Decompiled source of VanillaItemTweaks v0.1.1


Decompiled 4 hours ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using EntityStates.Missions.BrotherEncounter;
using IL.EntityStates.TeleporterHealNovaController;
using IL.RoR2;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using MonoMod.Cil;
using On.EntityStates.Missions.BrotherEncounter;
using R2API;
using RoR2;
using RoR2.Orbs;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using VanillaItemTweaks.Boss;
using VanillaItemTweaks.Common;
using VanillaItemTweaks.Legendary;
using VanillaItemTweaks.Uncommon;
using VanillaItemTweaks.Void;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = "")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("VanillaItemTweaks")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("VanillaItemTweaks")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("VanillaItemTweaks")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte[] NullableFlags;

		public NullableAttribute(byte P_0)
			NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 };

		public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0)
			NullableFlags = P_0;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableContextAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte Flag;

		public NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0)
			Flag = P_0;
namespace VanillaItemTweaks
	internal static class Log
		internal static ManualLogSource _logSource;

		internal static void Init(ManualLogSource logSource)
			_logSource = logSource;

		internal static void LogDebug(object data)

		internal static void LogError(object data)

		internal static void LogFatal(object data)

		internal static void LogInfo(object data)

		internal static void LogMessage(object data)

		internal static void LogWarning(object data)
	[BepInPlugin("OakPrime.VanillaItemTweaks", "VanillaItemTweaks", "0.1.0")]
	public class VanillaItemTweaks : BaseUnityPlugin
		public const string PluginGUID = "OakPrime.VanillaItemTweaks";

		public const string PluginAuthor = "OakPrime";

		public const string PluginName = "VanillaItemTweaks";

		public const string PluginVersion = "0.1.0";

		public static ManualLogSource logger;

		public void Awake()
			logger = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;
			catch (Exception ex)
				((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace));

		private void Init()
			if (VITConfig.enableKnurlBuff.Value)
			if (VITConfig.enablePolyluteNerf.Value)
			if (VITConfig.enableHappiestMaskRework.Value)
			if (VITConfig.enableLaserScopeBuff.Value)
			if (VITConfig.enableDeathMarkFix.Value)
			if (VITConfig.enableHuntersHarpoonRework.Value)
			if (VITConfig.enableLeechingSeedBuff.Value)
			if (VITConfig.enableLeptonDaisyBuff.Value)
			if (VITConfig.enableRedWhipBuff.Value)
			if (VITConfig.enableOldGuillotineBuff.Value)
			if (VITConfig.enableRegeneratingScrapBuff.Value)
			if (VITConfig.enableWarbannerBuff.Value)
	internal static class VITConfig
		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableKnurlBuff;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableHappiestMaskRework;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableDeathMarkFix;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableHuntersHarpoonRework;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableLeechingSeedBuff;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableLeptonDaisyBuff;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enablePolyluteNerf;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableRedWhipBuff;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableLaserScopeBuff;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableWarbannerBuff;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableOldGuillotineBuff;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableRegeneratingScrapBuff;

		public static void InitializeConfig()
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0017: Expected O, but got Unknown
			ConfigFile val = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\OakPrime.VanillaItemTweaks.cfg", true);
			enableKnurlBuff = val.Bind<bool>("Main", "Enable Knurl Buff", true, "Gives Titanic Knurl additional +10 armor per stack.");
			enableLeechingSeedBuff = val.Bind<bool>("Main", "Enable Leeching Seed Buff", true, "Leeching seed also heals for an additional 0.2 health regardless of proc coefficient.");
			enablePolyluteNerf = val.Bind<bool>("Main", "Enable Polylute Nerf", true, "Reduces Polylute strikes from 3 to 2.");
			enableLeptonDaisyBuff = val.Bind<bool>("Main", "Enable Lepton Daisy Buff", true, "Lepton Daisy now pulses twice per item at a lower value, cleansing debuffs (including band/bear cooldown). Also heals once on holdout start.");
			enableHuntersHarpoonRework = val.Bind<bool>("Main", "Enable Hunters Harpoon Rework", true, "Harpoon speed is less intense but lasts longer.");
			enableHappiestMaskRework = val.Bind<bool>("Main", "Enable Happiest Mask Rework", true, "Happiest Mask now spawns a ghost for 30 seconds if you don't have one on enemy kill.");
			enableDeathMarkFix = val.Bind<bool>("Main", "Enable Death Mark Fix", true, "Reduces Death Mark debuffs required to 3 and reduces its damage multiplier to 1.35x.");
			enableRedWhipBuff = val.Bind<bool>("Main", "Enable Red Whip Buff", true, "Raises Red Whip speed to 40%.");
			enableLaserScopeBuff = val.Bind<bool>("Main", "Enable Laser Scope Buff", true, "Gives Laser Scope 15% non-stacking crit chance.");
			enableWarbannerBuff = val.Bind<bool>("Main", "Enable Warbanner Buff", true, "Warbanner activates when starting Mithrix fight.");
			enableOldGuillotineBuff = val.Bind<bool>("Main", "Enable Old Guillotine Buff", true, "Guillotine executes enemies at 20% health instead of 11%.");
			enableRegeneratingScrapBuff = val.Bind<bool>("Main", "Enable Regenerating Scrap Buff", true, "TBD");
namespace VanillaItemTweaks.Void
	public static class PolyluteNerf
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_1;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_2;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_3;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_4;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_5;

			public static Func<int, int> <>9__0_6;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_0;

			internal void <Init>b__0_0(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				int num3 = default(int);
				int num2 = default(int);
				int num = default(int);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[5]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num3),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, ref num2),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchMul(x),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchStfld<VoidLightningOrb>(x, "totalStrikes")
				val.Index += 4;
				val.EmitDelegate<Func<int, int>>((Func<int, int>)((int totalStrikes) => totalStrikes * 2 / 3));

			internal bool <Init>b__0_1(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_2(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, ref num);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_3(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_4(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchMul(x);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_5(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchStfld<VoidLightningOrb>(x, "totalStrikes");

			internal int <Init>b__0_6(int totalStrikes)
				return totalStrikes * 2 / 3;

		public static void Init()
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Expected O, but got Unknown
				object obj = <>c.<>9__0_0;
				if (obj == null)
					Manipulator val = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						ILCursor val2 = new ILCursor(il);
						int num3 = default(int);
						int num2 = default(int);
						int num = default(int);
						val2.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[5]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num3),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, ref num2),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchMul(x),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchStfld<VoidLightningOrb>(x, "totalStrikes")
						val2.Index += 4;
						val2.EmitDelegate<Func<int, int>>((Func<int, int>)((int totalStrikes) => totalStrikes * 2 / 3));
					<>c.<>9__0_0 = val;
					obj = (object)val;
				GlobalEventManager.ProcessHitEnemy += (Manipulator)obj;
			catch (Exception ex)
				VanillaItemTweaks.logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace));

		private static void ReplaceText()
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_CHAINLIGHTNINGVOID_DESC", "<style=cIsDamage>25%</style> chance to fire <style=cIsDamage>lightning</style> for <style=cIsDamage>60%</style> TOTAL damage up to <style=cIsDamage>2</style> <style=cStack>(+2 per stack)</style> times. <style=cIsVoid>Corrupts all Ukeleles</style>.");
namespace VanillaItemTweaks.Uncommon
	public static class DeathMarkFix
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_2;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_3;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_4;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_5;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_0;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_6;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_7;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_8;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_9;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_1;

			internal void <Init>b__0_0(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				//IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				ILLabel val3 = default(ILLabel);
				int num = default(int);
				ILLabel val2 = default(ILLabel);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[4]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchBlt(x, ref val3),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, 4),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchBlt(x, ref val2)
				val.Index += 2;
				val.Next.OpCode = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_3;

			internal bool <Init>b__0_2(Instruction x)
				ILLabel val = default(ILLabel);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchBlt(x, ref val);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_3(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_4(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, 4);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_5(Instruction x)
				ILLabel val = default(ILLabel);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchBlt(x, ref val);

			internal void <Init>b__0_1(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				int num2 = default(int);
				int num = default(int);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[4]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num2),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, 1.5f),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchMul(x),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchStloc(x, ref num)
				int index = val.Index;
				val.Index = index + 1;
				val.Next.Operand = 1.35f;

			internal bool <Init>b__0_6(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_7(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, 1.5f);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_8(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchMul(x);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_9(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchStloc(x, ref num);

		public static void Init()
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0046: Expected O, but got Unknown
				object obj = <>c.<>9__0_0;
				if (obj == null)
					Manipulator val = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						//IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						ILCursor val4 = new ILCursor(il);
						ILLabel val6 = default(ILLabel);
						int num3 = default(int);
						ILLabel val5 = default(ILLabel);
						val4.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[4]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchBlt(x, ref val6),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num3),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, 4),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchBlt(x, ref val5)
						val4.Index += 2;
						val4.Next.OpCode = OpCodes.Ldc_I4_3;
					<>c.<>9__0_0 = val;
					obj = (object)val;
				GlobalEventManager.ProcessHitEnemy += (Manipulator)obj;
				object obj2 = <>c.<>9__0_1;
				if (obj2 == null)
					Manipulator val2 = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						ILCursor val3 = new ILCursor(il);
						int num2 = default(int);
						int num = default(int);
						val3.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[4]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num2),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, 1.5f),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchMul(x),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchStloc(x, ref num)
						int index = val3.Index;
						val3.Index = index + 1;
						val3.Next.Operand = 1.35f;
					<>c.<>9__0_1 = val2;
					obj2 = (object)val2;
				HealthComponent.TakeDamageProcess += (Manipulator)obj2;
			catch (Exception ex)
				VanillaItemTweaks.logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace));

		private static void ReplaceText()
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_DEATHMARK_PICKUP", "Enemies with 3 or more debuffs are marked for death, taking bonus damage.");
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_DEATHMARK_DESC", "Enemies with <style=cIsDamage>3</style> or more debuffs are <style=cIsDamage>marked for death</style>, increasing damage taken by <style=cIsDamage>35%</style> from all sources for <style=cIsUtility>7</style> <style=cStack>(+7 per stack)</style> seconds.");
	public static class HuntersHarpoonRework
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_1;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_2;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_3;

			public static Action<int, CharacterBody> <>9__0_4;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_0;

			internal void <Init>b__0_0(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				//IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				ILLabel val2 = default(ILLabel);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[3]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, 52),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, 0),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchBle(x, ref val2)
				val.Index += 4;
				val.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 15);
				val.EmitDelegate<Action<int, CharacterBody>>((Action<int, CharacterBody>)delegate(int itemCount, CharacterBody body)
					if (body != null)
					for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
						if (body != null)
							body.AddTimedBuff(Buffs.KillMoveSpeed, 2f * (float)itemCount * (float)Math.Pow(0.75, i));

			internal bool <Init>b__0_1(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, 52);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_2(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, 0);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_3(Instruction x)
				ILLabel val = default(ILLabel);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchBle(x, ref val);

			internal void <Init>b__0_4(int itemCount, CharacterBody body)
				if (body != null)
				for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
					if (body != null)
						body.AddTimedBuff(Buffs.KillMoveSpeed, 2f * (float)itemCount * (float)Math.Pow(0.75, i));

		public static void Init()
			//IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0027: Expected O, but got Unknown
				object obj = <>c.<>9__0_0;
				if (obj == null)
					Manipulator val = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						//IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						ILCursor val2 = new ILCursor(il);
						ILLabel val3 = default(ILLabel);
						val2.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[3]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, 52),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, 0),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchBle(x, ref val3)
						val2.Index += 4;
						val2.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 15);
						val2.EmitDelegate<Action<int, CharacterBody>>((Action<int, CharacterBody>)delegate(int itemCount, CharacterBody body)
							if (body != null)
							for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
								if (body != null)
									body.AddTimedBuff(Buffs.KillMoveSpeed, 2f * (float)itemCount * (float)Math.Pow(0.75, i));
					<>c.<>9__0_0 = val;
					obj = (object)val;
				GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath += (Manipulator)obj;
			catch (Exception ex)
				VanillaItemTweaks.logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace));

		private static void UpdateText()
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_MOVESPEEDONKILL_DESC", "Killing an enemy increases <style=cIsUtility>movement speed</style> by <style=cIsUtility>100%</style> fading over <style=cIsUtility>2</style> <style=cStack>(+2 per stack)</style> seconds.");
	public class LeechingSeedBuff
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_1;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_2;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_3;

			public static Action<DamageInfo> <>9__0_4;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_0;

			internal void <Init>b__0_0(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				int num3 = default(int);
				int num2 = default(int);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[3]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, ref num3),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchCallOrCallvirt<HealthComponent>(x, "combinedHealth"),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchStloc(x, ref num2)
				val.EmitDelegate<Action<DamageInfo>>((Action<DamageInfo>)delegate(DamageInfo damageInfo)
					//IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_00b7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_00cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					if (damageInfo != null && !((Object)(object)damageInfo.attacker == (Object)null))
						CharacterBody component = damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent<CharacterBody>();
						CharacterMaster val2 = ((component != null) ? component.master : null);
						Inventory val3 = ((val2 != null) ? val2.inventory : null);
						if ((Object)(object)val3 != (Object)null && !((ProcChainMask)(ref damageInfo.procChainMask)).HasProc((ProcType)6))
							int itemCount = val3.GetItemCount(Items.Seed);
							if (itemCount > 0)
								HealthComponent val4 = ((component != null) ? ((Component)component).GetComponent<HealthComponent>() : null);
								if ((Object)(object)val4 != (Object)null && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val4))
									ProcChainMask procChainMask = damageInfo.procChainMask;
									((ProcChainMask)(ref procChainMask)).AddProc((ProcType)6);
									double num = val4.Heal((float)itemCount * 0.2f, procChainMask, true);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_1(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, ref num);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_2(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchCallOrCallvirt<HealthComponent>(x, "combinedHealth");

			internal bool <Init>b__0_3(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchStloc(x, ref num);

			internal void <Init>b__0_4(DamageInfo damageInfo)
				//IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_00b7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_00cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				if (damageInfo == null || (Object)(object)damageInfo.attacker == (Object)null)
				CharacterBody component = damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent<CharacterBody>();
				CharacterMaster val = ((component != null) ? component.master : null);
				Inventory val2 = ((val != null) ? val.inventory : null);
				if (!((Object)(object)val2 != (Object)null) || ((ProcChainMask)(ref damageInfo.procChainMask)).HasProc((ProcType)6))
				int itemCount = val2.GetItemCount(Items.Seed);
				if (itemCount > 0)
					HealthComponent val3 = ((component != null) ? ((Component)component).GetComponent<HealthComponent>() : null);
					if ((Object)(object)val3 != (Object)null && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val3))
						ProcChainMask procChainMask = damageInfo.procChainMask;
						((ProcChainMask)(ref procChainMask)).AddProc((ProcType)6);
						double num = val3.Heal((float)itemCount * 0.2f, procChainMask, true);

		public static void Init()
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Expected O, but got Unknown
				object obj = <>c.<>9__0_0;
				if (obj == null)
					Manipulator val = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						ILCursor val2 = new ILCursor(il);
						int num3 = default(int);
						int num2 = default(int);
						val2.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[3]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, ref num3),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchCallOrCallvirt<HealthComponent>(x, "combinedHealth"),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchStloc(x, ref num2)
						val2.EmitDelegate<Action<DamageInfo>>((Action<DamageInfo>)delegate(DamageInfo damageInfo)
							//IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
							//IL_00b7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
							//IL_00cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
							if (damageInfo != null && !((Object)(object)damageInfo.attacker == (Object)null))
								CharacterBody component = damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent<CharacterBody>();
								CharacterMaster val3 = ((component != null) ? component.master : null);
								Inventory val4 = ((val3 != null) ? val3.inventory : null);
								if ((Object)(object)val4 != (Object)null && !((ProcChainMask)(ref damageInfo.procChainMask)).HasProc((ProcType)6))
									int itemCount = val4.GetItemCount(Items.Seed);
									if (itemCount > 0)
										HealthComponent val5 = ((component != null) ? ((Component)component).GetComponent<HealthComponent>() : null);
										if ((Object)(object)val5 != (Object)null && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val5))
											ProcChainMask procChainMask = damageInfo.procChainMask;
											((ProcChainMask)(ref procChainMask)).AddProc((ProcType)6);
											double num = val5.Heal((float)itemCount * 0.2f, procChainMask, true);
					<>c.<>9__0_0 = val;
					obj = (object)val;
				HealthComponent.TakeDamageProcess += (Manipulator)obj;
			catch (Exception ex)
				VanillaItemTweaks.logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace));

		private static void UpdateText()
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_SEED_DESC", "Proc damage <style=cIsHealing>heals</style> you for  <style=cIsHealing>1</style> <style=cStack>(+1 per stack)</style>, <style=cIsHealing>health</style>. Also heals for <style=cIsHealing>0.2</style> <style=cStack>(+0.2 per stack)</style>on all damage instances.");
	public static class LeptonDaisyBuff
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_3;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_4;

			public static Action<HealthComponent> <>9__0_5;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_0;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_6;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_1;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_7;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_8;

			public static Func<float, float, float> <>9__0_9;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_10;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_2;

			internal void <Init>b__0_0(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				//IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				int num2 = default(int);
				int num = default(int);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[2]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, ref num2),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num)
				val.Index += 3;
				val.EmitDelegate<Action<HealthComponent>>((Action<HealthComponent>)delegate(HealthComponent healthComponent)
					Util.CleanseBody(healthComponent.body, true, false, true, true, true, true);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_3(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, ref num);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_4(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num);

			internal void <Init>b__0_5(HealthComponent healthComponent)
				Util.CleanseBody(healthComponent.body, true, false, true, true, true, true);

			internal void <Init>b__0_1(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				float num = default(float);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, ref num)
				val.Next.Operand = 0.35f;

			internal bool <Init>b__0_6(Instruction x)
				float num = default(float);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, ref num);

			internal void <Init>b__0_2(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				//IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0090: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0102: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_010e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				int num = default(int);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, ref num)
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchMul(x)
				int index = val.Index;
				val.Index = index + 1;
				val.EmitDelegate<Func<float, float, float>>((Func<float, float, float>)((float nextPulseFraction, float prevPulseFraction) => (prevPulseFraction < 0.01f) ? 0.01f : nextPulseFraction));
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, 0)
				index = val.Index;
				val.Index = index + 1;

			internal bool <Init>b__0_7(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, ref num);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_8(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchMul(x);

			internal float <Init>b__0_9(float nextPulseFraction, float prevPulseFraction)
				if (prevPulseFraction < 0.01f)
					return 0.01f;
				return nextPulseFraction;

			internal bool <Init>b__0_10(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, 0);

		public static void Init()
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0046: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0060: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006b: Expected O, but got Unknown
				object obj = <>c.<>9__0_0;
				if (obj == null)
					Manipulator val = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						//IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						ILCursor val6 = new ILCursor(il);
						int num4 = default(int);
						int num3 = default(int);
						val6.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[2]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, ref num4),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdloc(x, ref num3)
						val6.Index += 3;
						val6.EmitDelegate<Action<HealthComponent>>((Action<HealthComponent>)delegate(HealthComponent healthComponent)
							Util.CleanseBody(healthComponent.body, true, false, true, true, true, true);
					<>c.<>9__0_0 = val;
					obj = (object)val;
				HealPulse.Update += (Manipulator)obj;
				object obj2 = <>c.<>9__0_1;
				if (obj2 == null)
					Manipulator val2 = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						ILCursor val5 = new ILCursor(il);
						float num2 = default(float);
						val5.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, ref num2)
						val5.Next.Operand = 0.35f;
					<>c.<>9__0_1 = val2;
					obj2 = (object)val2;
				TeleporterHealNovaPulse.OnEnter += (Manipulator)obj2;
				object obj3 = <>c.<>9__0_2;
				if (obj3 == null)
					Manipulator val3 = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						//IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0044: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0090: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0102: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_010e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						ILCursor val4 = new ILCursor(il);
						int num = default(int);
						val4.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcI4(x, ref num)
						val4.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchMul(x)
						int index = val4.Index;
						val4.Index = index + 1;
						val4.EmitDelegate<Func<float, float, float>>((Func<float, float, float>)((float nextPulseFraction, float prevPulseFraction) => (prevPulseFraction < 0.01f) ? 0.01f : nextPulseFraction));
						val4.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, 0)
						index = val4.Index;
						val4.Index = index + 1;
					<>c.<>9__0_2 = val3;
					obj3 = (object)val3;
				TeleporterHealNovaGeneratorMain.CalculateNextPulseFraction += (Manipulator)obj3;
			catch (Exception ex)
				VanillaItemTweaks.logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace));

		private static void UpdateText()
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_TPHEALINGNOVA_DESC", "Release a <style=cIsHealing>healing nova</style> during the Teleporter event, <style=cIsHealing>cleansing</style> and <style=cIsHealing>healing</style> all nearby allies for <style=cIsHealing>35%</style> of their maximum health. Occurs <style=cIsHealing>3</style> <style=cStack>(+2 per stack)</style> times.");
	internal class OldGuillotineBuff
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_1;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_0;

			internal void <Init>b__0_0(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, 13f)
				val.Next.Operand = 25f;

			internal bool <Init>b__0_1(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, 13f);

		public static void Init()
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Expected O, but got Unknown
				object obj = <>c.<>9__0_0;
				if (obj == null)
					Manipulator val = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						ILCursor val2 = new ILCursor(il);
						val2.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, 13f)
						val2.Next.Operand = 25f;
					<>c.<>9__0_0 = val;
					obj = (object)val;
				CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged += (Manipulator)obj;
			catch (Exception ex)
				VanillaItemTweaks.logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace));

		private static void UpdateText()
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_EXECUTELOWHEALTHELITE_DESC", "Instantly kill Elite monsters below <style=cIsDamage>20%</style> <style=cStack>(+20% hyperbolically per stack)</style> <style=cIsDamage>health</style>. ");
	public static class RedWhipBuff
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_1;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_2;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_3;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_0;

			internal void <Init>b__0_0(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[3]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchConvR4(x),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, 0.3f),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchMul(x)
				int index = val.Index;
				val.Index = index + 1;
				val.Next.Operand = 0.4f;

			internal bool <Init>b__0_1(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchConvR4(x);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_2(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, 0.3f);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_3(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchMul(x);

		public static void Init()
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Expected O, but got Unknown
				object obj = <>c.<>9__0_0;
				if (obj == null)
					Manipulator val = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						ILCursor val2 = new ILCursor(il);
						val2.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[3]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchConvR4(x),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, 0.3f),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchMul(x)
						int index = val2.Index;
						val2.Index = index + 1;
						val2.Next.Operand = 0.4f;
					<>c.<>9__0_0 = val;
					obj = (object)val;
				CharacterBody.RecalculateStats += (Manipulator)obj;
			catch (Exception ex)
				VanillaItemTweaks.logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace));

		public static void UpdateText()
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_SPRINTOUTOFCOMBAT_DESC", "Leaving combat boosts your <style=cIsUtility>movement speed</style> by <style=cIsUtility>40%</style> <style=cStack>(+40% per stack)</style>.");
	internal class RegeneratingScrapBuff
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_1;

			public static Action<ScrapperController> <>9__0_2;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_0;

			internal void <Init>b__0_0(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchAdd(x)
				val.Index += 2;
				val.EmitDelegate<Action<ScrapperController>>((Action<ScrapperController>)delegate(ScrapperController scrapper)
					//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					if (scrapper.lastScrappedItemIndex == Items.RegeneratingScrap.itemIndex)
						CharacterBody component = ((Component)scrapper.interactor).GetComponent<CharacterBody>();
						for (int i = 0; i < scrapper.itemsEaten; i++)
							component.inventory.GiveItem(Items.RegeneratingScrapConsumed, 1);
						CharacterMasterNotificationQueue.SendTransformNotification(component.master, Items.RegeneratingScrap.itemIndex, Items.RegeneratingScrapConsumed.itemIndex, (TransformationType)5);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_1(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchAdd(x);

			internal void <Init>b__0_2(ScrapperController scrapper)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				if (scrapper.lastScrappedItemIndex == Items.RegeneratingScrap.itemIndex)
					CharacterBody component = ((Component)scrapper.interactor).GetComponent<CharacterBody>();
					for (int i = 0; i < scrapper.itemsEaten; i++)
						component.inventory.GiveItem(Items.RegeneratingScrapConsumed, 1);
					CharacterMasterNotificationQueue.SendTransformNotification(component.master, Items.RegeneratingScrap.itemIndex, Items.RegeneratingScrapConsumed.itemIndex, (TransformationType)5);

		public static void Init()
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Expected O, but got Unknown
				object obj = <>c.<>9__0_0;
				if (obj == null)
					Manipulator val = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						ILCursor val2 = new ILCursor(il);
						val2.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchAdd(x)
						val2.Index += 2;
						val2.EmitDelegate<Action<ScrapperController>>((Action<ScrapperController>)delegate(ScrapperController scrapper)
							//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
							//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
							//IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
							//IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
							if (scrapper.lastScrappedItemIndex == Items.RegeneratingScrap.itemIndex)
								CharacterBody component = ((Component)scrapper.interactor).GetComponent<CharacterBody>();
								for (int i = 0; i < scrapper.itemsEaten; i++)
									component.inventory.GiveItem(Items.RegeneratingScrapConsumed, 1);
								CharacterMasterNotificationQueue.SendTransformNotification(component.master, Items.RegeneratingScrap.itemIndex, Items.RegeneratingScrapConsumed.itemIndex, (TransformationType)5);
					<>c.<>9__0_0 = val;
					obj = (object)val;
				ScrapperController.BeginScrapping += (Manipulator)obj;
			catch (Exception ex)
				VanillaItemTweaks.logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace));

		private static void UpdateText()
namespace VanillaItemTweaks.Legendary
	internal class HappiestMaskBehavior : ItemBehavior
		private CharacterBody _ghost;

		private void OnDisable()
			if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_ghost) && (Object)(object)_ghost.healthComponent != (Object)null)
			{ = 0f;

		public bool HasGhost()
			return Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)_ghost);

		public void SetGhost(CharacterBody newGhost)
			_ghost = newGhost;
	public static class HappiestMaskRework
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static Action <>9__0_0;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_3;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_4;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_5;

			public static Action<CharacterBody> <>9__0_6;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_1;

			public static Func<Instruction, bool> <>9__0_7;

			public static Func<DamageReport, bool> <>9__0_8;

			public static Action<CharacterBody, DamageReport> <>9__0_9;

			public static Manipulator <>9__0_2;

			internal void <Init>b__0_0()
				List<ItemTag> list = Items.GhostOnKill.tags.ToList();
				Items.GhostOnKill.tags = list.ToArray();

			internal void <Init>b__0_1(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				int num2 = default(int);
				int num = default(int);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[3]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, ref num2),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, ref num),
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchCallOrCallvirt<CharacterBody>(x, "inventory")
				val.EmitDelegate<Action<CharacterBody>>((Action<CharacterBody>)delegate(CharacterBody body)

			internal bool <Init>b__0_3(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, ref num);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_4(Instruction x)
				int num = default(int);
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, ref num);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_5(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchCallOrCallvirt<CharacterBody>(x, "inventory");

			internal void <Init>b__0_6(CharacterBody body)

			internal void <Init>b__0_2(ILContext il)
				//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
				//IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_00b8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
				val.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
					(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, 7f)
				val.EmitDelegate<Func<DamageReport, bool>>((Func<DamageReport, bool>)delegate(DamageReport damageReport)
					HappiestMaskBehavior component = damageReport.attacker.GetComponent<HappiestMaskBehavior>();
					Log.LogDebug("Behavior null?: " + (object)component == ". Has ghost?: " + component.HasGhost());
					return (Object)(object)component != (Object)null && !component.HasGhost();
				val.Index += 3;
				int index = val.Index;
				val.Index = index + 1;
				index = val.Index;
				val.Index = index + 1;
				val.EmitDelegate<Action<CharacterBody, DamageReport>>((Action<CharacterBody, DamageReport>)delegate(CharacterBody ghostBody, DamageReport damageReport)
					if ((Object)(object)ghostBody != (Object)null)
						ghostBody.master.inventory.GiveItem(Items.BoostDamage, 75 * damageReport.attackerBody.inventory.GetItemCount(Items.GhostOnKill) - 150);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_7(Instruction x)
				return ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, 7f);

			internal bool <Init>b__0_8(DamageReport damageReport)
				HappiestMaskBehavior component = damageReport.attacker.GetComponent<HappiestMaskBehavior>();
				Log.LogDebug("Behavior null?: " + (object)component == ". Has ghost?: " + component.HasGhost());
				return (Object)(object)component != (Object)null && !component.HasGhost();

			internal void <Init>b__0_9(CharacterBody ghostBody, DamageReport damageReport)
				if ((Object)(object)ghostBody != (Object)null)
					ghostBody.master.inventory.GiveItem(Items.BoostDamage, 75 * damageReport.attackerBody.inventory.GetItemCount(Items.GhostOnKill) - 150);

		public static void Init()
			//IL_0049: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0054: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0079: Expected O, but got Unknown
				RoR2Application.onLoad = (Action)Delegate.Combine(RoR2Application.onLoad, (Action)delegate
					List<ItemTag> list = Items.GhostOnKill.tags.ToList();
					Items.GhostOnKill.tags = list.ToArray();
				object obj = <>c.<>9__0_1;
				if (obj == null)
					Manipulator val = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						//IL_007c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						ILCursor val4 = new ILCursor(il);
						int num2 = default(int);
						int num = default(int);
						val4.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[3]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, ref num2),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdarg(x, ref num),
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchCallOrCallvirt<CharacterBody>(x, "inventory")
						val4.EmitDelegate<Action<CharacterBody>>((Action<CharacterBody>)delegate(CharacterBody body)
					<>c.<>9__0_1 = val;
					obj = (object)val;
				CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged += (Manipulator)obj;
				object obj2 = <>c.<>9__0_2;
				if (obj2 == null)
					Manipulator val2 = delegate(ILContext il)
						//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
						//IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						//IL_00b8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						ILCursor val3 = new ILCursor(il);
						val3.TryGotoNext(new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
							(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchLdcR4(x, 7f)
						val3.EmitDelegate<Func<DamageReport, bool>>((Func<DamageReport, bool>)delegate(DamageReport damageReport)
							HappiestMaskBehavior component = damageReport.attacker.GetComponent<HappiestMaskBehavior>();
							Log.LogDebug("Behavior null?: " + (object)component == ". Has ghost?: " + component.HasGhost());
							return (Object)(object)component != (Object)null && !component.HasGhost();
						val3.Index += 3;
						int index = val3.Index;
						val3.Index = index + 1;
						index = val3.Index;
						val3.Index = index + 1;
						val3.EmitDelegate<Action<CharacterBody, DamageReport>>((Action<CharacterBody, DamageReport>)delegate(CharacterBody ghostBody, DamageReport damageReport)
							if ((Object)(object)ghostBody != (Object)null)
								ghostBody.master.inventory.GiveItem(Items.BoostDamage, 75 * damageReport.attackerBody.inventory.GetItemCount(Items.GhostOnKill) - 150);
					<>c.<>9__0_2 = val2;
					obj2 = (object)val2;
				GlobalEventManager.OnCharacterDeath += (Manipulator)obj2;
			catch (Exception ex)
				VanillaItemTweaks.logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace));

		private static void UpdateText()
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_GHOSTONKILL_DESC", "Killing an enemy will spawn a ghost of the killed enemy with <style=cIsDamage>750%</style><style=cStack>(+750% per stack)</style> damage for <style=cIsDamage>30s</style>. ");
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_GHOSTONKILL_PICKUP", "Killing an enemy spawns a ghost of them.");
	public static class LaserScopeBuff
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static StatHookEventHandler <>9__0_0;

			internal void <Init>b__0_0(CharacterBody sender, StatHookEventArgs args)
				if ((Object)(object)sender.inventory != (Object)null && sender.inventory.GetItemCount(Items.CritDamage) > 0)
					args.critAdd += 15f;

		public static void Init()
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Expected O, but got Unknown
				object obj = <>c.<>9__0_0;
				if (obj == null)
					StatHookEventHandler val = delegate(CharacterBody sender, StatHookEventArgs args)
						if ((Object)(object)sender.inventory != (Object)null && sender.inventory.GetItemCount(Items.CritDamage) > 0)
							args.critAdd += 15f;
					<>c.<>9__0_0 = val;
					obj = (object)val;
				RecalculateStatsAPI.GetStatCoefficients += (StatHookEventHandler)obj;
			catch (Exception ex)
				VanillaItemTweaks.logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace));

		private static void UpdateText()
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_CRITDAMAGE_DESC", "Gain <style=cIsDamage>15% critical chance</style>. <style=cIsDamage>Critical Strikes</style> deal an additional <style=cIsDamage>100% damage</style> <style=cStack>(+100% per stack)</style>.");
namespace VanillaItemTweaks.Common
	public static class WarbannerBuff
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static hook_OnExit <>9__0_0;

			internal void <Init>b__0_0(orig_OnExit orig, PreEncounter self)
				//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				if (!
				ReadOnlyCollection<TeamComponent> teamMembers = TeamComponent.GetTeamMembers((TeamIndex)1);
				for (int i = 0; i < teamMembers.Count; i++)
					TeamComponent val = teamMembers[i];
					CharacterBody body = val.body;
					if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)body))
					CharacterMaster master = val.body.master;
					if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)master))
						int itemCount = master.inventory.GetItemCount(Items.WardOnLevel);
						if (itemCount > 0)
							GameObject val2 = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(LegacyResourcesAPI.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/NetworkedObjects/WarbannerWard"), body.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
							val2.GetComponent<TeamFilter>().teamIndex = (TeamIndex)1;
							val2.GetComponent<BuffWard>().Networkradius = (float)(8.0 + 8.0 * (double)itemCount);

		public static void Init()
			//IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0020: Expected O, but got Unknown
			object obj = <>c.<>9__0_0;
			if (obj == null)
				hook_OnExit val = delegate(orig_OnExit orig, PreEncounter self)
					//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					if (
						ReadOnlyCollection<TeamComponent> teamMembers = TeamComponent.GetTeamMembers((TeamIndex)1);
						for (int i = 0; i < teamMembers.Count; i++)
							TeamComponent val2 = teamMembers[i];
							CharacterBody body = val2.body;
							if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)body))
								CharacterMaster master = val2.body.master;
								if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)master))
									int itemCount = master.inventory.GetItemCount(Items.WardOnLevel);
									if (itemCount > 0)
										GameObject val3 = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(LegacyResourcesAPI.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/NetworkedObjects/WarbannerWard"), body.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
										val3.GetComponent<TeamFilter>().teamIndex = (TeamIndex)1;
										val3.GetComponent<BuffWard>().Networkradius = (float)(8.0 + 8.0 * (double)itemCount);
				<>c.<>9__0_0 = val;
				obj = (object)val;
			PreEncounter.OnExit += (hook_OnExit)obj;
namespace VanillaItemTweaks.Boss
	public static class KnurlBuff
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static StatHookEventHandler <>9__0_0;

			internal void <Init>b__0_0(CharacterBody sender, StatHookEventArgs args)
				if ((Object)(object)sender.inventory != (Object)null)
					args.armorAdd += (float)sender.inventory.GetItemCount(Items.Knurl) * 10f;

		public static void Init()
			//IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0021: Expected O, but got Unknown
				object obj = <>c.<>9__0_0;
				if (obj == null)
					StatHookEventHandler val = delegate(CharacterBody sender, StatHookEventArgs args)
						if ((Object)(object)sender.inventory != (Object)null)
							args.armorAdd += (float)sender.inventory.GetItemCount(Items.Knurl) * 10f;
					<>c.<>9__0_0 = val;
					obj = (object)val;
				RecalculateStatsAPI.GetStatCoefficients += (StatHookEventHandler)obj;
			catch (Exception ex)
				VanillaItemTweaks.logger.LogError((object)(ex.Message + " - " + ex.StackTrace));

		private static void UpdateText()
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_KNURL_PICKUP", "Boosts health, regeneration, and armor");
			LanguageAPI.Add("ITEM_KNURL_DESC", "<style=cIsHealing>Increase maximum health</style> by <style=cIsHealing>40</style> <style=cStack>(+40 per stack)</style>, <style=cIsHealing>base health regeneration</style> by <style=cIsHealing>+1.6 hp/s</style> <style=cStack>(+1.6 hp/s per stack)</style>, and <style=cIsHealing>armor</style> by <style=cIsHealing>10</style> <style=cStack>(+10 per stack)</style>.");