Balances the Command Artifact to only show a smaller selection of options plus additional QOL [HIGH CONFIGURABILITY][Devotion Update Fix]
- (Bug Fix) Fixed onForVoidPotential causing Void Potentials to have a broken item selection, reverted previous workaround fix forcing cell reward back to a Command Essence of the right rarity
- (Bug Fix) Void Fields' Cell rewards now correctly drop a Void Potential (not affected by configs), this is currently the best I can do as the logic around this is really awkward to hook onto and change
- (Bug Fix) Fixed non-host players unable to see the Command Essence
- (Feature) Added 'onForAspect' & 'itemAmountAspect' to have the option for Aspects to drop as Command Essences containing Aspects
- Changed the way the options are selected to align with vanilla logic
- (Bug Fix) Accidentally commented out Aspects dropping as Aspects
- (Feature) Added 'onForYellowBossDrops' to have the option for boss drops to give their respective item instead of a command essence
- (Compatability) Further improved compatability with other mods by properly using the 'WorldUnique' item tag rather than Item Index names (custom compatability no longer needed)
- (Bug Fix) Fixed teleporter drop sometimes having the same items when 'sameBossDrops' was false
- (Bug Fix) Fixed Aspect of Earth dropping as a normal equiptment Command Essence
- (Bug Fix) Fixed 'onForHidden' being false forcing all terminals to drop as Command Essence, overwriting 'onForDropShip'
- (Bug Fix) Now works with delusion
- (Feature) Added 'onForDelusion' to have delusion drops drop as an essence when true.
- (Feature) Added 'onForHidden' which makes the items that display as a ? in terminals drop as a Command Essence (affected by 'essenceChance')
- Reworded some config description to better describe their use
- (Compatibility Fix) Forgotten Relics - special item(s) now drop as the item not an essence
- (Feature) Added a new configuration to add custom compatibility to drop any item as the item (see above)
- (Compatibility Fix) Fixed 'sameBossDrops' and Starstorm 2 adding white boxes to the drop pool
- (Bug Fix) Fixed 'onForPotential' not being configuration and also affecting non-command runs
- (Bug Fix) Void Potentials correctly drop from Simulacrum when enabled
- Rebuilt with updated dlls to support v1.2.3
- (Feature) Added a toggle to enable Void Potentials (default enables them)
- (Feature) Added options for the amount of items a Void Potential offers (split normal and void cache)
- Removing dependency for FixedCategoryChests as the fix has been made to vanilla
- (Compatibility Fix) Fixed the exclusion list to be compatible with mods that add new items
- (Feature) Added new toggles to enable Scrappers, Multishops, and Printers (default off)
- (Feature) Added a config to set the chance for chests to drop as Command Essences (default 100%)
- (Feature) Added a toggle for Scrappers to drop as scrap(false) or Essence(true)
- (Bug Fix) Fixed boss drops from the teleporter event sometimes not having the same items with the sameBossDrops config on
- Added a soft dependency for FixedCategoryChests (Mod will load without it but R2 will ask to download it)
- (Bugfix) Keep Category chest now works correctly
- (BugFix) Lunar equipment now correctly drops as a Command Essence containing Lunar equipment
- (BugFix) Special boss drops (ie. Aurelionite) now actually correctly drop as their items instead of as a Command Essence
- (Compatibility Fix) ZetAspects now works with the Item drop mode
- (BugFix) Lunar Coins now drop correctly
- (BugFix) Special items like Aspects and the Halcyon Seed now correctly drop as their items instead of Command Essences
- (Togglable) Command Essences dropped from the teleporter boss of the same rarity to contain the same options
- (Togglable) Trophy Hunter's Tricorn to drop the related boss item not the command essence
- Hook fix
- Initial Release