Vanilla-compatible tweaks to basegame content. Some are server-side, some are client-side. Every feature can be toggled in the config!
Date uploaded | 4 days ago |
Version | 1.5.1 |
Download link | Risky_Lives-RiskyTweaks-1.5.1.zip |
Downloads | 2438 |
Dependency string | Risky_Lives-RiskyTweaks-1.5.1 |
This mod requires the following mods to function

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library
Preferred version: 5.4.2117
Vanilla-compatible fixes to basegame content. Some are server-side, some are client-side.
Preferred version: 1.4.0README
This mod compiles a bunch of tweaks to vanilla content, most of these came from RiskyMod.
With this mod, the goal was to keep things mostly Vanilla-feeling, and only sticking to changes that wouldn't require in-game descriptions to be rewritten and changes that are unlikely to impact content-adding mods.
Vanilla-Compatible, some tweaks are client-side, some are server-side. Check the config, all tweaks can be toggled!
- Barrier Decay is slower at low amounts.
- Shock no longer gets cancelled by damage.
- Cloak position updates are slower.
- On-Standing-Still effects trigger faster.
- Regenerative now counts as healing, and isn't affected by Monsoon/Drizzle regen multipliers.
- Poison is no longer damage capped.
- Blight now resets duration on stack.
- M1 hitbox buffed.
- Snapfreeze now fires as soon as you release the button.
- Ion Surge height no longer scales with movement speed. (Can be changed in-game)
- Flamethrower burn is now guaranteed, reverting the SotV nerf.
- Hemorrhage ignores armor.
- Primary auto fires when holding the button.
- Blast pierces enemies.
- Blast spread is reduced.
- Serrated Dagger has a larger hitbox.
- Serrated Dagger lunges forwards.
- Smokebomb can be triggered by holding the button.
- Special no longer cancelled by sprint.
- Special only fires when releasing the button.
- M1 has no falloff when fully charged.
- Mobile Turrets always sprint, have more range, have fall damage immunity, and no longer have Early Access health regen.
- Tracking angle is wider and tracks the enemy closest to your crosshair.
- M2 and Shift no longer cancel sprinting.
- Now has normal melee health regen.
- M1 Expose combo hit no longer scales with attack speed. (Can be changed in-game)
- Scrap Launcher cooldown scales with attack speed.
- Scrap Launcher no longer has random spread.
- Scrap Launcher ICBM Synergy
- Retool reloads primaries.
- Seed Barrage is now affected by armor to be consistent with his other self-damage skills.
- Utility knockback against enemies is stronger and more consistent.
- Polar Field reduces projectile damage.
Void Fiend
- Corrupt transition duration is faster.
- Primary no longer has random spread.
- Uncorrupted Trespass no longer scales with movement speed. (Can be changed in-game)
- Corrupted Crush fires faster and has no use limit.
- Default M2 no longer modifies FOV.
False Son
- Heavy Slam proc coefficient reduced from 3 -> 1
- Laser proc coefficient increased from 0.45 -> 1
Autofire Options
- Captain
- Engineer
- Bandit (if Primary Autofire is enabled)
Warbanner spawns on Mithrix Phase 1 and in Simulacrum.
Gasoline deals damage faster at higher stacks.
Roll of Pennies is disabled in the Bazaar.
Shuriken no longer procs Bands.
Ghor's Tome
- Disabled in Bazaar.
- All money is given to the person who picked it up.
Bottled Chaos no longer triggers Vase/Egg.
Frost Relic
- Disabled FOV modifier.
- Disabled bubble.
Visions of Heresy cooldown scales with Attack Speed.
- Preon Accumulator lightning tendrils no longer proc Bands.
- Remote Caffeinator can now trigger pressure plates.
Teleport distance threshold is much lower.
Most allies regen to full HP in 40s. Affected by Difficulty regen multipliers. Disabled if RiskyMod is installed.
- List:
Gunner Drone
Healing Drone
Missile Drone
Incinerator Drone (30s)
Healing Drone
Equipment Drone
Emergency Drone
TC-280 (30s)
Gunner Turret (30s)
Col. Droneman
Empathy Cores
Beetle Guard
Shock Drone (SS2)
Duplicator Drone (SS2)
- This list is manually-built, but external mod devs can add to it.
- List:
Gunner Turrets no longer need to reload.
- Reduced cost from $350 to $300
- Teleporter is now replaced with the Primordial Teleporter after looping, like in 1/Returns.
- Blood Shrine now is guaranteed to give at least 1 small chest per 50% HP.
- Mountain Shrine director cost now scales with playercount.
- Shrine of Combat gives less money, but drops white items for the team on completion.
- Limited to 3 per map.
- Director cost scales with playercount.
- Vengeance Umbras are now a part of the Void team.
- Vengeance Umbras receive 90% less healing from heal effects that scale off of max health percentage.
- Vengeance Umbras deal 90% less damage with N'kuhana's Opinion.
- Vengeance Umbras no longer take fall damage.
Bulwark's Ambry is now guaranteed to drop a key every 25 kills.
Void Fields
- Reverted Seekers Phase 2 fog buff.
- Reverted Seekers Phase 2 monsters gaining items while outside the bubble.
- Pillars drop items.
Void Locus
- Nerfed fog damage to be consistent with Void Fields.
- Signals drop items.
- Nerfed fog damage to be consistent with Void Fields.
Enemy Mechanics
- Enemies can now die from fall damage.
- Enemies no longer have regen. (Only applies to a few enemies, the regen amount was insignificant and more like an oversight than an actual feature)
- Enemy AI now has full vision, and knows where the player is at all times. (So that they don't get stuck idling in random parts of the map)
- Teleporter Bosses are less likely to repeat between stages.
- Enemies no longer heal on levelup.
- Ambient Level cap is now 9999, like Simulacrum.
- Monsters spawned at the start of the map now give the same amount of money as Teleporter monsters.
Beetles have a bigger hitbox and slightly buffed attack speed and movement speed.
Child no longer has i-frames.
Golem Claps now deal consistent damage, instead of scaling off of AoE distance.
Brass Contraption attacks are interruptable by stun and freeze.
Scorch Wurm no longer has i-frames.
Parent director cost is lowered to account for the Anniversary Update nerf.
Xi Construct sticks much closer to players.
Grandparent Sun immediately stops dealing damage once a player is behind cover.
Lunar Wisps
- Now affected by Stun/Freeze.
- Hitscan attack has falloff.
- Director cost is increased.
- No longer takes fall damage.
- Phase 4 guarantees an additional item return on hit, on a 30s cooldown.
- False Son (Playable)
- Heavy Slam proc coefficient reduced from 3 -> 1
- Laser proc coefficient increased from 0.45 -> 1
- Updated for Seekers Part 2
- Void Fields
- Reverted Void Fog damage ramping. (it increases it teamwide btw lmao)
- Removed enemies gaining items while outside the bubble. (This doesn't even fix Sonorous/Sacrifice farming on the other hidden realms so why is this a thing AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
- Void Fields
- Ally Regen
- Added Inferno Drone (Sandswept) compat.
- Recompiled for latest update.
- (Client-Side) Default M2 no longer modifies FOV.
(Server-Side) Most allies regen to full HP in 40s. Affected by Difficulty regen multipliers. Disabled if RiskyMod is installed.
Gunner Drone
Healing Drone
Missile Drone
Incinerator Drone (30s)
Healing Drone
Equipment Drone
Emergency Drone
TC-280 (30s)
Gunner Turret (30s)
Col. Droneman
Empathy Cores
Beetle Guard
Shock Drone (SS2)
Duplicator Drone (SS2)
This list is manually-built, but external mod devs can add to it.
Gunner Turret
- (Server-Side) No longer needs to reload.
- (Server-Side) Reduced price from $350 -> $300
- Pillars/Signals Drop Items
- Fixed issue where White/Green/Red items could still drop when their chance is set to 0 in the config.
- Warbanner
- Fixed incompatibility with RiskyMod resulting in duplicated Warbanner buff.
- Added RU TL (Thanks inkyarev!)
- Acrid
- Fixed Regenerative is Healing not scaling with buff stacks.
- Actually remembered to disable Visions code when Heretic is loaded.
- Fixed conflict with Heretic due to Visions fix.
- Raise Level Cap - Fixed levelup bell sound ignoring the "max level to play levelup effects" cap.
- Fixed Loader Sprint QOL not working.
- Fixed Visions attack speed scaling.
- Primordial Tele Loop
- Fixed tele spawning in the wrong orientation.
- Added some compatibility code to prevent potential conflicts with RiskyArtifacts' Artifact of Primacy.
- Void Fiend
- Uncorrupted Trespass move speed scaling disabled. (Can be changed in-game via Risk of Options)
- Mobile Turret Buff
- Added fall damage immunity.
- Added Specials to Loader Sprint QoL.
- Changed Blast spread reduction from -100% to -50%
Disabled Roll of Pennies in the Bazaar.
Fixed internal inconsistency with "Enabled" variable name.
Scrap Launcher
- Removed falloff.
This has roughly the same AoE as Artificer's Plasma Bolts, but with pitiful splash damage due to the SweetSpot modifier.
- Regenerative now counts as healing, and it is unaffected by difficulty regen modifiers.
- Still affected by Eclipse modifier.
- Regenerative now counts as healing, and it is unaffected by difficulty regen modifiers.
- Changed Blast from No Spread to Reduced Spread. (-50% spread)
False Son
- Removed i-frames from Corrupted Paths.
- Removed i-frames from teleport.
- Removed i-frames from burrow.
- Faster Holdouts
- Pillar of Mass charge duration reduced from 60s -> 40s
- Pillar of Soul charge duration reduced from 30s -> 20s
- Faster Holdouts
Void Locus
- Void Signal charge duration reduced from 60s -> 40s
Teleporter is now replaced with Primordial Teleporter after looping.
- Snapfreeze now fires as soon as you release the button.
- Ion Surge height no longer scales with movement speed. (Can be changed in-game)
- Flamethrower burn is now guaranteed, reverting the SotV nerf.
Void Fiend
- Corrupt transition duration reduced to 0.5s
- Primaries now have no random spread.
- Corrupted Crush fires faster and has no use limit.
- Recompiled for latest RoR2 update.
- Blast pierces.
- Blast has less spread.
- Mobile Turrets now always sprint, have more range, and no longer have Early Access health regen.
- Release