VariantPack NebbysWrath
Variants from MonsterVariantsPlus, Ported to VarianceAPI.
- Fixed the loading screen sprite acting all wonky
- Fixed Collapsed child having an invalid arrival text
- Fixed electric scorchling causing exceptions.
- Removed uncesesary dependency
- Updated to Seekers of the Storm
- Fixed a couple of bugs
- Added the following variants:
- Alpha Construct
- Gamma Construct
- Void Barnacle
- Transplanar Barnacle
- Moffein Ancient Wisp
- Ancient Stone Wisp
- Somewhat Ancient Wisp
- Blind Pest
- Armormelter Pest
- Tiny Pest
- Blind Vermin
- Armormelter Vermin
- Tiny Vermin
- Gup
- Tarred Gup
- Goop
- Geep
- Tarred Geep
- Gip
- Tarred Gip
- Magma Worm
- Molten Worm
- Clay Apothecary
- Overflowing Apothecary
- Clay Dunestrider
- Overflowing Dunestrider
- Moffein Clayman
- Overflowing Clayman
- Clay Templar
- Overflowing Clay Templar
- Child
- Collapsed Child
- Dense Child
- Scorch Wurm
- Electric Wurm
- Xi Construct
- Proto Construct
- Omicron Construct
- Alpha Construct
- Removed uncesesary special thanks (rob didn't design any, whoops...)
- Fixed issue where the mod accidentally had a hard dependency on TheOriginal30
- Updated README
- Added Missing Dependency
- Updated to Survivors of the Void
- Updated to use VAPI 2.0.0
- Greatly toned down the strength of the clayman asssassin
- Clayman Assassin now cloaks itself and uncovers when attacking the player
- Dependant on PrefabAPI
- Fixed almost archaic wisps not having their visual modifiers
- Fixed the Mamma shroom having a bad language token for its arrival
- Fixed Solus Control Unit having a duplicate Swarming variant info
- Fixed Alloy Worship Unit not having a swarming variant info
- Updated Website
- Updated to use VarianceAPI 1.0.0
- Probably forgot a bunch of things
- Also, certain variant reworks and tweaks. lol.
- Fixed the Malfunctioning Alloy Worship Unit having a spawn chance of 0 by default
- Fixed the Mamma shroom not having it's size modifier
- Prolly other things i forgor
- Oh yeah, mesh swaps i guess
- Fixed SolusProbe MK2 having a size modifier of 0
- Fixed the Aeonic Wisp not spawning
- Increased Kjaro & Runald's armor by 50 points
'1.0.1' "Hotfix Update"
- Fixed Bruiser Imps not having their prefix
- Fixed Variants being able to use the EmptySkillDef, which caused them to stay idly doing nothing
- Fixed a REALLY BAD coding error (forgot to call orig(self))
- Finished implementing all the variants, horray!
- Updated to use VarianceAPI 0.8.0
- Updated icon and fixed the fucking "Ariants" typo lol
- Fixed the Ichor Imp having problems with its material
- Fixed the Ichor Imp not attacking.
- Added back the following Variants:
- Alpha Bison
- Amalgamated Greater Wisp
- Greater Stone Wisp
- Somewhat-Great Wisp
- Bruiser Imp
- Ichor Imp
- Adolescent
- Child
- Updated to use Variance API 0.7.1
- Initial Release