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VoidCrewModdingTeam-VoidManager-1.2.2 icon


Manages mods for multiplayer, gives users Mod controls via GUI (when provided by the mod, default keybind F5), provides API for developers, and minor Chat improvements.

Date uploaded 5 hours ago
Version 1.2.2
Download link
Downloads 60
Dependency string VoidCrewModdingTeam-VoidManager-1.2.2

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


Void Manager

BepInEx Plugin Manager for Void Crew

Version 1.2.2
For Game Version 0.27.0
Developed by Mest, Dragon, and 18107
Based on Pulsar Mod Loader

💡 Functions - Various features to assist in mod management.

  • Handling for mods requiring installation by all users
  • Manual configuration of mods not configured for Void Manager
  • Viewing of other players' mod lists
  • Viewing of room mod lists from MatchMaking Join Panels
  • Player list from MatchMaking Join Panels.
  • '[Mods Required]' added to applicable sessions names. VoidManager clients view as green, yellow, and red '[M]' based on session modding compatability.
  • Mod settings GUI 'Void Manager F5 Menu'
  • Hides Chainloader object for developers
  • Unlocks mouse while using text chat
  • Chat input history
  • Command Auto-complete via tab key-press
  • Disables Quick Join
  • Escalation to Mod_Session option for a Void Manager host
  • Configurable PUN Logging


  • Mod MPType Specification
  • OnSessionChanged callback with gamestate parameter inputs for enabling/disabling Mod_session features
  • Progression disable call
  • local and public chat commands
  • Networked Mod to mod messages
  • Detection of mods installed on other clients
  • Networking events
  • Recipe and unlock modifications
  • Mod settings GUI
  • Player Settings GUI
  • User Notifications
  • Harmony Transpiler Patching Tools
  • Various Utilities

🎮 Client Usage

  • F5 ingame will bring up a menu which lists all installed Void Manager plugins and their mod settings.
  • / is the prefix for client commands. /help lists all commands available.
  • ! is the prefix for public commands. !help lists all public commands available.

👥 Multiplayer Functionality

Complex - Void Manager allows/disallows connection to rooms based on mod MPType configuration.


  • All - Requires all clients to install the mod.
  • Session - Requires the session to be marked as Mod_Session
  • Host - - General MPType for a host-side mod, allowed to join vanilla sessions. Mods utilizing this MPType should disable Mod_Session features when applicable.
  • Client - - Client Side, allowed to join vanilla sessions. Mods utilizing this MPType should disable Mod_Session features when applicable.
  • Unmanaged - A mod loaded alongside but not configured for Void Manager. May be manually configured as above MPTypes.

🔧 Install Instructions - Install following the normal BepInEx procedure.

Ensure that you have BepInEx 5 (stable version 5 MONO) and VoidManager installed.

✔️ Mod installation - Unzip the contents into the BepInEx plugin directory

Drag and drop VoidManager.dll into Void Crew\BepInEx\plugins

🤔 Development Guide - Documentation to create Void Manager mods is on the wiki

Future Plans:

  • API for permission requests from the session host, so that a mod may enable special features in a Mod_Session
  • Mod whitelist/blacklisting



  • Patched bug with MPType all mod lists not getting sent to host correctly.


  • Patched exploit related to Progression Disabling.
  • Auto-Registering Session Mods if NoUnrepairableDamage is detected.
  • Created NuGet package for mod developers.


  • Changes to Room Joining for Phase 2 Modding Compliance.
  • Mod_Session escalation option.
  • Player list in lobby.
  • Improved mod data propogation.
  • Developer API for disabling progression.
  • Developer API for Player List Settings GUI.
  • Developer API for OnSessionChanged.
  • Developer API extension.
  • Extra logging configs.


  • Major codebase refactoring
  • Changes to room joining/handling for phase 1 modding compliance
  • Adjusted modded lobby tags.
  • Standardized Void Manager name visible to users
  • Join modded games setting defaults to true
  • Mod GUIDs now displayed in F5 menu while DebugMode setting is enabled
  • Removed fix of early kick bug due to vanilla fix implementation
  • Renamed ModManager GUI to 'Void Manager F5 Menu'
  • API Extensions


  • Mod settings now sort alphabetically
  • Mod settings now display mod name
  • Potentially mod breaking obsolete method removal
  • Added Reset button to color picker Developer API
  • API Additions


  • Developer API Additions


  • Fixed networking issue caused by removed game fields


  • Added room modlist display to matchmaking terminal
  • Fixed issues with Matchmaking terminal
  • Additions to GUITools API
  • Fixed issues with commands runtimes
  • Changes/fixes to Notifications API


  • GUI API additions
  • Now hiding chainloader ManagerObject (gets deleted automatically, useful for some BepInEx mods)
  • Added !ListMods public command for vanilla clients to check host mod list.
  • Now unlocks mouse while using text chat.
  • Added sent chat input history (Yay, one tick off the future plans.)
  • Added tab auto-complete and auto-complete API for developers.


  • Fixed bug with Crafting API


  • Fixed bug with unspecified mods not detected as installed by host
  • Changed default value for trust unspecified mods to true
  • Fixed bug where only MPType.all mods were displayed when Unspecified mods should have also been displayed in join fail message
  • Fixed kick message from host not displaying
  • GUI highight color improved
  • GUI now highlights selected mod in mod list and various other locations.
  • Documentation XML now included with dll for developers
  • Crafting API updated for Endless, various changes
  • various minor changes.


  • Fixed Modded Room tag not applying on room first open
  • Adjusted Terminal join fail popup showing old message
  • Incompatable mods/missing mods checks now show mods in text chat (Might get extensive in some cases.)


  • Fixed for Game version 0.26.0 (Update 4)
  • '[Modded]' now added to modded session names, with '[Mods Required]' added to applicable sessions
  • changes to Recipe and Crafting APIs
  • Added 'Host' MPType. Same as client, just has a different name
  • Mods now sorted alphabetically in F5 menu (Linux wasn't previously sorted by name)
  • Added voidmanager config shortcut to Voidmanager about page


  • F5 menu now displays mod lists for other players
  • Added API for modifying crafting recipes
  • Added API for modifying unlock requirements


  • F5 menu now displays Non-VoidManager mods
  • F5 menu now displays overall MPType level
  • F5 menu changes mod name color in mod list based on MPType
  • F5 menu now provides details on MPTypes
  • Mods can now have their MPType manually configured via VoidManager's config file.


  • Added more detail to client self-disconnection message


  • Developer API Changes


  • Fixed clients not recieving popup when failing to join room due to client mod checks
  • Fixed a developer API not being accessible


  • Fixed bug related to GUI loading


  • Updated GUI URLs


  • Initial release