
Updated 14 hours ago


Shrine of Recollection

Base Cost: N/A
Interact: "Pray to Shrine of Recollection (?)"
When activated by a survivor the Shrine of Recollection will restore a portion of the survivor's highest amount of inspiration since last using a Shrine of Recollection. It can only be activated by a survivor holding the void item "Collector's Vision".

The Shrine of Recollection is an interactable linked to the Collector's Vision, a Tier 3 Void item, and requires the item in question to be interacted with. Upon interacting with it, the player will receive half of the highest amount of Inspiration the player had before last using a Shrine of Recollection (rounding up if it was an odd number).

The shrine will only spawn if at least one player has Inspiration that can be restored. The shrine can also only be used once per player and becomes inactive after all players that can use it have interacted with it.

   • Commencement
   • Gilded Coast
   • Prime Meridian
   • A Moment, Whole
   • The Planetarium
   • Void Locus
   • Bulwark's Ambry

   • Commencement, Prime Meridian, A Moment, Whole and The Planetarium all have only a single location the shrine will spawn, with it being a short distance from where the player spawns.
   • Gilded Coast, Void Locus and Bulwark's Ambry all have multiple random positions the shrine can spawn and only 1 shrine will spawn. Void Locus and Bulwark's Ambry (Tar Research) have 4 possible locations while the rest have 3.