BPHC-Blind_Pest_Hate_Club icon

Blind Pest Hate Club

This is a modpack containing many great mods that improve upon vanilla ror2 by adding various quality of life changes, skins, survivors, stages, aesthetics, enemies, items, and more :O (see Thunderstore page for more info).



1.1.0: Added some QoL mods, skin mods, stage aesthetic mods, a miniboss, and some larger general content mods.

1.1.1: Added an "Overview" and a "Changelog" to this page.

1.1.2: Changed icon

1.1.3: Fixed spelling, fixed Changelog

1.2.3: Added some small content mods that expand the item pool and add more alt skills

1.3.3: Added a few skins and a shit ton of modded artifacts

1.4.3: Added some qol mods, a bazzar update mod, some skins, new survivors, new enemies, new survivor skills, and some multi-player mods

1.4.4: Updated the mod page

2.0.0: Did a lot of shit. Mods have been fully re-sorted and re-tested. Many mods have been added (with a focus on Qol mods and Survivors). Some mods were removed. This big modpack now serves as a "mother" pack, meaning that it is made of a number of smaller, more organized packs. Manifest, README, and search criteria have been updated.

2.1.0: The modpacks that this modpack is made out of were updated. This version should be significantly more polished than 2.0.0. Overall, many mods were removed, and many were added to the base modpacks to improve the vanilla experience.

2.1.1: accounts for a problematic mod that caused infinite looping on the first stage