
  • All items can now be viewed again in the logbook.
  • Fixed a bug where non-lunar equipment implemented in this mod were not in the same equipment tier as vanilla equipment.


  • Updated the mod's internal name from "MoreItems" to "RigsArsenal".
  • Fixed a bug with the Worn-out Stimpack and the Reactive Armour Plating generating errors when either item was disabled in the config.


  • Fixed broken image link for the Chaos Rune in the mod's description.

1.3.0 - Housekeeping

  • Mod updated to be fully compatible with the latest Seekers of the Storm update.

  • All item and buff sprites have been updated to properly reflect their in-game appearance.

  • All items and equipment can now be individually enabled or disabled (From appearing in-game) with the mod's config file.

  • Added Risk of Options compatibility for mod settings that do not require a game restart to take effect.

  • Updated the mod's dependencies to only include the required R2API packages instead of the entire R2API package.

  • Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed Nidus Virus's target indicator being shown when the player is holding any equipment.
    - Fixed the Worn-Out Stimpack using the player's entire combined health (health, shield and barrier) instead of just their "green" health for determining if the item's effect should trigger.
    - Fixed Altar of Purity not displaying flavour text on use if another mod changes the item pickup display text to show the full item description instead of the shortened description.


  • Fixed a bug with the Worn-Out Stimpack implementation where all healing was being doubled.


  • Fixed a bug with Dissonant Edge where it would return errors when encountering damage from neutral sources or damage without an explicit attacker. Dissonant Edge has been enabled again now that it is bug-free.
  • Fixed a bug with Primordial Chunk where it would not apply its effects to Void and Lunar holdout zones.


  • Temporarily disabled Dissonant Edge due to bug fixing taking longer than anticipated. It will be enabled again after it is fixed.


  • Fixed a bug in the Dissonant Edge implementation where it would ignore damage from neutral sources (Such as fall damage, void fog and shrines of blood).
  • Adjusted model sizes for Worn Out Stimpack, Primordial Chunk and Needle Rounds to improve aesthetics.

1.2.0 - Lunar Arsenal

  • Added new items:

    • Primordial Chunk,
    • Dissonant Edge.
  • Added new equipment:

    • Purity Altar.
  • Added item display for the Bounty Hunter's Badge.

  • Updated the textures and visuals for the Bounty Hunter's Badge.

1.1.0 - The Equipment Update!

  • Added new item:

    • Needle Rounds.
  • Added new equipment:

    • Sanguine Shield Battery,
    • Nidus Virus.
  • Added item character displays for the Worn-Out Stimpack and Wrist-Mounted Shotgun.

  • New icon!!

  • Bug Fixes and Minor Changes:
    - Fixed Chaos Rune possibly not proccing collapse.
    - Removed hidden colliders from the Bounty Hunter's Badge, which was disrupting player movement when picked up.
    - Cleaned up unneeded debug code and normalized all icon sprites to be 256x256 to reduce the filesize.


  • Bug fixes for the coolant pack and wrist-mounted shotgun relating to damaging and being damaged by entities without inventories (Such as clay pots).


  • Initial release; added:
    • Worn-Out Stimpack,
    • Kinetic Battery,
    • Bounty Hunter's Badge,
    • Reactive Armour Plating,
    • Wrist-Mounted Shotgun,
    • Coolant Pack,
    • Chaos Rune.