Skills - Lunar Minigun
Updated 3 months agoLunar Minigun
"Rapidly fire lunar needles for 80% damage. Finishes with a blast of 10 needles."
Conceit is based on Lunar Wisp's "Rapid Fire," and modelled after MUL-T's "Auto-Nailgun."
While Lunar Minigun is held down, it fires 10 needles per second.
0.15s after Lunar Minigun is let go of, it fires a burst of 10 needles at double the spread.
The final burst has a slight self-force.
After the burst, Lunar Minigun cannot be reused for 1s.
Each projectile does 80% damage with a proc coefficient of 0.8.
Each needle suffers from default bullet falloff.
Lunar Minigun winds up to 800% DPS at point blank and 8.0 procs per second.
Reference string in config: "minigun"