AzuCraftyBoxes
1.2.2: Updated json to pull new versions of jotuun and AzuCraftyBoxes
1.2.1: Again, updated json to pull new version of AzuCraftyBoxes
1.2.0: Updated json to pull new version of AzuCraftyBoxes
1.1.9: Updated json to pull new versions of Jotuun, config manger, and VNEI
1.1.8: Updated json to pull new version of Jotuun
1.1.7: Re-added clutter again - I thought it was broken from it throwing errors when I did some minor testing for 1.1.4 but it wasn't
1.1.6: Updated json to pull new versions of jotunn and AzuCratyBoxes
1.1.5: Added No Rain Damage and Farm Grid back
1.1.4: Removed a few broken mods - I will add them again once they are fixed
1.1.3: Updated json to pull new versions of mods, swapped instant mob drop loot, and removed multi-craft and simplechat.
1.1.2: Updated json to pull new version of VNEI
1.1.1: Updated json to pull new versions of Multicraft and AzuCraftyBoxes
1.1.0: Re-added Clutter; it must've gotten removed in the "1.0.7" version
1.0.9: I forgot to change "InstantMonsterLootDrop" to a working version
1.0.8: Updated json to pull new versions of Jotuun and Multicraft
1.0.7: Updated mods and added a new mod: MultiCraft
1.0.6: Added a new mod: Simple Chat
1.0.5: Actually added Clutter to the json file
1.0.4: Updated json to pull new version of Plant Everything and added a few new mods (no dust and emotewheel)
1.0.3: Updated json to pull new version of AzuCraftyBoxes
1.0.2: Approved and add another mod (Clutter)
1.0.1: Updated json to pull new versions of mods
1.0.0: Modpack has been created.