MSU (More Stats and Utilities) is an API mod for utilizing additional stats such as for jump count, barrier decay, shield regeneration delay, fractional luck, execution, healing multipliers, and more.
Date uploaded | a week ago |
Version | 1.2.3 |
Download link | RiskOfBrainrot-MoreStats-1.2.3.zip |
Downloads | 9725 |
Dependency string | RiskOfBrainrot-MoreStats-1.2.3 |
This mod requires the following mods to function

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library
Preferred version: 5.4.1801
Join the discord ! https://discord.gg/yFRx3E6Yep
MorePearlStats implements all of these stats in-game separately from this API: https://thunderstore.io/package/RiskOfBrainrot/MorePearlStats/
This mod adds stat hooks (think RecalculateStatsAPI) for a ton of vanillalike stats. Includes:
- Barrier Freeze
- Barrier Decay Modifiers
- Barrier Generation
- Jump Count
- Ignite Chance On Hit
- Shield Recharge Delay
- Luck (with support for non-integer values)
- Execution Thresholds
- Healing Multipliers
Are we missing any stats you want to use for your mod? Feel free to join our discord server and pitch them to us.
Featured Mods
2R4R (Partially Available VIA FruityJumps and FruityBarrierDecay)
Info For Developers
MSU uses stat hooks very similar to those of RecalculateStatsAPI. To use MSU's stat's:
- First, add "using static MoreStats.StatHooks" to your class
- Then, subscribe to "StatHooks.GetMoreStatCoefficients" like you would with RecalculateStatsAPI.GetStatCoefficients
- From there, you can access a variety of stats, including:
- barrierFreezeCount, add to freeze barrier decay above 0
- barrierDecayRatePercentIncreaseMult, multiply to increase the rate of barrier decay
- barrierDecayRatePercentDecreaseDiv, multiply to reduce the rate of barrier decay
- barrierDecayRateAddPreMult, add to increase the rate of barrier decay
- barrierGenerationRateAddPostMult, add to increase the rate of barrier generation
- shieldDelaySecondsIncreaseAddPreMult, add to increase shield recharge delay, subtract to reduce
- shieldDelaySecondsIncreaseAddPostMult, add to increase shield recharge delay, subtract to reduce
- shieldDelayPercentIncreaseMult, multiply to increase or reduce shield recharge delay
- shieldDelayPercentDecreaseDiv, multiply to reduce shield recharge delay
- jumpCountAdd, add to increase double jump count
- burnChanceOnHit, add to increase ignite chance on hit
- healingPercentIncreaseMult, multiply to increase or reduce healing
- luckAdd, add to increase Luck, subtract to reduce
- selfExecutionThresholdAdd, add to increase execution threshold additively
- ModifyBaseExecutionThreshold(float newThreshold, bool condition), a method to affect the execution threshold before additive effects, like in vanilla
Further, all stats in this mod are (of course) applied natively, so there's no need to worry about implementing them yourself.
Additionally, MSU also includes events for on-hit and on-jump effects. These are:
- MoreStats.OnHit.GetHitBehavior(CharacterBody attackerBody, DamageInfo damageInfo, CharacterBody victimBody)
- MoreStats.OnJump.OnJumpEvent(CharacterMotor characterMotor, CharacterBody characterBody, ref float verticalBonus)
As well as a few methods for stats and other useful information
MoreStats.StatHooks.GetMoreStatsFromBody(CharacterBody body) - returns processed stat information
MoreStats.OnJump.IsBaseJump(CharacterMotor motor, CharacterBody body)
MoreStats.OnJump.IsDoubleJump(CharacterMotor motor, CharacterBody body)
MoreStats.OnJump.IsLastJump(CharacterMotor motor, CharacterBody body) - last three are for use in OnJumpEvent subscribers, to determine which type of jump has been jumped
These events are intended for use with synergy effects, in order to reduce repetitive coding and potential conflicts. Using them isn't mandatory, but recommended.
Q: What does "MSU" Stand For?
A: More Stats and Utilities, and nothing else
Q: I have a mod with a new item that adds a rechargeable jump effect that breaks this mod's hooks. How can I switch to have it use MSU instead?
A: Thanks for your concern! You can follow these instructions:
- Add "using static MoreStats.StatHooks" and "using static MoreStats.OnJump" to your class
- Subscribe a new method to "GetMoreStatCoefficients"
- In this method, get your count for each temporary jump buff, then add that to args.jumpCountAdd
- Subscribe another new method to "OnJumpEvent"
- In this method, optionally check IsDoubleJump, then check the body for your jump buff
- If the body has your jump buff, remove your jump buff, then subtract -1 from characterMotor.jumpCount
This should do the trick. If it doesn't, please get in contact with us, and we will be sure to help!
Have any more questions? Let us know!
Made by Orange and Kiwi, with the encouragement of HIFU
RIP 2R4RStatUtils
- Added MMHook Dependency
- Added FEATURED MODS section to readme
- Fixed small incompatibility with HDeDeDe's HealthComponentAPI
- Added MorePearlStats to readme (i forgor)
- Changed stat formula and naming conventions
- Added healing stats
- Fixed fractional luck formula error
- Fixed readme
- Fixed luck stat not working
- Added reroll to increase luck
- Release