Modpack for the Private Server of the same name. But please try if you like the selection!
- | 1.1.3 More damn fine tuning
- | 1.1.2 The Devil made me do it
- | 1.1.1 Because I missed a couple of point release updates OFC
- | 1.1.0 Removal of fire & ice pending Therzies full release of the new stuff :) Bog witch update
- | 1.0.0 Overhaul land update and inclusion of Balronds Amazing nature
- | 0.9.6 Weekly Point release updates
- | 0.9.5 Weekly Point release updates welcome return of Simple Meads
- | 0.9.4 Fix to previous
- | 0.9.3 Weekly Point release updates
- | 0.9.2 Adding the bit I forgot previously doh!
- | 0.9.1 Weekly Point release updates and introducing Cooking add ons
- | 0.9.0 Weekly Point release updates
- | 0.8.9 Config tweak due to added bugs
- | 0.8.8 Important bugfix
- | 0.8.7 Weekly update for Multiple point releases & Plan Build is back
- | 0.8.6 Multiple point releases on core Mods
- | 0.8.5 Multiple point releases
- | 0.8.4 Multiple point releases
- | 0.8.3 Post Ashland's Marketplace Update and point releases
- | 0.8.2 Post Ashland's Final Tweak I hope
- | 0.8.0 Post Ashland's Initial release some Mods sadly gone, some work some have small issues but largely are stable and fine.
- | 0.7.5 Weekly update for Multiple point releases (Jotunn & Randomiser)
- | 0.7.4 Weekly update for Multiple point releases
- | 0.7.3 Weekly update for Multiple point releases
- | 0.7.2 Weekly update for Multiple point releases
- | 0.7.1 Weekly update for Multiple point releases
- | 0.7.0 Bufixes to Balronds Seasonality point release.
- | 0.6.9 Multiple point release updates
- | 0.6.8 Seasonality point release update, plus Monthly reset of Biome resources.
- | 0.6.7 Multiple point release updates, including a possible fix for the Log in Out bug
- | 0.6.6 Bugfix released for Shipyard, plus the odd point release as why not if ya gotta ya gotta!
- | 0.6.5 Multiple point release updates
- | 0.6.4 Yet more point releases, and Adding Odins Undercroft for advanced building use.
- | 0.6.3 As seems to be my lot a Mod gets a point release while I am working on the Modpack...
- | 0.6.2 Added marketplace swapped out Simple chat as marketplace does it better and Multiple point release updates on several other mods, added Glass build pieces.
- | 0.6.0 Multiple point release on Main content. Added simple chat Mod, and ofc redone all the bloody configs to allow for the improved features!
- | 0.5.2 Uninstall and clean up of previous version recommended. FPS/Loop fix attempt swapping out a couple of Mods not performing as well as desired.
- | 0.5.1 Multiple point release updates
- | 0.5.0 Multiple point release updates
- | 0.4.9 Minor Updates, point releases but when there's over 5 of them time to Test & refresh
- | 0.4.8 Minor Updates
- | 0.4.7 Therzie stuff Hotfixes and Thunderstore having a Cow delaying everything.
- | 0.4.6 Therzie stuff rework including new content! Second attemot as Seasonal weather variations this time by Biome!
- | 0.4.5 Updated Seasonality config tweaks as phase one of loot rebalance.
- | 0.4.4 Updated Seasonality. Very promising Mod. Checked Pack against recent Version update. Of course they all worked!
- | 0.4.3 Updated to the Simple Mead revamp. These are looking particularly good these days
- | 0.4.2 Updated Jotunn as its Kinda core to most of this!
- | 0.4.1 And Now with the Mod I was upgrading from actually deleted rather than having a nice conflict!
- | 0.4.0 Revised Chat mod plus final immersion Mods added to the pot. Are we their yet?.
- | 0.3.0 Because of Hotfixes that were kinda important LOL and another QOL so we cold actually USE all the content provided!
- | 0.2.11 Update to Armoury, Jewelcrafting, Goodestboy & Birds. Tested and apparently fine :D Shipyard taking on Trust as damn duuude LOL
- | 0.2.10 Update to Armoury, Jewelcrafting, Goodestboy & Birds. Tested and apparently fine :D
- | 0.2.9 Because I offended the gods and Bepin and a couple more micro updates within hours of the previous
- | 0.2.8 Updated dependencies to current stable ones for ease of use.
- | 0.2.7 Config Tweaks to allow players of different levels to access content appropriate to their level.
- | 0.2.6 Adding one major and another Qol Mod to the brew
- | 0.1.5 Config tweaks to bring rare drops into line with current Mod Authors suggested values.
- | 0.1.4 Exempting QOL Mods from Enforced configs.
- | 0.1.3 Hildirs for everyone on a case by case basis.
- | 0.1.2 This time remembering the configs!
- | 0.1.1 Because the universe hates me and one of them updated withing 30 mins of launch.
- | 0.1.0 Initial release.