bop-MoreSharks icon


A fish mod that adds more shark variety to your webfishing experience.


3.5.0: added 10 new sharks and 1 of them is a new cryptid 9 saltwater 1 freshwater

3.0.3: fixed manifest.json so the mod loads properly

3.0.2: resized all the sharks to be 256x256 to fit

3.0.1: should be working for 1.12 of webfishing

3.0.0: Added new shark entries to journal 8 NEW SHARKS Added 1 new cryptid shark

  • 3 saltwater sharks
  • 5 rain sharks

2.5.0: 6 NEW SHARKS Added 4 more cryptid sharks

  • 4 saltwater sharks
  • 1 freshwater shark
  • 1 rain shark adjusted sizes changed read me golden lure no longer works on cryptids and some other changes 2.0.3: read me should be working good now

2.0.2: tried again to fix read me

2.0.1: tried to fix read me


  • 5 saltwater cryptid sharks
  • 1 freshwater cryptid shark

1.0.3: adjusted the rarities of sharks so now they are less common and are rare like hammerheads and great whites

1.0.2: fixed mod and now loads properly and shows on tacklebox

1.0.1: tried to fix mod not loading properly

1.0.0: Released mod and added 5 saltwater sharks 1 rain shark