sighsorry-ServerSideMods icon


server side mods

Last updated 2 weeks ago
Total downloads 55
Total rating 0 
Categories Modpacks
Dependency string sighsorry-ServerSideMods-1.0.1
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

JereKuusela-Cron_Job-1.9.0 icon

Allows executing commands automatically on the server.

Preferred version: 1.9.0
JereKuusela-Server_devcommands-1.82.0 icon

Enables devcommands and utilities for server admins.

Preferred version: 1.82.0
JereKuusela-World_Edit_Commands-1.62.0 icon

Adds new client side commands for advanced world editing.

Preferred version: 1.62.0
CookieMilk-DiscordControl-1.0.2 icon

Discord variant of ServerControl. Join the Discord to learn on how to set it up.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
nwesterhausen-DiscordConnector-2.3.1 icon

Connects your Valheim server to a Discord webhook. Works for both dedicated and client-hosted servers.

Preferred version: 2.3.1
JereKuusela-Expand_World_Prefabs-1.17.0 icon

Allows configuring build or spawned objects.

Preferred version: 1.17.0
Azumatt-MaxPlayerCount-1.2.3 icon

Change the max player count available for your server. Default value is the double that of vanilla's max of 10. Not needed if you have another mod that does it.

Preferred version: 1.2.3
Smoothbrain-SmoothSave-1.0.5 icon

Removes the freeze that happens if the world is being saved.

Preferred version: 1.0.5


Server side mods that needs to be only on server except Server DevCommands and World Edit commands(admin clients can install these 2 mods)