mqt-ModernUI icon


A more modern UI, nothing too complex

By mqt


2.1.0 - 0.8.1 compatibility, adjusted some postions, added signal name on UI, gave the compass an icon

2.0.0 - Fixed the the mod configs not loading when loading a save without the "reload" option enabled (sorry for all the updates)

1.9.0 - Made the division bars between icons hide themself when condions met

1.8.0 - 0.8.0 compatibility

1.7.0 - fixed other bugs and performance improvements

1.6.0 - should have fixed some bugs

1.5.0 - You can edit the UI elements without reloading the save, just enable "reload" when you need it and then disable it when you dont

1.4.0 - Fixed the UI not working on some maps

1.3.0 - Changed the UI elements positions