using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Bootstrap;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using EclipseArtifacts.Properties;
using EclipseRefurbished;
using IL.RoR2;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using MonoMod.Cil;
using MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen;
using R2API;
using RoR2;
using RoR2.ContentManagement;
using UnityEngine;
[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Judgy")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.2.0+b77d12352be398b6e8e206ea0ea3b279a3930ea3")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("EclipseArtifacts")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("EclipseArtifacts")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
public readonly int Version;
public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
Version = P_0;
namespace EclipseArtifacts
public static class EclipseArtifactsBehavior
private sealed class <>c
public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();
public static Manipulator <>9__2_0;
public static Manipulator <>9__2_1;
public static Manipulator <>9__2_2;
public static Manipulator <>9__2_3;
public static Manipulator <>9__2_4;
public static Manipulator <>9__2_5;
public static Manipulator <>9__2_6;
public static Manipulator <>9__2_7;
public static Manipulator <>9__3_0;
public static Manipulator <>9__3_1;
public static Manipulator <>9__3_2;
public static Manipulator <>9__3_3;
public static Manipulator <>9__3_4;
public static Manipulator <>9__3_5;
public static Manipulator <>9__3_6;
public static Manipulator <>9__3_7;
public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__4_0;
public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__4_1;
internal void <EnableHooks>b__2_0(ILContext il)
internal void <EnableHooks>b__2_1(ILContext il)
internal void <EnableHooks>b__2_2(ILContext il)
internal void <EnableHooks>b__2_3(ILContext il)
internal void <EnableHooks>b__2_4(ILContext il)
internal void <EnableHooks>b__2_5(ILContext il)
internal void <EnableHooks>b__2_6(ILContext il)
internal void <EnableHooks>b__2_7(ILContext il)
internal void <DisableHooks>b__3_0(ILContext il)
internal void <DisableHooks>b__3_1(ILContext il)
internal void <DisableHooks>b__3_2(ILContext il)
internal void <DisableHooks>b__3_3(ILContext il)
internal void <DisableHooks>b__3_4(ILContext il)
internal void <DisableHooks>b__3_5(ILContext il)
internal void <DisableHooks>b__3_6(ILContext il)
internal void <DisableHooks>b__3_7(ILContext il)
internal bool <ReplaceCall_Run_GetSelectedDifficulty>b__4_0(Instruction x)
return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchCall<Run>(x, "get_instance");
internal bool <ReplaceCall_Run_GetSelectedDifficulty>b__4_1(Instruction x)
return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchCallvirt<Run>(x, "get_selectedDifficulty");
private static bool _hooksEnabled;
public static bool IsArtifactEnabled(int eclipseLevel)
if ((Object)(object)RunArtifactManager.instance == (Object)null)
return false;
ArtifactDef artifactDefFromEclipseLevel = EclipseArtifactsContent.Artifacts.GetArtifactDefFromEclipseLevel(eclipseLevel);
if ((Object)(object)artifactDefFromEclipseLevel == (Object)null)
return false;
return RunArtifactManager.instance.IsArtifactEnabled(artifactDefFromEclipseLevel);
public static void EnableHooks()
//IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0027: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_004b: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0064: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006f: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0093: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_00ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00b1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00b7: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_00d0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00db: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_00f4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00f9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00ff: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0118: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_011d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0123: Expected O, but got Unknown
if (_hooksEnabled)
object obj = <>c.<>9__2_0;
if (obj == null)
Manipulator val = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__2_0 = val;
obj = (object)val;
CharacterMaster.OnBodyStart += (Manipulator)obj;
object obj2 = <>c.<>9__2_1;
if (obj2 == null)
Manipulator val2 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__2_1 = val2;
obj2 = (object)val2;
HoldoutZoneController.DoUpdate += (Manipulator)obj2;
object obj3 = <>c.<>9__2_2;
if (obj3 == null)
Manipulator val3 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__2_2 = val3;
obj3 = (object)val3;
GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterHitGroundServer += (Manipulator)obj3;
object obj4 = <>c.<>9__2_3;
if (obj4 == null)
Manipulator val4 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__2_3 = val4;
obj4 = (object)val4;
CharacterBody.RecalculateStats += (Manipulator)obj4;
object obj5 = <>c.<>9__2_4;
if (obj5 == null)
Manipulator val5 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__2_4 = val5;
obj5 = (object)val5;
HealthComponent.Heal += (Manipulator)obj5;
object obj6 = <>c.<>9__2_5;
if (obj6 == null)
Manipulator val6 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__2_5 = val6;
obj6 = (object)val6;
DeathRewards.OnKilledServer += (Manipulator)obj6;
object obj7 = <>c.<>9__2_6;
if (obj7 == null)
Manipulator val7 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__2_6 = val7;
obj7 = (object)val7;
CharacterBody.RecalculateStats += (Manipulator)obj7;
object obj8 = <>c.<>9__2_7;
if (obj8 == null)
Manipulator val8 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__2_7 = val8;
obj8 = (object)val8;
HealthComponent.TakeDamageProcess += (Manipulator)obj8;
if (EclipseRefurbishedCompat.Enabled)
_hooksEnabled = true;
public static void DisableHooks()
//IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0027: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_004b: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0064: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_006f: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0093: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_00ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00b1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00b7: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_00d0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00db: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_00f4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00f9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_00ff: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0118: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_011d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0123: Expected O, but got Unknown
if (!_hooksEnabled)
object obj = <>c.<>9__3_0;
if (obj == null)
Manipulator val = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__3_0 = val;
obj = (object)val;
CharacterMaster.OnBodyStart -= (Manipulator)obj;
object obj2 = <>c.<>9__3_1;
if (obj2 == null)
Manipulator val2 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__3_1 = val2;
obj2 = (object)val2;
HoldoutZoneController.DoUpdate -= (Manipulator)obj2;
object obj3 = <>c.<>9__3_2;
if (obj3 == null)
Manipulator val3 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__3_2 = val3;
obj3 = (object)val3;
GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterHitGroundServer -= (Manipulator)obj3;
object obj4 = <>c.<>9__3_3;
if (obj4 == null)
Manipulator val4 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__3_3 = val4;
obj4 = (object)val4;
CharacterBody.RecalculateStats -= (Manipulator)obj4;
object obj5 = <>c.<>9__3_4;
if (obj5 == null)
Manipulator val5 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__3_4 = val5;
obj5 = (object)val5;
HealthComponent.Heal -= (Manipulator)obj5;
object obj6 = <>c.<>9__3_5;
if (obj6 == null)
Manipulator val6 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__3_5 = val6;
obj6 = (object)val6;
DeathRewards.OnKilledServer -= (Manipulator)obj6;
object obj7 = <>c.<>9__3_6;
if (obj7 == null)
Manipulator val7 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__3_6 = val7;
obj7 = (object)val7;
CharacterBody.RecalculateStats -= (Manipulator)obj7;
object obj8 = <>c.<>9__3_7;
if (obj8 == null)
Manipulator val8 = delegate(ILContext il)
<>c.<>9__3_7 = val8;
obj8 = (object)val8;
HealthComponent.TakeDamageProcess -= (Manipulator)obj8;
if (EclipseRefurbishedCompat.Enabled)
_hooksEnabled = false;
public static void ReplaceCall_Run_GetSelectedDifficulty(ILContext il, bool overrideDiffWhenAnyArtifactIsEnabled = false)
//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0014: Expected O, but got Unknown
ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
bool flag = false;
int checkedDiff = -1;
flag = val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[3]
(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchCall<Run>(x, "get_instance"),
(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchCallvirt<Run>(x, "get_selectedDifficulty"),
(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, ref checkedDiff)
if (!flag || checkedDiff < 3 || checkedDiff > 10)
int eclipseIndex = checkedDiff - 2;
IEnumerable<ILLabel> incomingLabels = val.IncomingLabels;
//IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
if ((i == eclipseIndex || overrideDiffWhenAnyArtifactIsEnabled) && IsArtifactEnabled(i))
return (DifficultyIndex)checkedDiff;
return Run.instance.selectedDifficulty;
val.Index -= 2;
foreach (ILLabel item in incomingLabels)
val.Index += 2;
while (flag);
public class EclipseArtifactsContent : IContentPackProvider
public static class Artifacts
public static Dictionary<int, ArtifactDef> artifactDefs = new Dictionary<int, ArtifactDef>();
public static ArtifactDef GetArtifactDefFromEclipseLevel(int eclipseLevel)
if (artifactDefs.TryGetValue(eclipseLevel, out var value))
return value;
return null;
public static void Create()
for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
ArtifactDef val = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<ArtifactDef>();
val.cachedName = GetArtifactCachedNameFromEclipseLevel(i);
val.nameToken = GetArtifactNameTokenFromEclipseLevel(i);
val.descriptionToken = GetArtifactDescTokenFromEclipseLevel(i);
val.smallIconSelectedSprite = GetSelectedSpriteFromEclipseLevel(i);
val.smallIconDeselectedSprite = GetDeselectedSpriteFromEclipseLevel(i);
artifactDefs.Add(i, val);
public static string GetArtifactNameTokenFromEclipseLevel(int eclipseLevel)
public static string GetArtifactDescTokenFromEclipseLevel(int eclipseLevel)
private static string GetArtifactCachedNameFromEclipseLevel(int eclipseLevel)
private static Sprite GetSelectedSpriteFromEclipseLevel(int eclipseLevel)
//IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0049: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
Sprite val = EclipseArtifactsPlugin.LoadResourceSprite($"E{eclipseLevel}_selected");
if ((Object)(object)val != (Object)null)
return val;
return Sprite.Create(Texture2D.whiteTexture, new Rect(0f, 0f, 4f, 4f), new Vector2(3f, 3f));
private static Sprite GetDeselectedSpriteFromEclipseLevel(int eclipseLevel)
//IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0049: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
Sprite val = EclipseArtifactsPlugin.LoadResourceSprite($"E{eclipseLevel}_deselected");
if ((Object)(object)val != (Object)null)
return val;
return Sprite.Create(Texture2D.whiteTexture, new Rect(0f, 0f, 4f, 4f), new Vector2(3f, 3f));
public ContentPack pack = new ContentPack();
public string identifier => "EclipseArtifactContent";
public IEnumerator LoadStaticContentAsync(LoadStaticContentAsyncArgs args)
pack.artifactDefs.Add(new List<ArtifactDef>(Artifacts.artifactDefs.Values).ToArray());
yield break;
public IEnumerator GenerateContentPackAsync(GetContentPackAsyncArgs args)
ContentPack.Copy(pack, args.output);
yield break;
public IEnumerator FinalizeAsync(FinalizeAsyncArgs args)
yield break;
public static class EclipseArtifactsLanguage
public static bool TokensRegistered { get; private set; }
public static void TryRegisterTokens()
if (TokensRegistered)
for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
if (Language.IsTokenInvalid($"ECLIPSE_{i}_DESCRIPTION"))
for (int j = 1; j <= 8; j++)
TokensRegistered = true;
private static void RegisterArtifactLanguageData(int eclipseLevel)
LanguageAPI.Add(EclipseArtifactsContent.Artifacts.GetArtifactNameTokenFromEclipseLevel(eclipseLevel), GetArtifactName(eclipseLevel));
LanguageAPI.Add(EclipseArtifactsContent.Artifacts.GetArtifactDescTokenFromEclipseLevel(eclipseLevel), GetArtifactDescription(eclipseLevel));
private static string GetArtifactName(int eclipseLevel)
return $"Artifact of Eclipse {eclipseLevel}";
private static string GetArtifactDescription(int eclipseLevel)
string text = $"ECLIPSE_{eclipseLevel}_DESCRIPTION";
string prefix = $"<mspace=0.5em>({eclipseLevel})</mspace> ";
string @string = Language.GetString(text);
string text2 = @string.Split('\n').FirstOrDefault((string s) => s.StartsWith(prefix));
if (text2 == null)
Log.LogError("Error while parsing \"" + text + "\":\n\n" + @string);
return text;
string text3 = text2;
int length = prefix.Length;
string text4 = text3.Substring(length, text3.Length - length).TrimEnd('\n');
string text5 = "<style=cStack>>" + text4;
if (EclipseRefurbishedCompat.Enabled)
text5 = EclipseRefurbishedCompat.AddDirectorCreditsToDescription(text5);
return text5;
[BepInPlugin("Judgy.EclipseArtifacts", "EclipseArtifacts", "1.1.0")]
[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
public class EclipseArtifactsPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin
public const string PluginGUID = "Judgy.EclipseArtifacts";
public const string PluginAuthor = "Judgy";
public const string PluginName = "EclipseArtifacts";
public const string PluginVersion = "1.1.0";
public void Awake()
//IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_001c: Expected O, but got Unknown
ContentManager.collectContentPackProviders += new CollectContentPackProvidersDelegate(ContentManager_collectContentPackProviders);
Log.LogInfo("Awake done.");
public void OnDestroy()
public void Update()
if (!EclipseArtifactsLanguage.TokensRegistered)
private void ContentManager_collectContentPackProviders(AddContentPackProviderDelegate addContentPackProvider)
addContentPackProvider.Invoke((IContentPackProvider)(object)new EclipseArtifactsContent());
public static Sprite LoadResourceSprite(string resName)
//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0012: Expected O, but got Unknown
//IL_0049: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
//IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
Texture2D val = new Texture2D(128, 128, (TextureFormat)4, false);
Sprite result = null;
byte[] array = (byte[])Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resName);
ImageConversion.LoadImage(val, array, false);
result = Sprite.Create(val, new Rect(0f, 0f, 128f, 128f), new Vector2(64f, 64f));
catch (Exception ex)
return result;
public class EclipseRefurbishedCompat
private static bool? _enabled;
private static bool _hooksEnabled;
private static string _creditsModifierDesc;
public static bool Enabled
bool valueOrDefault = _enabled.GetValueOrDefault();
if (!_enabled.HasValue)
valueOrDefault = Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("com.Puporongod.EclipseRefurbished");
_enabled = valueOrDefault;
return _enabled.Value;
[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
public static string AddDirectorCreditsToDescription(string description)
if (_creditsModifierDesc == null)
_creditsModifierDesc = Language.GetString("ECLIPSE_1_DESCRIPTION").Split('\n').FirstOrDefault((string s) => s.StartsWith("Director Credits:"))
List<string> list = description.Split("\n").ToList();
list.Add("<style=cStack>>" + _creditsModifierDesc + " (Non-Stacking)</style>");
return string.Join('\n', list);
[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
public static void EnableHooks()
if (!_hooksEnabled)
HookEndpointManager.Modify((MethodBase)GetCombatDirectorEnableMethod(), (Delegate)new Action<ILContext>(Modify_CombatDirector_OnEnable));
HookEndpointManager.Modify((MethodBase)GetATKSpeedMethod(), (Delegate)new Action<ILContext>(Modify_ATKSpeedAndAWUCooldown));
_hooksEnabled = true;
[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
public static void DisableHooks()
if (_hooksEnabled)
HookEndpointManager.Unmodify((MethodBase)GetCombatDirectorEnableMethod(), (Delegate)new Action<ILContext>(Modify_CombatDirector_OnEnable));
HookEndpointManager.Unmodify((MethodBase)GetATKSpeedMethod(), (Delegate)new Action<ILContext>(Modify_ATKSpeedAndAWUCooldown));
_hooksEnabled = false;
public static void Modify_CombatDirector_OnEnable(ILContext il)
EclipseArtifactsBehavior.ReplaceCall_Run_GetSelectedDifficulty(il, overrideDiffWhenAnyArtifactIsEnabled: true);
public static void Modify_ATKSpeedAndAWUCooldown(ILContext il)
private static MethodInfo GetCombatDirectorEnableMethod()
BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
return typeof(EclipseRefurbished).GetMethod("CombatDirector_OnEnable", bindingAttr);
private static MethodInfo GetATKSpeedMethod()
BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
return typeof(EclipseRefurbished).GetMethod("ATKSpeedAndAWUCooldown", bindingAttr);
internal static class Log
internal static ManualLogSource _logSource;
internal static void Init(ManualLogSource logSource)
_logSource = logSource;
internal static void LogDebug(object data)
internal static void LogError(object data)
internal static void LogFatal(object data)
internal static void LogInfo(object data)
internal static void LogMessage(object data)
internal static void LogWarning(object data)
namespace EclipseArtifacts.Properties
[GeneratedCode("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")]
internal class Resources
private static ResourceManager resourceMan;
private static CultureInfo resourceCulture;
internal static ResourceManager ResourceManager
if (resourceMan == null)
resourceMan = new ResourceManager("EclipseArtifacts.Properties.Resources", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
return resourceMan;
internal static CultureInfo Culture
return resourceCulture;
resourceCulture = value;
internal static byte[] E1_deselected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E1_deselected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E1_selected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E1_selected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E2_deselected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E2_deselected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E2_selected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E2_selected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E3_deselected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E3_deselected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E3_selected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E3_selected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E4_deselected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E4_deselected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E4_selected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E4_selected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E5_deselected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E5_deselected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E5_selected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E5_selected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E6_deselected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E6_deselected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E6_selected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E6_selected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E7_deselected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E7_deselected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E7_selected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E7_selected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E8_deselected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E8_deselected", resourceCulture);
internal static byte[] E8_selected => (byte[])ResourceManager.GetObject("E8_selected", resourceCulture);
internal Resources()