Goorakh-CollapseDisplay icon


Displays how much damage Collapse will deal on your health bar.


1.3.5 Changes:

  • README Update.......

1.3.4 Changes:

  • Fixed Collapse damage calculation after sots items patch.

  • Removed Warped Echo damage display

    • This feature was added to vanilla, so that part of this mod became redundant

1.3.3 Changes:

  • Fixed a couple cases where the displayed damage (primarily Warped Echo) would be incorrect

1.3.2 Changes:

  • Fixed a mod compatibility issue

1.3.1 Changes:

  • Fixed a mod compatibility issue

1.3.0 Changes:

  • Fixed for SotS

  • Added display for incoming damage from Warped Echo

1.2.0 Changes:

  • Fixed clients in multiplayer not being able to see collapse damage. The mod now requires all players have it installed.

  • Added config options for disabling the collapse display on specific health bar types.

  • Added config options for controlling the size of the collapse bar.

1.1.0 Changes:

  • Fixed collapse bar position and scale ignoring curse bar

1.0.1 Changes:

  • Fixed a minor error in damage calculations

1.0.0 Changes:

  • First release