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Moffein-Bandit_Tweaks-1.9.3 icon

Bandit Tweaks

QoL tweaks to make Bandit more fluid to play. Client-side and Vanilla-Compatible. Special Grace Period tweaks are server-side.

Date uploaded 2 weeks ago
Version 1.9.3
Download link
Downloads 1678
Dependency string Moffein-Bandit_Tweaks-1.9.3

This mod requires the following mods to function

RiskofThunder-HookGenPatcher-1.2.4 icon

MMHOOK generation at runtime.

Preferred version: 1.2.4
bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2115 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2115


Various QoL tweaks to make Bandit more fluid to play. I recommend installing (not Vanilla-Compatible) to go along with this.

Vanilla-Compatible. Everything is client-side EXCEPT for Special Grace Period and Hemorrhage Ignores Armor, which are server-side.

Settings can be changed in the config.

  • Primaries
    • Shot radius has been increased to match other bullet skills.
    • You can now hold M1 to autofire.
      • Can be swapped between an accurate slow-firing mode and a rapidfire burst mode by using the Scroll Wheel.
  • Secondaries
    • Serrated Dagger now lunges while sprinting and has a bigger hitbox.
    • Serrated Shiv now stuns on hit.
    • Hemorrhage ignores positive armor.
  • Utility
    • Fixed Cloak sound persisting if you teleport while cloaked.
    • You can now hold down Shift to activate Smokebomb as soon as it finishes its cooldown.
  • Specials
    • Only fires once you release the Special button.
    • No longer cancelled by sprinting.
    • Both specials now have a 0.5s (1.0s for online clients) grace period to trigger their on-kill effects, so that they work with Elemental Bands.

Mod icon taken from a comic by R_Neophyte (


Place BanditTweaks.dll in /Risk of Rain 2/BepInEx/plugins/



  • Swapped Time.fixedDeltaTime to self.GetDeltaTime()


  • Recompiled for DLC2.
  • Removed r2api dependency.


  • Grace Duration (Existing config unaffected)
    • Host: Reduced from 0.5s -> 0.25s
    • Client: Reduced from 1s -> 0.5s


  • Blast
    • Removed spread.
    • Added piercing.


  • Smokebomb no longer double plays the exit sound since the infinite Smokebomb sound bug got fixed in Vanilla.
  • Serrated Dagger no longer bugs out if the Smokebomb anim plays before the attack hitbox comes out.
  • Special Grace Period
    • Now allows a separate value to be specified for Hosts/Clients.
      • Host/Singleplayer: 0.5s
      • Online Client: 1.0s


  • Hemorrhage now ignore adaptive armor.


  • Serrated Shiv (Throwing Knife) now stuns on hit.
  • Hemorrhage now ignores positive armor (server-side).


  • Added missing NetworkCompatibility tag.



  • Serrated Dagger now has a minimum duration of 0.3s to prevent the lunge breaking at high attack speeds.


  • Mod now does not run if RiskyMod's Bandit changes are enabled, due to heavy incompatibilities with it.


  • Equipped Commando Pro.


  • Mod compatibility stuff.


  • Added a check to prevent the Crit Backstab code from running if Backstab Crit Bonus is set to 1 in the config.


  • Internal changes to the Slayer fix. Calculation now occurs before Crit Backstab bonus is calculated.


  • Fixed 1.3.0's Crit Backstab change ignoring the Crit Backstab Multiplier config setting.


  • Slayer (bonus damage to low hp) now affects procs (it doesn't in vanilla).
    • This will affect Acrid's bite as well.


  • Added a fix for Crit Backstabs causing weak attacks to trigger bands. (Can be disabled in config)
    • If the attack is >=400% damage, simply multiply the damage by 1.5x
    • Otherwise, hit a second time for 50% of the initial hit's damage (0.5 proc, no hemmorhaging)
  • Renamed Burstfire config options to Spamfire to prevent confusion with Bandit's Burst (Shotgun) skill.
  • Reduced default Spamfire fire rate from 0.1s per shot to 0.12s per shot since it more closely matches a normal spamming fire rate.
  • Greatly improved Quickdraw code.
  • Fixed Bandit's Primaries sometimes being able to hold 5 shots.


  • Fixed Burstfire Button config option not working.


  • Added Client-Side tag on the Thunderstore page.
  • Increased default Special grace period from 0.5s -> 1.0s to make it work better online.


  • Burst bullet radius increased 0 -> 0.3
  • Blast bullet radius increased 0 -> 0.4


  • Fixed Smokebomb multi-hitting online.


  • Rewrote Quickdraw code to improve compatibility with custom skills.


  • Added config option to assign buttons to swap directly to a specific firemode.
  • Smokebomb anim is now enabled on the ground by default like Vanilla. This can be disabled in the config.


  • Fixed Disable Autofire config option not working.
  • Autofire settings are now disabled when BanditWeaponModes is installed (
  • Added config option to enable BanditReloaded's Quickdraw feature (disabled by default).
  • Added config option to enable BanditReloaded's Special Execute feature (disabled by default).


  • Now only depends on MMHook for real.


  • Now only depends on MMHook
  • Added NetworkCompatibility tags


  • Release