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IngoH-WECCL-1.3.10 icon


Loads custom content for Wrestling Empire

Date uploaded a year ago
Version 1.3.10
Download link
Downloads 610
Dependency string IngoH-WECCL-1.3.10

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



Wrestling Empire Custom Content Loader

Loads custom content for Wrestling Empire.

Current Features

It is currently possible to add:

  • Custom music (themes)
  • Custom costume textures
  • Custom costume meshes
  • Custom promos

It is currently possible to override:

  • All music (themes)
  • All costume textures
  • All sound effects
  • All world textures

Additional features:

  • Automatic remapping of custom content
  • Importing and exporting characters

Experimental features:

  • Custom arenas

Getting Started

Installation (Automatic)

This is the recommended way to install the mods.

  • Download and install Thunderstore Mod Manager or r2modman
  • Click the Install with Mod Manager button on top of the page (or install it through the mod manager directly)
  • Run the game via the mod manager

Installation (Manual)

To install this mod manually, you first need to install BepInEx 5.4.21 as a mod loader for Wrestling Empire. A guide for this can be found here. It is recommended to use download BepInEx from here to ensure you get the correct version.

To install WECCL, you simply need to copy WECCL.dll from releases to ./BepInEx/plugins.

Important Notes

When using a mod manager, ./BepInEx can be found with Browse profile folder in the mod manager's settings. When using BepInEx manually, ./BepInEx can be found in the game's root folder. Assets, Overrides, etc. can be anywhere in the plugins folder, e.g. ./BepInEx/plugins/MyMod/Assets. If you're stuck, you can always ask for help in the modding Discord.

Adding Content

You can add content by inserting images and audio files into ./BepInEx/plugins/Assets. Any audio file here will be considered a theme. Image files must either be in a subfolder or prefixed by the costume texture name.
Example: body_material_abc.png or body_material/abc.png (_ before 01 is not required; abc can be anything)

Supported Texture Names


Metadata files can be used to add additional information to assets, e.g. skin tone. Metadata files must be named the same as the asset, but with the .meta extension. Example: abc.png and abc.meta. Meta files must be a newline-separated list of key-value pairs in the format key: value (space is optional). The following keys are supported:

Key Description
skin_tone The skin tone of the character. Must be formatted as r,g,b (e.g. 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) or an HTML string (e.g. #FF0000 or red). 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 is the default skin tone (white). 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 and 0.5, 0.45, 0.3 are the two other skin tones used in the vanilla game.


As with textures, meshes can be added by placing them in ./BepInEx/plugins/Assets. Meshes must be in a subfolder by the mesh name. Example: body_mesh/abc. The extension must be .mesh or no extension at all. Meshes should be inside an asset bundle with it being the only mesh in the bundle. The first submesh will be the one affected by the game's mesh color setting. Others can be manually set in the metadata file.

Supported Mesh Names


Metadata files can be used to add additional information to meshes, e.g. mesh color. Metadata files must be named the same as the mesh, but with the .meta extension. Example: abc and abc.meta. Meta files must be a newline-separated list of key-value pairs in the format key: value (space is optional). The following keys are supported:

Key Description
scale The scale of the mesh. Must be formatted as x,y,z (e.g. 1.0, 1.0, 1.0). 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 is the default scale.
position The position of the mesh. Must be formatted as x,y,z (e.g. 0.0, 0.0, 0.0). 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 is the default position.
rotation The rotation of the mesh. Must be formatted as x,y,z (e.g. 0.0, 0.0, 0.0). 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 is the default rotation.
submeshXcolor The color of submesh X. Must be formatted as r,g,b (e.g. 1,0, 0.0, 0.0) or an HTML string (e.g. #FF0000 or red). Overriding submesh 0 is not supported, as it is affected by the game's mesh color setting.

Custom Arenas

Custom arenas are very experimental and may not work as intended. Use at your own risk.
Custom arenas work the same as meshes, but require a GameObject as the root object and should be placed in a subfolder named arena.
Example: arena/abc. The extension must be .mesh or no extension at all (Please note that it is still not actually a mesh, but a GameObject. This will be changed in the future).
There is functionality in place to automatically assign collision to the arena, but this doesn't work for diagonal walls, i.e. walls that are not aligned with the X or Z axis. It may also not work as expected with some wall shapes.

Custom Promos

You can add custom promos by placing a .promo file inside ./BepInEx/plugins/Assets. The file must contain metadata in the format key: value (space is optional), and newline-separated dialog lines in the format "line1","line2",speaker,target(,taunt,demeanor,commands). Example:

title: Test Promo
description: Promo between [P1] and [P2]
characters: 1,2
"Well, well, well, if it isn't $name2.","What brings you here, brother?",1,2
"I came to put an end to your reign of terror, $name1.","And I heard you're touting some newfangled gadget. What is it?",2,1,Point At Ground,-50
"Oh, it's no gadget, brother.","It's the future of wrestling: custom promos.",1,2,Shake Finger,50
"Custom promos? Sounds like a cheap ploy to me.","I'm not falling for it.",2,1,Thumbs Down,-50
"Cheap? Hardly, brother. Custom promos are the real deal. And speaking", "of deals, how about we settle things once and for all in the ring?",1,2
"You're on, $name1. And you'd better believe", "I'll be bringing my A-game.",2,1,Thumb Stampede,0,PlayAudio:Cheer

title must be a string.
description must be a string. [P1] and [P2] will be replaced with the names of the characters.
characters must be an comma-separated list of integers, or an integer prefixed by :. When using a prefixed integer, an array from 1 to that integer will be created. When using a list, the list will be used as the array.
1 and 2 are the default characters as selected by the user, 3 is another character, -1 is the referee, and 11 and 22 are the tag team partners of 1 and 2 respectively. Other values are not supported.
"line1" and "line2" must be strings. The quotes are required. For quotes inside the string, use \".
$name# will be replaced with the name of the character with the corresponding id.
@him/his/etc# will be replaced with the pronoun of the character with the corresponding id, e.g. @his1 friend -> his friend or her friend depending on wrestler #'s gender. Supported pronouns are He, he, His, his, Male, male, Man, man, Guy, guy, Boy, boy.
$promotion#, $$belt(#1)_(#2), $$champ(#1)_(#2) will be replaced with the name of promotion #, the name of promotion #1's belt #2, and the name of promotion #1's champion of belt #2 respectively. speaker must be an integer. target must be an integer. taunt must be a string or integer. A list of taunts can be found in demeanor must be an integer. A positive value will make the character happy for the given number of frames, and a negative value will make the character angry for the given number of frames. commands must be a list in the format command:arg1:arg2:arg3.... Commands are separated by a semicolon. Example: SetFace:1;SetRealFriend:1:2. The following commands are supported:

Command Arguments Description Example
SetFace wrestlerId Sets the given wrestler to 'face' alignment. SetFace:1
SetHeel wrestlerId Sets the given wrestler to 'heel' alignment. SetHeel:1
SetRealEnemy wrestlerId1, wrestlerId2 Sets the given wrestlers to 'real enemy' relationship. SetRealEnemy:1:2
SetStoryEnemy wrestlerId1, wrestlerId2 Sets the given wrestlers to 'story enemy' relationship. SetStoryEnemy:1:2
SetRealFriend wrestlerId1, wrestlerId2 Sets the given wrestlers to 'real friend' relationship. SetRealFriend:1:2
SetStoryFriend wrestlerId1, wrestlerId2 Sets the given wrestlers to 'story friend' relationship. SetStoryFriend:1:2
SetRealNeutral wrestlerId1, wrestlerId2 Removes the relationship between the given wrestlers. SetRealNeutral:1:2
SetStoryNeutral wrestlerId1, wrestlerId2 Removes the relationship between the given wrestlers. SetStoryNeutral:1:2
PlayAudio audioName/Id Plays the given crowd audio. PlayAudio:Cheer

Commands and names are case-insensitive.


Files can be aliased by placing a .aliases file inside ./BepInEx/plugins/Assets. The file must contain a list of aliases in the format alias=path. Example:


Left is file name, right is alias.
The path is relative to ./BepInEx/plugins/Assets (or ./BepInEx/plugins/{PluginName}/Assets).
This allows you to rename files without breaking the save file.

Overriding Content

You can override content by placing any image or audio file inside ./BepInEx/plugins/Overrides referenced by the internal name. A zip file containing all the overridable files can be found in the Modding Discord

Exporting Characters

Characters are automatically exported to ./BepInEx/plugins/Export when the game is saved.

Importing Characters

Characters can be imported by placing a JSON file inside ./BepInEx/plugins/Import with the .character extension. The JSON file must contain a single object with: characterData: The character data to import. Typically obtained by exporting a character.
Optional properties:
overrideMode: append, override, or merge. append will add the imported character to the end of the character list.
override will override the character with the same name or id as the imported character. merge will replace all non-default values of the character referenced by the name or id with the values of the imported character.
Defaults to append.
findMode: Determines how the game will find the character to override/merge. id will use the id, name will use the name, and name_then_id will first try to find the character by name, and if that fails, by id. Defaults to name_then_id.
findName: Is the name of the character to find if findMode is set to name or name_then_id. If findMode is not set, will be used.
Imported JSON files will be automatically deleted after the game is saved (unless the config option DeleteImportedCharacters is set to false).

Uploading mods

You can upload your mods on Thunderstore. In order to do this, you first need to connect either your Discord or GitHub account to Thunderstore and create a team in your account settings ( if you haven't already). Thunderstore uses the following format:

 ┣📂plugins (required if you want your mod to actually do something)
 ┃  ┣📂Assets
 ┃  ┃ ┣📂face_male
 ┃  ┃ ┃ ┗🖼️face.png
 ┃  ┃ ┗🔊theme.mp3
 ┃  ┗📂Overrides
 ┃    ┣🖼️Fed01.jpg
 ┃    ┗🔊Theme00.ogg
 ┣🖼️icon.png (required, 256x256)
 ┣📃manifest.json (required)
 ┣📃 (required)
 ┗📃 (optional)
 * The files in Assets and Overrides are just examples. You can have any number of files with any name and valid extension in these folders. Neither of them is required.

plugins is a folder which contains all the files that your mod needs to function. icon.png is a 256x256 PNG file which will be used as the icon for your mod on Thunderstore. manifest.json is a JSON file which must contain the following:

  "namespace": "IngoH",
  "name": "NameOfMod",
  "description": "This is a description of the mod.",
  "version_number": "1.0.0",
  "dependencies": [
  "website_url": "(Add GitHub link here, or leave empty)"

namespace must be your team name on Thunderstore. name may only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _). version_number must be in semver (semantic versioning) format. dependencies is a list of dependencies. You can find the dependencies of mod on the Thunderstore page of the mod, listed under "Dependency string". website_url should be empty, or a link to the GitHub page of the mod or any other page where users can find more information about the mod. is a Markdown file that will be displayed on the mod page. It should contain the description of the mod, and any additional information that might be useful. is also a Markdown file that will be displayed on the mod page if it exists. It should contain a list of changes for each version of the mod.

Modding Discord

Join the modding Discord to receive support and talk with other modders and content creators!


Donations are always appreciated. You can donate on my Ko-fi page.



Special Thanks

Mat Dickie for generously donating €1,000
All the Discord Testers
Everyone who published mods using WECCL



GV 1.60+:

Release 1.10.2

  • Fixed some issues with the new backup system.

Release 1.10.1

  • Fixed character remapping not working correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with saving.
  • Backups now contain mappings and meta files.
  • Backups are now created whenever the game is saved (before writing the save file), instead of only when the game is launched.
  • The saving issue was caused by Mat. I'm sure of it. He's a great guy, but he's always up to something. I'm watching you, Mat.

Release 1.10.0


Release 1.9.4

  • Added support for new furniture and weapon types that were added in newer versions of the game.
  • Renamed Bannana weapon type to Banana. The old name will no longer work! (I'm assuming nobody used it yet anyway.)

Release 1.9.3

  • Added promo variables: $location, $prop#1, $stat#1_#2, $match, and $date(#1).
  • Promo variables with 2 arguments no longer require two '$' symbols (e.g. $stat#1_#2 instead of $$stat#1_#2). The old format is still supported, but may be removed in the future.

Release 1.9.2

  • Negative move speed (third argument of SetAnimation) now copies the default speed (set by TransitionFrames) instead.
  • Renamed StartAnimation to WindUp in custom moves (since it's not actually the start of the animation).

Release 1.9.1

  • Added support for custom height limits for custom arenas.
  • Barriers and fences without MeshColliders will now give a warning instead of breaking the game.

Release 1.9.0

  • Fixed the new TV Studio arena not showing up.
  • Fixed crowd sign scaling with crowd size.

Release 1.8.6

  • Fixed career mode character not resetting correctly when restoring default save file.
  • Fixed custom laces.
  • Content is now loaded alphabetically (folders first, then files) to make remapping more predictable and less likely to break.

Release 1.8.5

  • Fixed distant crowd not appearing.

Release 1.8.4

  • Haha, you thought I fixed the case sensitivity issue in the previous release? Well, WRONG! Turns out I only fixed it for 4 out of 6 cases. Now the issue is fixed for real, I hope.
  • Mat Dickie, if you're reading this, remember that it's not 2003 anymore. We have lists now. You don't need to use damn arrays for everything. I'm sure you're a great guy, but please, for the love of god, use lists. I'm begging you.

Release 1.8.3

  • Fixed an issue with restoring the default save file if the roster size is smaller than the default roster size.
  • It is no longer possible to delete the last character in all rosters.
  • Fixed an issue from the previous release where overrides would not be loaded due to case sensitivity, for real this time. The last fix only fixed the issue for ¼ of the cases.

Release 1.8.2

  • Fixed an issue from the previous release where overrides would not be loaded due to case sensitivity.

Release 1.8.1

  • Files will no longer be cached if less than 10 GB of free space is available on the drive.
  • The cache folder is no longer hidden (that was a bad idea).
  • The persistent data path (used for storing the cache and mappings) can now be changed in the config.
  • Overrides are case-insensitive now.

Release 1.8.0

  • Fixed the new arena introduced in GV 1.62 being broken.

Release 1.7.14

  • Fixed an IndexOutOfRangeException when exporting characters.

Release 1.7.13

  • Fix for custom buttons.

Release 1.7.12

  • Fixed fed limits not being applied correctly.

Release 1.7.11

  • Fixed an error when deleting a character from the character search screen.
  • Incorrect costume indexes will now only be fixed if out of bounds; mismatching indexes will not be fixed, as they are likely intentional.

Release 1.7.10

  • Fixed character importing issues.
  • Added support for custom buttons in the mod config menu.
  • Added a "reset imported characters" button to the mod config menu to clear the imported characters list.

Release 1.7.9

  • Added WECCL events to the mod API for other mods to listen to.
  • Currently, the only events are CharacterEvents when a character is added or removed.
  • Renamed Wrestling Empire Custom Content Loader to WECCL in logs.
  • Log messages now show the source of the log message.
  • The loading bar now has different colors per content type.
  • Fixed the prefix priority screen.
  • The prefix priority screen and warning screen now support controllers properly.
  • Added a warning screen whenever an exception occurs.
  • Fixed a bug where the contents of the first menu in the config editor would be copied to the previously selected menu.
  • Question of today: How do you pronounce WECCL?
  • A) Weckle
  • B) Weasel
  • C) W E C C L
  • D) Maybelline
  • Answer: I don't care. I'm just happy you're using my mod. <3

Release 1.7.8

  • Fixed an infinite loop in the mod config menu.

Release 1.7.7

  • You can now right click the music menu in the editor to show a list to select from.
  • Editor lists (moves, music) can now be scrolled with the mouse wheel.

Release 1.7.6

  • Some tweaks to the save file repairer.
  • Mod options are now sorted alphabetically.
  • The mod options menu now remembers the last selected tab.
  • Fixed some issues with mod option menu.

Release 1.7.5

  • Fixed an issue with custom themes not being stored in the save file correctly.
  • Custom themes are now sorted alphabetically in the editor.
  • Fixed aliases not working.
  • Assets, Overrides, and Import folders no longer get created in the WECCL folder since this is redundant.

Release 1.7.4

  • Generated characters from the character search screen now work correctly.
  • The main menu now shows the WECCL version.

Release 1.7.3

  • Promos can now be assigned to categories, including vanilla categories.
  • Promos can now be set to play during wrestler career mode.

Release 1.7.2

  • Fixed some issues with the save file repairer and importing characters.

Release 1.7.1

  • Fixed a bug where moving to the roster editor from the character search screen would cause the game to softlock.

Release 1.7.0

  • Added support for custom strike and grapple moves.
  • Added support for adding and removing characters from the search screen.
  • Deleted characters are exported to the Purgatory folder after saving.
  • Separated the modded save file from the vanilla save file (can be changed in the config).
  • FindAndProcessCrowdObjects now work on any custom arena.
  • Fixed some issues with using controllers in the character search screen.
  • Stack traces are now enabled through Unity instead of a patch.
  • Improved broken save file detection and repair.
  • Fixed a bug where the Legends roster size wouldn't be expanded correctly.

Release 1.6.2

  • Fixed mappings for custom costumes. The system has been reworked to automatically detect future changes to the game's vanilla costume count.
  • Restore default save file will no longer break if custom characters are in the high score list (any custom characters in the high score list will be replaced by the first default character).
  • Note that Ingo will come to your house and steal your socks if you don't properly back up your save file. You have been warned.
  • P.S. Ingo is very nice and would never do such a thing. But still, back up your save file. Or else...

Release 1.6.1

  • Broken save files will now be attempted to be repaired on launch.
  • Added support for mentioning moves in custom promos.
  • Added support for additional crowd and signs in custom arenas.
  • Various improvements to custom arena support.

Release 1.6.0

  • Added door logic to custom arenas.
  • Improved fence/barrier logic for custom arenas.

GV 1.59:

Release 1.5.0

  • Fixed a lot of character importing issues.

Release 1.4.5

  • Some fixes for Steam Workshop support.

Release 1.4.4

  • Fixed invalid flesh not being reset correctly.

Release 1.4.3

  • Fixed custom content remapping.
  • Fixed launch count not incrementing on first launch.

Release 1.4.2

  • Support for surprise promo entrants and multiple consecutive promos.
  • Data collection fixes and path masking for file paths.
  • Proper save remapping for new materials added in GV 1.59.
  • Support for remapping saves that are multiple versions behind (up to 1.55).

Release 1.4.1

  • Hotfix for promos not working.

Release 1.4.0


GV 1.58:

Release 1.3.11

  • Custom music now has names instead of IDs in the editor.
  • Added anonymous data collection for exceptions and crashes (this can be disabled in the config).

Release 1.3.10

  • More fixes for search menu and booking career.

Release 1.3.9

  • Fixed the owner of booking career being set to a random wrestler if the original owner is selected as booker.

Release 1.3.8

  • Added manual overrides for custom belt textures which are copied from other belts in vanilla.
  • Added experimental config option to allow WECCL to use the full resolution textures without downscaling them; UseFullQualityTextures.
  • Added a wrestler search screen to the roster menu.

Release 1.3.7

  • Fixed the 'Special FX' setting being set to 0 when using vanilla arenas.

Release 1.3.6

  • Fixed performance issues for large matches.

Release 1.3.5

  • Fixed announcer AI always being disabled.

Release 1.3.4

  • Added an option to disable announcer AI in custom arenas.
  • Added climbable cage support for custom arenas.
  • Better error handling for importing characters.
  • Fixed some issues with importing characters.
  • I blame Mat Dickie for the issues with importing characters, despite the fact that it's clearly my fault. I'm sure he' ll understand.
  • Sorry, Mat. I love you.
  • Furthermore, fixed the changelog formatting. Header sizes are now correct.

Release 1.3.3

  • Improved character importing logic.

Release 1.3.2

  • Added support for pyro and weapon positioning in custom arenas.
  • Added titantron camera auto-rotation.

Release 1.3.1

  • Fixed custom furniture positions.
  • Fixed warning menu.
  • Fixed some other incorrect mappings that may have caused issues.

Release 1.3.0

  • Added more arena features.
  • Better Game Version checking.
  • Added pre-release warnings.

GV 1.56:

Release 1.2.5

  • Added more promo options.
  • Added the option to use names instead of IDs for promo taunts.
  • Added the option to use file aliases for custom assets.

Release 1.2.4

  • characters in promos is now required to be a list, or an integer prefixed by : for a list from 1 to the specified number.
  • Fixed Thunderstore version removing mappings.
  • Fixed female face mappings.
  • Added exceptions to the meta and mappings file loaders.

Release 1.2.3

  • Fixed arenas for Thunderstore.
  • Audio clips that are too big will no longer be attempted to be cached (due to the 2GB limit of byte arrays).
  • Save file game version conversion hairstyle material fix.

Release 1.2.2

  • Added experimental support for doors.
  • Increased default location size to 9999 (from 100).
  • Fixed some debug rendering issues.
  • Fixed cache not correctly updating for overridden assets.

Release 1.2.1

  • Added an exception when using an unsupported game version.
  • Added checksums to cached audio clips.

Release 1.2.0

  • Added support for costume meshes.
  • Added support for custom promos.
  • Better character exporting and importing. Note: This will break compatibility with older versions of the mod. Future versions will aim to be backwards compatible.
  • Exported characters now have the .character extension instead of .json, and Meta and ContentMappings now have the .meta and .mappings extensions respectively.
  • Game version is now stored in the content mappings to prevent issues with loading content from older versions of the game.
  • Experimental support for custom arenas.

GV 1.55:

Release 1.1.8

  • Fixed characters not being able to exported if their name contains characters that are not allowed in file names.

Release 1.1.7

  • Patch to show stack traces.

Release 1.1.6

  • Fix for roster sizes being incorrect.

Release 1.1.5

  • Added in-game loading bar and information about the current content being loaded.
  • Fixed fed roster size limit not being applied correctly.
  • Fixed assets not being loaded from the root folder if the mod is installed via Thunderstore.

Release 1.1.4

  • Added caching of loaded audio clips to improve performance.

Release 1.1.3

  • Renamed CustomContentSaveData to ContentMappings and CustomConfigSaveData to MetaFile to better reflect their purpose.
  • Added placeholders in code for automatic remapping of custom content after game updates.
  • Added last used game version to MetaFile.

Release 1.1.2

  • Fixed arm materials.

Release 1.1.1

  • Added missing audio overrides.

Release 1.1.0

  • Resource overrides for textures with duplicate names can now be prefixed by the GameObject name ( e.g. Steps_Texture.png).
  • Fixed pivots not being set correctly for some assets.
  • Fixed an exception due to texture rectangle sizes not being rounded.

Release 1.0.6

  • Fix for priority screen proceed button not working.

Release 1.0.5

  • Loaded folders are now logged using their full path.
  • Fixed and added back the warning about the game's save file being backed up on first launch.
  • Fixed the loading bars not showing up in the log.

Release 1.0.4

  • Fixed prefix priority screen.

Release 1.0.3

  • Temporarily removed the warning about the game's save file being backed up on first launch.

Release 1.0.2

  • Added a GUI to set the priority of override mods in case of conflicts.
  • Added the option to include metadata files with assets.
  • Added a warning to manually back up the game's save file before running any mods on first launch.

Release 1.0.1

  • Fix for theme count being incorrect when using multiple mods.
  • Change CHANGELOG.txt to

Release 1.0.0

  • Initial Thunderstore release.
  • Added duplicate import prevention.
  • Added base fed limit to the config.

Beta 1.1.4

  • Better support for overriding textures.
  • Code cleanup..

Beta 1.1.3

  • Added automatic backups of the game's save file.
  • Fixed federation editor menu sizes being affected by the roster size.
  • Some code documentation.

Beta 1.1.2

  • Fixed music remapping breaking if no custom music is present.

Beta 1.1.1

  • The game's log is now enabled by default. Info level is disabled by default, but can be enabled in the config.
  • Fixed loading order of imported characters with custom assets.

Beta 1.1.0

  • Added support for increasing the character and roster limit.
  • Added support for adding and merging custom characters instead of replacing them.

Beta 1.0.2

  • Fixed content map incorrectly loading.
  • Removed the extra _ requirement for asset prefixes.

Beta 1.0.1

  • Added icon.
  • Added basic configuration options.
  • Better Thunderstore mod support.
  • Various improvements and bug fixes.

Beta 1.0.0

  • Initial release.