Deck: Standard Spread

Updated 8 months ago

Standard Spread

Icon Name Description
Standard Spread A simplified deck, designed to be easy to use.


The Standard Spread deck is a straightforward deck designed to be as simple as possible, each card is straightforward and simple in function, and the deck provides Self-Sustain, Mobility, and Burst Damage, while having very few detrimental effects, this makes it good for people who aren't looking to be overwhelmed by complexity, but still want to try out a survivor with a deck of cards.


Icon Name Description Type Amount
Hearts Heal for 50% of your max HP. Positive 4
Clubs Load 3 random Positive Shots into roulette. Priority Load Explosive Shot. Positive 4
Spades Increased Movement Speed. Priority Load Piercing Shot. Positive 4
Bust Instantly take a % of max health as damage, and deal a % of the damage taken to nearby enemies. Negative 4
Joker Activates a random other Purple Card Effect, 20% chance to activate all of them at once (this includes purple cards from Full House) (Cannot Activate Tower). Negative 1
Jack of Diamonds Load 6 standard shots. If grounded: slides forward. Neutral 3
Crazycard Activates another Standard Spread card at random. Random 1


  • The more cards you use, the more cards you will see, this can be helpful if you are in need of healing and need to find Hearts from the draw pile.
  • There are no negative effects to using cards other than the slots being put on cooldown, the more cards you use, the more cards you'll see, and the more control you will have.
  • Hearts is good for healing in a pinch.
  • Clubs is good for large amounts of damage in a short burst.
  • The movement speed boost from Spades increases the distance traveled by Jack of Diamonds, this can be used to traverse the map quickly, or to escape tough situations.
  • It might be a good idea to avoid using the Joker, as its effects can be detrimental.