Teemaw-Calico icon


Calico; anti-lag improvements & client optimizations.



  • Fixed changing accessories with PlayerOptimizationsEnabled.


  • Fixed camera jitter when player is rotated on the X axis (pitch) with SmoothCameraEnabled.
  • Improved compatibility with some system environments.


  • Fixed camera jitter when player scale changes with SmoothCameraEnabled.


  • Fixed the direction of player rotation on the Z axis (roll) with SmoothCameraEnabled.
    • This fixes the rotation of the player when using Ragdoll for example.
  • Improved linearity of the camera with SmoothCameraEnabled.
    • This should help with player movement feeling strange/off. If it still feels strange, v-sync may also help.


  • Added dynamic zones
    • Zones are dynamically detached and attached to the scene tree as you move between them.
    • This is currently disabled by default in the config
  • Improved compatibility with other mods that hook into _controlled_process
    • This fixes compatibility with YAAM
  • Fixed a crash when PlayerOptimizationsEnabled is disabled and SmoothCameraEnabled is enabled.
  • Fixed the direction of player rotation on the X axis (pitch) with SmoothCameraEnabled.
    • This fixes the rotation of the player when using Flyfishing for example.
  • Minor changes to PlayerOptimizationsEnabled


  • Fixed some rocks/objects not having collision with MeshGpuInstancingEnabled.
  • Fixed water not respecting the game's quality setting with MeshGpuInstancingEnabled.
  • Fixed player tail attachment jitter with ReducePhysicsUpdatesEnabled enabled.
    • As of this version, tail attachment is now patched by SmoothCameraEnabled. You will need SmoothCameraEnabled to enable the fix.
  • Fixed player rotation speed with ReducePhysicsUpdatesEnabled.
  • Fixed dialog cooldown speed with ReducePhysicsUpdatesEnabled.
  • Fixed player size scaling with SmoothCameraEnabled.
  • Fixed compatibility with SmoothCam with SmoothCameraEnabled set to false.
    • SmoothCameraEnabled remains incompatible with SmoothCam.
  • Removed a debug log. Sorry for polluting your GDWeave logs!


  • Added smooth camera mode -- highly recommended if reducing physics updates
  • Added water meshes to GPU instancing
  • Fixed compatibility with BetterCosmeticDefaulter
  • Fixed face animation duration with reduced physics updates


  • Initial release