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VoidCrewModdingTeam-VoidManager-1.1.7 icon


Manages mods for multiplayer, gives users Mod controls via GUI (when provided by the mod, default keybind F5), provides API for developers, and minor Chat improvements.

Date uploaded 2 months ago
Version 1.1.7
Download link
Downloads 1398
Dependency string VoidCrewModdingTeam-VoidManager-1.1.7

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


Void Manager

BepInEx Plugin Manager for Void Crew

Developed by Mest, Dragon, and 18107, based on Pulsar Mod Loader

Notes on Multiplayer mod checks: By default, any given mod must be installed by the host for clients to join. The host can configure this setting with VoidManager vie the F5 menu (ModManager > Mod Settings > VoidManager > Trust MPType.Unspecified mods). Additionally, Mods configured for VoidManager can change this setting.

💡 Function - Several features to assist in mod handling and management.

  • Handling for mods requiring installation by all users
  • Restrictions for unspecified mods
  • Manual configuration of unspecified mods
  • Listing of other players' mod lists
  • '[Modded]' added to modded session names, with '[Mods Required]' added to applicable sessions. VoidManager clients view as yellow and red '[M]' respectably.
  • Room mods list in Matchmaking terminal
  • Mod settings UI
  • Hides Chainloader object for developers
  • Unlocks mouse while using text chat
  • Chat input history
  • Command Auto-complete via tab


  • Mod MPType Specification
  • local and public chat commands
  • Networked Mod to mod messages
  • Detection of mods installed on other clients
  • Networking events
  • Recipe and unlock modifications
  • Mod settings UI
  • Notification API
  • Harmony Transpiler Patching API
  • Various Utilities

🎮 Client Usage

  • F5 ingame will bring up a menu which lists all installed Void Manager plugins and their mod settings.
  • / is the prefix for client commands. /help lists all commands available.
  • ! is the prefix for public commands. !help lists all public commands available.

👥 Multiplayer Functionality

Complex - VoidManager handles mods connectiveity to prevent mods not configured for VoidManager from joining vanilla games. If all mods are configured for VoidManager as Client mods, clients will be allowed to join vanilla games. This behaviour is to prevent mods which break vanilla clients from doing so.

🔧 Install Instructions - Install following the normal BepInEx procedure.

Ensure that you have BepInEx 5 installed, stable version 5 MONO build to be precise.

✔️ Mod installation - Unzip the contents into the BepInEx plugin directory

Drag and drop VoidManager.dll into Void Crew\BepInEx\plugins

🤔 Development Guide - Documentation to create Void Manager mods is on the wiki

Future Plans:

  • mod whitelist/blacklisting



  • Major codebase refactoring
  • Changes to room joining/handling for phase 1 modding compliance
  • Adjusted modded lobby tags.
  • Standardized Void Manager name visible to users
  • Join modded games setting defaults to true
  • Mod GUIDs now displayed in F5 menu while DebugMode setting is enabled
  • Removed fix of early kick bug due to vanilla fix implementation
  • Renamed ModManager GUI to 'Void Manager F5 Menu'
  • API Extensions


  • Mod settings now sort alphabetically
  • Mod settings now display mod name
  • Potentially mod breaking obsolete method removal
  • Added Reset button to color picker Developer API
  • API Additions


  • Developer API Additions


  • Fixed networking issue caused by removed game fields


  • Added room modlist display to matchmaking terminal
  • Fixed issues with Matchmaking terminal
  • Additions to GUITools API
  • Fixed issues with commands runtimes
  • Changes/fixes to Notifications API


  • GUI API additions
  • Now hiding chainloader ManagerObject (gets deleted automatically, useful for some BepInEx mods)
  • Added !ListMods public command for vanilla clients to check host mod list.
  • Now unlocks mouse while using text chat.
  • Added sent chat input history (Yay, one tick off the future plans.)
  • Added tab auto-complete and auto-complete API for developers.


  • Fixed bug with Crafting API


  • Fixed bug with unspecified mods not detected as installed by host
  • Changed default value for trust unspecified mods to true
  • Fixed bug where only MPType.all mods were displayed when Unspecified mods should have also been displayed in join fail message
  • Fixed kick message from host not displaying
  • GUI highight color improved
  • GUI now highlights selected mod in mod list and various other locations.
  • Documentation XML now included with dll for developers
  • Crafting API updated for Endless, various changes
  • various minor changes.


  • Fixed Modded Room tag not applying on room first open
  • Adjusted Terminal join fail popup showing old message
  • Incompatable mods/missing mods checks now show mods in text chat (Might get extensive in some cases.)


  • Fixed for Game version 0.26.0 (Update 4)
  • '[Modded]' now added to modded session names, with '[Mods Required]' added to applicable sessions
  • changes to Recipe and Crafting APIs
  • Added 'Host' MPType. Same as client, just has a different name
  • Mods now sorted alphabetically in F5 menu (Linux wasn't previously sorted by name)
  • Added voidmanager config shortcut to Voidmanager about page


  • F5 menu now displays mod lists for other players
  • Added API for modifying crafting recipes
  • Added API for modifying unlock requirements


  • F5 menu now displays Non-VoidManager mods
  • F5 menu now displays overall MPType level
  • F5 menu changes mod name color in mod list based on MPType
  • F5 menu now provides details on MPTypes
  • Mods can now have their MPType manually configured via VoidManager's config file.


  • Added more detail to client self-disconnection message


  • Developer API Changes


  • Fixed clients not recieving popup when failing to join room due to client mod checks
  • Fixed a developer API not being accessible


  • Fixed bug related to GUI loading


  • Updated GUI URLs


  • Initial release