Freshwater Fish

Updated 3 weeks ago

Every Freshwater Fish | Tier + Description + Best Hooks

Amazon River Dolphin | Tier 2 , "What a creepy smile!" , Large Lure

Arapaima | Tier 3 , "A fighter!"

Archer Fish | Tier 1 , "Sharp shooter!" , Fly Hook

Arctic Char | Tier 2 , "Cold to the touch!" , Shining Lure

Arctic Grayling | Tier 1 , "not very gray..." , Fly Hook

Betta | Tier 1 , "Pretty!" , Fly Hook

Bicuda | Tier 2 , "This is not my barracuda!" , Shining Lure

Burbot | Tier 1 , "Burrrr... it's cold..." , Fly Hook

Butterfish | Tier 1 , "i can't believe it's not fish!" , Fly Hook

Candiru | Tier 2 , "Oh... oh no..." , Fly Hook

Cichlid | Tier 1 , "The perfect aquarium fish!" , Fly Hook

Clown Knife | Tier 1 , "2016 all over again..." , Large Lure

Dario Dario | Tier 1 , "The famous singer?" , Fly Hook

Doctor Fish | Tier 1 , "i want a second opinion." , Fly Hook

Electric Eel | Tier 2 , "What a shocking discovery!" , Shining Lure

Giant Freshwater Stingray | Tier 3 , "The freshwater pancake!" , Large Lure

Goliath Tigerfish | Tier 2 , "Bitey!" , Large Hook

Green Terror | Tier 2 , "Run!" , Shining Lure

Lamprey | Tier 1 , "Leech's old brother." , Fly Hook

Manatee | Tier 3 , "Slow poke!" , Large Lure

Mudskipper | Tier 1 , "Skipping along!" , Fly Hook

Olm | Tier 2 , "Handle with care." , Fly Hook

Pacu | Tier 2 , "Freak." , Large Lure

Paddlefish | Tier 2 , "Start rowing!" , Shining Lure

Payara | Tier 2 , "Vampire fish!" , Shining Lure

Peacock Bass | Tier 2 , "Prettier!" , Shining Lure

Pink Salmon | Tier 1 , "not very pink..." , Fly Hook

Piraiba | Tier 3 , "Another big catfish!" , Large Hook

Piranha | Tier 1 , "Big teeth!" , Fly Hook

Roach | Tier 1 , "this is NOT a roach." , Fly Hook

Salamander | Tier 2 , "Ask for a water cup... fill it with soda!" , Fly Hook

Shad | Tier 1 , "Tiny guy!" , Fly Hook

Silver Arowana | Tier 1 , "To keep the vampires away!" , Fly Hook

Snook | Tier 2 , "Hooked a snook!" , Shining Lure

Tiger Trout | Tier 1 , "A hybrid!" , Large Lure

Tilapia | Tier 1 , "Good eating tonight!" , Fly Hook

Wels Catfish | Tier 3 , "A true river monster!" , Large Hook , Effected by Golden Hook

Whitefish | Tier 1 , "The most basic fish." , Fly Hook

Whitespotted Char | Tier 1 , "muddy stars..." , Fly Hook

Zander | Tier 2 , "Zander? I barely know 'er!" , Shining Lure