sometimesifeeellikeamotherlesschild-PhotographyPlus icon


(EN/RU) Adds an optional daily task involving photography.



  • Updated the mod for VotV 0.8.2b
  • Added a custom sound for successful photographs
  • Added markers next to each photo in the computer to denote if the photo is sendable, and if so, the type of photo it is.
  • Made 2 entities photographable (the nisse from the christmas seasonal event and the lambert altars)
  • Added some entries to the in-game help menu, though it's mostly redundant and just in case you somehow delete all the info emails or something
  • Revamped an event
  • Added 1 achievement
  • Made a temporary fix for PhotographyPlus's modded commands until VoidMod gets updated, so they should work again now.
  • Fixed a bug where a certain photo would not be counted as an entity photo
  • TRIVIAL BUG: In the main menu, modded savefiles which have backup saves will print some error messages. This is a purely cosmetic effect and doesn't actually mean anything bad.
  • Added horse


  • Fixed a bug involving the new achievement


  • Expanded the entity photography feature to include more entities (pretty much every proper entity, except Forbiddens, is photographable now, plus a few special cases such as the depths of the cave system). Also added a few objects to the mundane entity list (the safe, the green hatch, the deer)
  • Added some more flavor text to the entity photography clipboards.
  • Added 1 new very small event.
  • Added 1 achievement.
  • Revamped a specific event, it's a bit cooler now.
  • Slightly improved backup modded saves (you no longer have to wait for the save text to disappear to make another backup save)
  • Fixed a bug somewhere. I didn't write the patch notes straight away so I forgot what it was. But I fixed it.


  • Fixed a text error I missed in 0.3.5. Whoops.


  • Updated the mod for VotV 0.8.2
    • Modded terminal commands are currently broken. This is because the console got internally renamed from umg_console to ui_console between versions, which messes with VoidMod's implementation of modded terminal commands. Basically, it's out of my hands until VoidMod gets updated. I might not even need to make a patch for it.
    • Additional instabilities may arise as a critical blueprint in VotV got renamed from lib to lib1, which VoidMod has not yet been updated to see. I have tested everything and it seems to work but there could always be something I missed.
  • Adapted VoidMod's modded saving functionalities to work with the new "Backup saves". Essentially if you make a backup save the modded save data will also carry over to that save. Just don't spam the backup save button, otherwise it won't work.


  • Added a russian translation for the mod - special thanks to @death_nick for doing the translation itself and NynrahGhost for helping with some technical stuff.
    • The translation is complete, but there may be issues translating the email text in particular, as it will inexplicably stay in english sometimes. I have no idea why that's the case but it seems to be a vanilla issue too so ¯\(ツ)
      • Importantly, any emails you received before updating the mod will NOT be translatable, because the text used for the emails internally changed between versions in order to fix a particularly nasty separate bug involving emails.
    • Doing the translation involved internally reformatting a lot of the mod to allow for the localization in the first place, which MAY have introduced bugs, though I tested it a bit and everything seems to be fine. If you find bugs be sure to report them through the form.
    • The translation is done through a special .pak file that tells the game to recognize certain mod folders as Localization folders. This .pak should be able to be automatically installed alongside the update, but if that's not the case, I will release a patch with some manual installation instructions instead.


  • Fixed a small bug introduced with console commands that I noticed literally 5 seconds after uploading 0.3.2. Derp.


  • Added a set of terminal commands:
    • pplus.stats prints information regarding the player's progression of the mod in the current savefile
    • pplus.givemethatclipboardpleaseandthankyou (or pplus.clipboard) spawns the task tutorial clipboard you get after completing your first task at your location, in case you lose it or something.
    • pplus.tasks shows the internal name of every possible daily task structure as reference for other commands
    • pplus.disable <Structure> removes a given structure from the daily photography task pool, making it so that you can't get a photography task for that structure in the future.
    • pplus.enable <Structure> re-adds a given structure in the task pool.
    • pplus.set <Structure> sets the CURRENT daily task structure to the inputted one.
    • just prints out all the terminal commands and a description of them.
  • Changed the mod page to include The Feedback Form(tm)


  • Recompiled the mod so it doesn't violently crash on startup with VoidMod 2.1.0
    • While I don't see why the rest of the mod shouldn't work just fine, I do not have the time to re-test everything thoroughly right now, so play with caution etc. etc.
  • Added a description to each config in the mod settings


  • Added a new set of photography tasks that involve photographing the landscape rather than structures, directing you to some specific coordinates and having you face a certain direction for a satisfactory photo.

  • Added the ability to photograph entities, with a different delivery method than normal photography tasks which is not available to begin with. To "unlock" it, turn in an entity photograph via drone and wait for your next photography task (you must be relatively close to the base at midnight)

    • While the entity photography functionality itself is pretty much complete, only the most common entities can be photographed in this update, as the process to make an entity photographable is fairly laborious. Most story mode event entities, some "summonable" entities (like Wolfgang) and a few random event entities (mostly the wisps) are currently photographable. Note that anomalous objects such as the obelisk or the ariral gun are also valid photographable entities.
    • You can also photograph "weird" but not visibly supernatural things such as walking mannequins or the paper/cardboard greys and turn the photos in via drone for a small amount of points added to your weekly bonus. Extremely few entities are in this category as of right now, and it is mostly a proof of concept.
  • Tentatively fixed a bug that would rarely cause the mod to be loaded multiple times when holding a specific combination of keys

    • To clarify, this bug is hard to understand and I'm not sure if it's caused by VoidMod itself or this mod. It loads every currently installed mod again from what I can see, so this fix doesn't address whatever side effects the other mods being loaded more than once could cause.


  • Photography task guide now delivered by drone


  • Updated the mod for VoTV 0.8.1
  • Added more possible locations for photography tasks (Transformers, wind turbines, the radio tower, and the transformer box)
    • Changed the first task location from Satellite Bravo to the Radio Tower
  • Added a guide for photography tasks that goes more in depth about how to photograph each location correctly; right now this just simply spawns on top of the PC after turning in a photography task, in 0.2.1 it will arrive via drone instead
  • The Printer Camera is now a reward for completing 6 photography tasks
  • Changed the note on top of the broken fax at TR_1 to be one of the fancy uneditable notes because I think it's cooler
  • Fixed a bug where the photography task reward would arrive on Mondays and not on Sundays
  • Fixed a bug where the Drone Console would spawn in at the entrance of the caves (bug originally only occurring in 0.8.1)
  • Fixed a bug where there would be a significant chance of the game crashing when exiting to the main menu or alt-f4ing (bug originally only occurring in 0.8.1)
  • Fixed a bug from Vanilla votv 0.8.1(??) where the photos wouldn't load in in the computer until you take a photo
  • added nothing else
    • :)
      • added 2 related achievements


  • Made it possible to deliver photos by putting them inside an item box (not exactly rigorously tested but it seems to work pretty good)
  • Fixed a bug where trying to deliver a photo with no item box or drive box nearby would delete the photo (again, how did I miss this)


  • Made it possible to take multiple valid photographs of a single task in a day instead of having to print the first valid one you take
  • Fixed a bug where you could send the same valid photo multiple times in a day (how did I miss this one)


  • Changed the fax fixing recipe to be 1 electronic scrap and 1 metal scrap
  • Added a note hinting at how to fix the fax instead of having it be outright pointed out in an email


  • Removed the "AlternativeModdedSaving" config altogether since there's no point to ever turning it off

  • Improved task complexity (now have to print the photo with a fax and deliver it together with a drive/item box)

  • Added a digital camera and a fax to the map

    • The fax is broken and has to be crafted together with 2 electronic scrap and 2 metal scrap to be fixed
  • Temporarily retconning Dr. Lensmann's name to actually be Dr. Noa until I can actually change his name in the emails lol


  • Set the "AlternativeModdedSaving" config to be on by default


  • Fixed the README (lol)


  • The worst mod ever is released