FortunesTeam-Skillsmas icon


Adds new skills. Has nothing to do with Christmas. Sorry! Reupload maintained by FortunesTeam.



  • Welcome back Skillsmas!


  • Renamed the "General" section of the config to "! General !" to make it appear at the top of the mod manager's section list


  • Artificer: Cryo Bolt:
    • Lifetime: 0.2s ⇒ 0.3s


  • Huntress: Take Aim:
    • Projectile Speed: 120m/s ⇒ 160m/s
      • Can now be configured
    • Damage: 100%-800% ⇒ 100%-900%
    • Reduced enemy knockback force
    • Now force-releases the charged shot on exiting manual aiming mode
  • Added an "Unlock Rotation" option for Engineer's Energy Shield
  • Added a "Stream Cancelled From Sprinting" option for Artificer's Concentrated Nano-Stream
  • Improved the aiming accuracy of Artificer's Concentrated Nano-Stream
  • Fixed wrong cooldowns on certain Artificer skills:
    • Flash Frost: 9s ⇒ 8s
    • Superbolide: 12s ⇒ 8s


  • Updated Simplified Chinese translation


  • Added 8 new skills:
    • Commando:
      • Burst Fire (Primary)
      • Heavy Bullets (Primary)
      • Phase Beam (Secondary)
      • Tactical Lift-Off (Utility)
    • Huntress:
      • Tracker Glaive (Secondary)
      • Take Aim (Special)
    • REX:
      • Uprooting (Primary)
      • DIRECTIVE: Stimulate (Special)
  • MUL-T: Update Mode:
    • Update Duration: 5s ⇒ 2s
      • No longer scales with attack speed
    • Buff Duration: 10s ⇒ 7s
  • Artificer: Water Bolt:
    • Now has slight homing
  • Artificer: Cumulonimbus:
    • Proc Coefficient: 0.2 ⇒ 0.1
      • This was mainly changed to reduce the amount of healing done by the skill from 1% HP/s per enemy to 0.5% HP/s per enemy
  • Skill config options for "Cancel Sprint", "Force Sprint", "Cancelled From Sprinting" and "Must Key Press" now don't require unchecking the "Ignore Balance Changes" option
  • Moved Bandit's Murder Party kill chain mechanic description to its own keyword


  • Artificer: Brimstone:
    • Damage Per Second: 150% ⇒ 100%
  • Artificer: Crashing Wave:
    • Damage Scaling: 125% ⇒ 150%
  • Added Spanish translation by Juhnter
  • Updated Brazilian Portuguese and Simplified Chinese translations


  • Artificer: Brimstone:
    • Damage Per Second: 100% ⇒ 150%
  • Artificer: Thunderbolt:
    • Max Zaps: 3 ⇒ 4
      • The extra zap happens immediately on spawning
  • Artificer: Tectonic Shift:
    • Damage: 1200% ⇒ 200%
  • Artificer's Crashing Wave now has slight screenshake


  • Added support for ArtificerExtended's Energetic Resonance passive
    • Fire, lightning and ice skills from this mod now count towards Energetic Resonance
    • While Energetic Resonance is active:
      • Picking up crystals from Crystallize also grants 20 armor for 3 seconds. The amount of rock skills equipped affects the buff duration.
      • Hitting enemies with Revitalizing skills also has a 5% chance to cleanse 1 stack of a random debuff. The amount of water skills equipped affects the cleansing chance.
  • Fixed Russian translation not working
  • Updated Simplified Chinese translation


  • Added 4 new Artificer skills:
    • Water Bolt
    • Concentrated Nano-Stream
    • Cumulonimbus
    • Crashing Wave
  • Added 2 new Mercenary skills:
    • Riptide
    • Crossing Storms
  • Added 1 new keyword:
    • Revitalizing
  • Artificer: Frost Barrier:
    • Now counts as a combat skill
  • Artificer: Superbolide:
    • Cooldown: 12s ⇒ 8s
    • Cooldown now starts after the skill ends
    • Now counts as a combat skill
  • Added more placeholder skill icons
  • Added Simplified Chinese translation by Meteorite1014
  • Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation


  • MUL-T: Shipping Crate:
    • The collider is now disabled for the first 0.1 seconds, which should slightly help with the issue of colliding with the crate at the moment of throwing
    • Added new config options:
      • Push Power (1x by default)
      • Lifetime (600s by default)
  • Fixed Brazilian Portuguese translation not working
  • Potentially fixed MUL-T's Shipping Crate not having collisions for online clients
  • Artificer's Tectonic Shift and MUL-T's Shipping Crate now have Stone and Metal SurfaceDefs respectively and will not produce console warnings when stepped on
  • Artificer's Superbolide petrification overlay should appear on enemies more consistently now
  • Engineer's Energy Shield now plays a quieter sound loop
  • Slightly improved visual feedback for Artificer's Superbolide


  • Added 4 new Artificer skills:
    • Geode Bolt
    • Moulded Nano-Boulder
    • Tectonic Shift
    • Superbolide
  • Added 1 new keyword:
    • Crystallize
  • Added Brazilian Portuguese translation by Kauzok


  • Engineer's Energy Shield now scales with attack speed
  • Acrid's Autonomous Organism DPS increased from 100% to 200%
  • Added skill icon for Zip Fist
  • Updated skill icons for Cryo Bolt and Lit Nano-Rocket
  • Reuseable Supply Beacon is now affected by Lysate Cell
  • Fixed Update Mode not cancelling MUL-T's Secondary skill in Power Mode
  • Removed unnecessary R2API Orb and Sound dependencies


  • Release