
Updated 2 days ago
Icon Name / Effect


The Ranger is a versatile combatant, who alternates between long-range electric barrages and close quarters incendiary fire to efficiently take down targets.
Passive: Overcharged Protection
Hold up to 10 Charge. Each Charge increases base health regeneration by 0.25 hp/s and armor by 1.5. Charge decays over time.
Passive: Overcharged Speed
Hold up to 10 Charge. Each Charge increases movement speed by 2.5%. Consume 3 Charge to double jump. Charge decays over time.
Primary: Direct Current
Fire an arcing electric current for 250% damage. Hitting enemies generates 1 Charge.
Secondary: Release
Consume all Charge. Fire a piercing blast for 600% damage, increasing up to 1800% at full Charge.
Alt-Secondary: Galvanize
Consume all Charge. Fire 3 orbs of electricity, increasing up to 10 at full Charge for 80% damage per second each.
Utility: Sidestep
Agile. Quickly sidestep a short distance. Getting hit during Sidestep generates 5 Charge.
Special: Overdrive
Agile. Transform your rifle, replacing all of your skills with scorching forms. Charge amplifies base damage gain while in full heat.
Primary: Enflame
Fire a rapid stream of bullets for 75% damage. Heat increases fire rate and ignite chance but reduces range.
Secondary: Exhaust
Ignite. Fire two short bursts of heat for 4x200% damage each. Burst count increases up to four while in full heat. Reduce heat by 25%.
Alt-Secondary: Char
Ignite. Fire off a blazing ball for 600% damage that engulfs the ground on impact for 250% damage per second. Reduce heat by 50%.
Utility: Heat Signature
Agile. Stunning. Sidestep a very short distance and deal 250% damage. Hitting enemies generates 3 Charge and extends the dash.
Special: Heat Sink
Agile. Ignite. Release a fire nova around you that deals 300% damage, increasing up to 900% in full heat. Consume all heat, gaining an attack speed boost, and exit overdrive.
While in overdrive, you passively build up heat and healing reduction, up to 100%. While in full heat, your base damage constantly increases by 20%, further amplified by 10% for each Charge, but you take increasingly high self-damage.


VOL-T is a positional survivor who relies on locking down the area to offset her frailty.
Passive: Volatile Shields
Start with innate shields. When your shield breaks, shock nearby targets for 2x450% damage and gain +40% movement speed for 7 seconds.
Primary: Galvanic Bolt
Blast out a galvanic ball that sticks into terrain, zapping nearby enemies for 200% damage periodically. Explodes for 400% damage on impact.
Secondary: Tempest Sphere
Send forth an orb of energy that damages targets within for 385% damage per second. Release to lock the orb in place.
Utility: Static Snare
Lightweight. Deploy a pylon that zaps targets for 300% damage, and damages targets between you and it for 200% damage per second. Re-activate to zip to the pylon, dealing 800% damage.
Special: Signal Overload
Grounding. Briefly wind up and drain your shield, unleashing a beam of energy for 3 seconds that pulls enemies inward and zaps them in a large radius for 320%-800% damage per second, scaling with shield drained.