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FortunesTeam-Skillsmas-1.3.8 icon


Adds new skills. Has nothing to do with Christmas. Sorry! Reupload maintained by FortunesTeam.

Date uploaded 20 hours ago
Version 1.3.8
Download link
Downloads 1926
Dependency string FortunesTeam-Skillsmas-1.3.8

This mod requires the following mods to function

bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2117 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2117
RiskofThunder-R2API_Core-5.1.2 icon

Core R2API module

Preferred version: 5.1.2
RiskofThunder-R2API_DamageType-1.1.2 icon

API for registering damage types

Preferred version: 1.1.2
RiskofThunder-R2API_Dot-1.0.3 icon

API for adding custom damage over time effects

Preferred version: 1.0.3
RiskofThunder-R2API_Language-1.0.0 icon

API for modifying the language localisation of the game

Preferred version: 1.0.0
RiskofThunder-R2API_Networking-1.0.2 icon

Networking API around the Unity UNet Low Level API (LLAPI)

Preferred version: 1.0.2
RiskofThunder-R2API_Prefab-1.0.4 icon

API for Prefab creation, networking and duplication

Preferred version: 1.0.4
RiskofThunder-R2API_RecalculateStats-1.4.0 icon

API for manipulating Character Stats

Preferred version: 1.4.0
RiskofThunder-HookGenPatcher-1.2.5 icon

MMHOOK generation at runtime.

Preferred version: 1.2.5
prodzpod-RealerMysticsRisky2Utils-2.0.17 icon

Library for TheMysticSword's mods

Preferred version: 2.0.17



This is a maintained version of Skillsmas by the Fortunes team with permission from MysticSword.

This mod adds 36 new skills.

Character Slot Name Description Cooldown
Commando Primary Burst Fire Shoot an enemy at an extremely high fire rate for 100% damage. Has 60 ammo. 2s
Commando Primary Heavy Bullets Slowly shoot an enemy for 320% damage. 0s
Commando Secondary Phase Beam Shoot through enemies for 280% damage, knocking them back. 3s
Commando Utility Tactical Lift-Off Ignite. Launch upwards, dealing 500% damage. 4s
Huntress Secondary Tracker Glaive Throw a glaive for 640% damage. Homing arrows will also attack the enemy struck by the glaive. 7s
Huntress Special Take Aim Toggle manual aiming mode. Your Primary skill will charge up an arrow for 100%-800% damage that ignites on full charge. 12s
Bandit Utility Smoke Machine Create a lasting smoke zone that grants invisibility to allies in its range. 16s
Bandit Special Murder Party Slayer. Fire a revolver shot for 600% damage. Kills reset the cooldown and start a Kill Chain. 20s
Bandit Special Bloodbath Fire 6 revolver shots for 600% damage at hemorrhaging enemies in vision. 4s
MUL-T Secondary Shipping Crate Toss a crate for 400% damage. Can be pushed around, used as a platform or to block projectiles. 6s
MUL-T Utility Update Mode Harmless. Enter an Update state for 2 seconds, then recover 10% HP and gain +50% attack speed for 7 seconds. 10s
Engineer Primary Energy Shield Agile. Create a wall that deals 400% damage per second and blocks attacks. 0s
Artificer Primary Cryo Bolt Freezing. Fire a short-range bolt for 280% damage. Hold up to 4. 1.3s
Artificer Primary Geode Bolt Crystallize. Fire a bolt for 280% damage. Hold up to 4. 1.3s
Artificer Primary Water Bolt Revitalizing. Fire a bolt for 280% damage that has slight homing. Hold up to 4. 1.3s
Artificer Secondary Lit Nano-Rocket Ignite. Charge up a superfast nano-rocket that deals 400%-2000% damage. 5s
Artificer Secondary Moulded Nano-Boulder Crystallize. Charge up a rolling nano-boulder that deals 400%-2000% damage. 5s
Artificer Secondary Concentrated Nano-Stream Revitalizing. Charge up a continuous nano-stream that deals 400%-2000% damage. 5s
Artificer Utility Brimstone Ignite. Create a screen that hurts enemies for 100% damage per second and ignites ally projectiles. 12s
Artificer Utility Thunderbolt Stunning. Create a pillar that periodically hurts nearby enemies for 100% damage. 12s
Artificer Utility Tectonic Shift Crystallize. Create a platform below yourself that hurts enemies for 200% damage at the moment of creation. 12s
Artificer Utility Cumulonimbus Revitalizing. Create a rain cloud that hurts enemies for 100% damage per second. 12s
Artificer Special Flash Frost Freezing. Create a cold blast around yourself for 800% damage and gain 12% temporary barrier per frozen character. 8s
Artificer Special Superbolide Crystallize. Drop a meteor that deals 2000% damage and petrifies enemies for 4s. 8s
Artificer Special Crashing Wave Revitalizing. Surf forward, dealing damage equal to 150% of your maximum health on landing. 5s
Mercenary Secondary Riptide Roll forward for up to 7 seconds, dealing 220% damage. Rolling duration affects cooldown. 2.5s
Mercenary Special Zandatsu Dash forward to deal 600% damage to an enemy, executing at 10% HP and lower and regenerating 30% of your maximum health on kill. 6s
Mercenary Special Crossing Storms Perform a large diagonal slash for 1000% damage. Can hold up to 2. 6s
REX Primary Uprooting 5% HP. Attack with spiky roots for 240% damage. Heals for every target hit. 0s
REX Special DIRECTIVE: Stimulate Harmless. Heal nearby allies for 20% HP per second. 12s
Loader Secondary Zip Fist Fire your gauntlet forward, quickly pulling you to the target after immediately retracting the gauntlet. 5s
Loader Special Reinforce Stop barrier decay and increase attack speed by 40% for 7 seconds. 20s
Acrid Utility Autonomous Organism Poisonous. Create a slowly-moving bubble that deals 200% damage per second to nearby enemies. 15s
Acrid Special Neutropenia Release a deadly disease that clears enemy poison to spread it up to 20 targets for 4x duration. 10s
Captain Secondary Helping Hand Give Defensive Microbots to an ally for 10 seconds. 12s
Captain Special Reuseable Supply Beacon Request a permanent Supply Beacon. Alternates between the two of your chosen beacons. 120s
Keyword Description
Harmless Cannot attack during this skill.
Kill Chain Mark an enemy for 3 seconds. Killing marked enemies resets the cooldown and marks another enemy. After missing a shot or killing 5 marked enemies, gain +10% damage per chain kill for 20 seconds.
Crystallize Create crystals on hit that grant temporary barrier equal to 5% of maximum health on pickup.
Revitalizing Hitting enemies recovers health to all allies equal to 1 HP plus an additional 1% of your maximum health.


TheMysticSword - Coding, Placeholder Icons

xeyfurr, Thingw - Icons

Fortunes Team - Maintenence

prodzpod - Maintenence on Utils


Brazilian Portuguese - Kauzok
Simplified Chinese - Meteorite1014
Spanish - Juhnter

External assets

Contains assets from Poly Haven



  • Stability fixes on load.
  • Zandatsu fixed. It also finally heals and executes properly!


  • Fixed artificer extended being a hard dependency?


  • Fixed for sots. Thanks prodzpod for maintaining MysticUtils so I didnt have to!
  • TEMPORARILY disabled artificer extended support.


  • Welcome back Skillsmas!


  • Renamed the "General" section of the config to "! General !" to make it appear at the top of the mod manager's section list


  • Artificer: Cryo Bolt:
    • Lifetime: 0.2s ⇒ 0.3s


  • Huntress: Take Aim:
    • Projectile Speed: 120m/s ⇒ 160m/s
      • Can now be configured
    • Damage: 100%-800% ⇒ 100%-900%
    • Reduced enemy knockback force
    • Now force-releases the charged shot on exiting manual aiming mode
  • Added an "Unlock Rotation" option for Engineer's Energy Shield
  • Added a "Stream Cancelled From Sprinting" option for Artificer's Concentrated Nano-Stream
  • Improved the aiming accuracy of Artificer's Concentrated Nano-Stream
  • Fixed wrong cooldowns on certain Artificer skills:
    • Flash Frost: 9s ⇒ 8s
    • Superbolide: 12s ⇒ 8s


  • Updated Simplified Chinese translation


  • Added 8 new skills:
    • Commando:
      • Burst Fire (Primary)
      • Heavy Bullets (Primary)
      • Phase Beam (Secondary)
      • Tactical Lift-Off (Utility)
    • Huntress:
      • Tracker Glaive (Secondary)
      • Take Aim (Special)
    • REX:
      • Uprooting (Primary)
      • DIRECTIVE: Stimulate (Special)
  • MUL-T: Update Mode:
    • Update Duration: 5s ⇒ 2s
      • No longer scales with attack speed
    • Buff Duration: 10s ⇒ 7s
  • Artificer: Water Bolt:
    • Now has slight homing
  • Artificer: Cumulonimbus:
    • Proc Coefficient: 0.2 ⇒ 0.1
      • This was mainly changed to reduce the amount of healing done by the skill from 1% HP/s per enemy to 0.5% HP/s per enemy
  • Skill config options for "Cancel Sprint", "Force Sprint", "Cancelled From Sprinting" and "Must Key Press" now don't require unchecking the "Ignore Balance Changes" option
  • Moved Bandit's Murder Party kill chain mechanic description to its own keyword


  • Artificer: Brimstone:
    • Damage Per Second: 150% ⇒ 100%
  • Artificer: Crashing Wave:
    • Damage Scaling: 125% ⇒ 150%
  • Added Spanish translation by Juhnter
  • Updated Brazilian Portuguese and Simplified Chinese translations


  • Artificer: Brimstone:
    • Damage Per Second: 100% ⇒ 150%
  • Artificer: Thunderbolt:
    • Max Zaps: 3 ⇒ 4
      • The extra zap happens immediately on spawning
  • Artificer: Tectonic Shift:
    • Damage: 1200% ⇒ 200%
  • Artificer's Crashing Wave now has slight screenshake


  • Added support for ArtificerExtended's Energetic Resonance passive
    • Fire, lightning and ice skills from this mod now count towards Energetic Resonance
    • While Energetic Resonance is active:
      • Picking up crystals from Crystallize also grants 20 armor for 3 seconds. The amount of rock skills equipped affects the buff duration.
      • Hitting enemies with Revitalizing skills also has a 5% chance to cleanse 1 stack of a random debuff. The amount of water skills equipped affects the cleansing chance.
  • Fixed Russian translation not working
  • Updated Simplified Chinese translation


  • Added 4 new Artificer skills:
    • Water Bolt
    • Concentrated Nano-Stream
    • Cumulonimbus
    • Crashing Wave
  • Added 2 new Mercenary skills:
    • Riptide
    • Crossing Storms
  • Added 1 new keyword:
    • Revitalizing
  • Artificer: Frost Barrier:
    • Now counts as a combat skill
  • Artificer: Superbolide:
    • Cooldown: 12s ⇒ 8s
    • Cooldown now starts after the skill ends
    • Now counts as a combat skill
  • Added more placeholder skill icons
  • Added Simplified Chinese translation by Meteorite1014
  • Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation


  • MUL-T: Shipping Crate:
    • The collider is now disabled for the first 0.1 seconds, which should slightly help with the issue of colliding with the crate at the moment of throwing
    • Added new config options:
      • Push Power (1x by default)
      • Lifetime (600s by default)
  • Fixed Brazilian Portuguese translation not working
  • Potentially fixed MUL-T's Shipping Crate not having collisions for online clients
  • Artificer's Tectonic Shift and MUL-T's Shipping Crate now have Stone and Metal SurfaceDefs respectively and will not produce console warnings when stepped on
  • Artificer's Superbolide petrification overlay should appear on enemies more consistently now
  • Engineer's Energy Shield now plays a quieter sound loop
  • Slightly improved visual feedback for Artificer's Superbolide


  • Added 4 new Artificer skills:
    • Geode Bolt
    • Moulded Nano-Boulder
    • Tectonic Shift
    • Superbolide
  • Added 1 new keyword:
    • Crystallize
  • Added Brazilian Portuguese translation by Kauzok


  • Engineer's Energy Shield now scales with attack speed
  • Acrid's Autonomous Organism DPS increased from 100% to 200%
  • Added skill icon for Zip Fist
  • Updated skill icons for Cryo Bolt and Lit Nano-Rocket
  • Reuseable Supply Beacon is now affected by Lysate Cell
  • Fixed Update Mode not cancelling MUL-T's Secondary skill in Power Mode
  • Removed unnecessary R2API Orb and Sound dependencies


  • Release