Lecarde17-InfernoRU icon


A simple mod that translates HIFU's Inferno difficulty into Russian.


<Version 1.0.0>: Introduced.

<Version 1.0.1>: It actually works now. I think?

<Version 1.0.2>: Most of the names didn't translate because of the botched syntax. MUST BE FIXED NOW, I BEG YOU.

<Version 1.0.3>: Fixed some wording that was inconsistent with the official RoR2 localisation.

<Version 1.0.4>: README now includes an in-game screenshot. New icon.

<Version 1.0.5>: Added a link to my Discord server and better wording on the mod page.

<Version 1.0.6>: Added RU description to README.

<Version 1.0.7>: The translation is full now.

<Version 1.0.8>: Fixed a bug that made most of the text not appear translated in half of the instances. Don't question it.