Deck: Full House

Updated 8 months ago

Full House

Icon Name Description
Full House The classic House experience.


The classic House Experience, this deck is a mixed bag of high highs and low lows, using this deck correctly, with a bit of luck, will result in immense power, with incredible Self-Sustain, High DPS, Burst-Damage, Mobility, and Gold-Gain, but some bad luck and poor choices can lead to Self-Damage, Summoning of Overwhelmingly Powerful Foes, Harsh Debuffs, and Instant Death, all the while chaos ensues, a lot of good, a lot of bad, a lot of luck.


Icon Name Description Type Amount
7 of Hearts Heal for a % of your max HP and Gain Barrier depending on current HP. Positive 4
7 of Diamonds Gain Gold (scales with chest costs). Positive 4
7 of Clubs Load 3 Mystery Shots into roulette. Priority Load Explosive Shot. Positive 4
7 of Spades Gain Increased Movement Speed as well as 2 completely Random Buffs. Priority Load Piercing Shot. Positive 4
Jackpot Randomly activates the effects of ''7 of Clubs'', ''7 of Diamonds'', ''7 of Hearts'', or ''7 of Spades'' with double the effect, 20% chance to activate all at once. Positive 1
Pick-Up 52 Throws all remaining cards into the air and shuffles everything back into the draw pile, each card homes in on enemies and deals varying amounts of Damage. Positive 1
Snake Eyes Loads 2 Snake Shots into roulette. Priority Load Snake Shot. Negative 4
Bust Instantly take a % of max health as damage, and deal a % of your max health to nearby enemies. Negative 4
10 of Swords Summon powerful enemies around yourself. Negative 4
5 of coins Lose a % of your current gold and deal a % of the gold lost as damage to nearby enemies. Negative 2
The Tower Bring about the wrath of Lady Luck herself, she has been waiting for this... Negative 1
Joker Activates a random other Purple Card Effect, 20% chance to activate all of them at once (Cannot Activate Tower). Negative 1
Jack of Diamonds Load 6 standard shots. If grounded: slides forward. Neutral 3
Queen of Hearts Temporarily buffs 2 random stats, but debuffs 2 random other stats. Neutral 3
King of Clubs Loads an Explosive, Piercing, Buck, Snake, Bank, and Mystery Shot. Neutral 3
Ace of Spades Instead of realoading: priority load Ace Shot. Neutral 3
Wildcard Does something unpredictable. could be good, could be bad, could be neither... maybe both?. Random 1
Russian Roulette 1/6 chance to die, 4/6 chance to do nothing, 1/6 chance to kill everything on the map and grant items(The rarity and amount of items received increases with number of stages cleared) (Cannot gain Legendary Items in Multiplayer). Random 1
Wheel of Fortune 50% chance to double current gold, 50% chance to lose all gold and roll for a random item based on gold lost. Random 2
Three of a Kind Draw and play the entire next hand all at once.. Random 1


  • Sometimes when using Russian Roulette or Wildcard you will just outright die, don't expect good results when using these cards, know the risks, accept the consequences, YOU chose to use the card.
  • The more cards you use, the more cards you will see, this is good for using 7 of Diamonds as often as possible for money gains, and using Jack of Diamonds to traverse the map, or 10 of Swords to summon enemies to kill for gold, as well as for finding any specific card you might need, such as 7 of Hearts for healing.
  • It is not a good idea to activate Tower, there is no situation where this is untrue other than the comedy effect.
  • Sometimes when spamming cards you will get a bad hand, since opting to not use a card is immensely undesirable, quickly identifying the least-bad choice can be vital to increasing your chances of survival.
  • Wheel of Fortune is not an item printer, its odds of giving you an item are incredibly low, it's best used for the 50% chance to double your money.
  • Clubs grants you a guaranteed Explosive Shot, this can be good for dealing with groups of enemies, and the Mystery Shots it provides have a good tendency to also provide AoE damage.
  • Pick Up 52 can be a quick and easy way of dealing a fair bit of damage to enemies around you, using this when the draw pile is largely full can be an excellent idea, as there is hardly any tradeoff for reshuffling the deck.
  • Pick Up 52 can also be a great way to put a card you recently used back into the draw pile to be used again faster.
  • Speed boosts from 7 of Spades, randomly obtained buffs, Ante, and random stat boosts from Queen all effect the distance traveled by Jack of Diamonds, this can be used to quickly traverse the map, or escape tough situations.
  • Jackpot should be prioritized when it appears in the hand, as it will always be twice as effective as any other Positive card, and also has a chance to activate the effects of all "7 of" cards at once.
  • Three of a Kind can be a good card to use, as it can activate the effects of 3 other cards at once, just be sure to keep track of what cards are still in the draw pile, as if you have yet to see Tower since the last shuffle, then it could very well be in the next hand.
  • The burst damage from Ace Shot can be extremely effective at proccing bands, use this for immense burst DPS whenever possible.
  • Ace Shot can also be an effective alternative to explosive shot for dealing with crowds, especially when they line up to chase you.
  • Using 7 of Diamonds and 10 of Swords can be an extremely effective way of generating lots of money very quickly, this can be used with Wheel of Fortune, both to double your earnings, or recuperate quickly after a loss, stockpiling lots of money very quickly can then be used with 5 of Coins to deal incredible and uncapped burst damage to enemies, sometimes allowing you to one-shot teleporter bosses.
  • The Negative Effects of Snake-Eyes can be largely ignored by using another card immediately afterwards, although, this puts two cards on cooldown, and isn't guaranteed to remove the priority Snake Shot.