TheTimesweeper-Red_Alert icon

Red Alert

They're History. Adds 3 survivors based on Red Alert 2, themed around RoR2. Tesla Trooper, Desolator, and Chrono Legionnaire




  • split up Chrono's special into 3 charges
  • added stock display to crosshair for special charges
  • made scepter teleport purple to distinguish you got scepter
  • made chrono scepter disable-able in config if you don't like it


  • fixed all deployables (desolator irradiators, engi mines, everything) being set to the laws of tesla trooper's towers


  • added AI for chrono (goobo and vengeance)
  • fixed tesla and deso goobo and vengeance being broken
  • temporarily removed deployable restriction on desolator glow sticks
    • couldn't figure out how to fix it right so for now grab some brain stalks and go crazy


  • fixed tesla trooper (and some other moves I think) not scaling with attack speed


  • illegally forced compat with autosprint for chrono
  • fix error with m2 bombs when deputy was installed


  • fixed conflict with riskytweaks removing something from frost relic that I was cloning
  • fixed some issues with scepter even though it's not working yet

3.0.0 new mod new us

  • fixed for sots. please reach out if you find any more issues
  • added Chrono Legionnaire, still Beta but all working and multiplayer compatible
  • added G.I., still alpha but all working and multiplayer compatible (afaik)
  • added Conscript, not even alpha lol, but hey if you're curious
  • Completely revamped code behind the scenes. some things may be improved some things may still be missing.
  • Character creation and some assets are now loaded async. this should improve load times by probably 0.0001%
  • Risk of options support for configs
  • I spent like months on this update there's no way it's like 5 lines


  • fixed desolator scepter forever
    • completely removed the troublesome part of desolator's special code and replaced it with jank
    • but jank that shouldn't fail anymore


  • fixed desolator scepter resetting when zetaspects is installed
    • skill will still reset if a buff is lost while in special because of code jank on scepter's end. full fix to completely workaround all this coming at some point.
  • fixed desolator rad cannon not spinning when deployed


  • fixed Tesla Trooper Surging Forward while rooted locking you in purgatory
  • fixed Tesla Trooper M2 conflict with autosprint, only a year after it was reported
  • Desolator passive now counts stacks from SS2U Nucleator dot


  • forgot to update text to the changes of last patch woops


  • tesla trooper
    • passive: ally buff multiplier 1.3 -> 1.1
    • passive: ally buff shock duration 1 - 3.5
    • secondary (empowered): 1200% -> 1500%
      • He gets a lot of feedback that he's very strong, this may surprise you, because he also gets a lot of feedback that he's weak.
      • I suspect a giant culprit is those people don't know to buff the tower before using secondary, missing out on a lot of his potential damage (1200% * 1.3 = 1560%)
      • These changes remove this aspect from being a necessity, in exchange buffing a bit of its utility when you do decide to use it
      • If you liked that aspect, configs will come at some point so you can revert these changes
    • primary: animation plays on each bolt
      • as well as the tower aspect, I suspect the people are also missing out on tripling close-range primary damage. more feedback on doing multiple hits should help with this.
    • Utility: sound now plays when absorbing damage, increasing in pitch based on damage absorbed
      • thanks rob for the suggestion. I agree with all your others as well so they'll come at some point
      • except except when you said it does a whole lot of nothing. late game it's a free 1800% with a giant aoe ya goon
    • secondary (empowered): now commands Starstorm 2 Shock Drones as well
    • fix potential nullref spam on tracking component
  • Desolator
    • fixed a bug where sceptered special reverts to regular special after using it
      • I assume. I could not reproduce it so if it still happens to you, let me know and give a log
    • he'll get some more love I promise


  • added failsafe fix for current incompatiblility with Shaman (must play default skin until he pulls my fix)
  • added simplified chinese translation (thanks Rody and FallenTroop!)
  • fixed Desolator scepter skills multiplayer issues
  • fixed Desolator scepter alt special description displaying wrong damage


  • added Brazilian Portuguese translation (thanks Kauzok!)
  • added mastery skin for Desolator (thanks again, Mr.Bones)
    • google translated the name for other languages, sorry if something's wrong!
  • haven't touched this project in several months so I hope nothing broke making this update!


  • added french translation (thanks Fyrebw!)


  • added russian translation (thanks Nikto0o!)
  • attempt to optimized desolator's big-ass specials by simplifying the hitboxes
    • this makes the cube hitbox wildly inaccurate to the sphere visual so enjoy the extra range I suppose
  • removed joe


  • r2api split ass(emblies)
  • now that colorsapi is real, added a color to communicate tesla trooper charged ally attacks
  • added some missing text to language file


  • added Ukrainian translation (thanks Damglador!)
  • added Spanish translation (thanks Juhnter!)
  • fixed desolator disable config breaking both characters
  • fixed desolator irradiator projectile collisions being inconsistent
  • added buff icon for desolator deployed state
  • lowered desolator sounds
  • adjusted sound for desolator utility


  • added sit emotes for both men
  • added language support. thanks to Damglador for pushing for it, and thanks to Moffein and Anreol for the code
  • made desolator back pack tube thing change color with recolors
  • fixed "voice line in css" config for playing wrong voice lines for desolator
  • fixed not being able to play voice lines while using certain abliites
  • finally came out of the past and separated assetbundles and soundbank from dll


  • fixed utility broken


  • released new character Desolator!
  • added new alt secondary skill for tesla trooper, expanding on alt m1 in cursed config
  • added achievement for alt m1. still in cursed for now
  • config has been reorganized. you should probably just delete existing
  • finished tower item displays for sotv items
  • fixed level growth stats not being to the vanilla standard
  • lowered distance scaling on sounds
  • added head hurtbox proper
  • small tweaks to the russion section of lore (thanks Damglador)


  • fixed eclipse not saving progress
  • attempt fix to targeting just not wanting to target sometimes


  • fixed emoteapi rig


  • added rig for EmoteAPI. happy now?
  • freed alt Util from cursed config and added as a proper skill variant
    • improved reticle targeting, separate from m1 targeting
    • icon and sound
    • unlockable by achievement
    • haven't tested much in multiplayer but I'm pretty sure it should work fine?
  • added additional property for scepter: tower now zaps multiple enemies at once
    • kept multiple towers by the rule of cool
    • it's probably way overtuned now, so I'll maybe dial it back in the future. for now, have fun c:
  • finally fixed malachite aspect destroying his and his towers' bones
  • adjusted m1 reticle to help more clearly read the 3 different tiers of range
  • added secret beta config


  • fixed conflict with ttgl mod and vrapi


  • new Grand Mastery skin! Thanks as always to the lovely SkeletorChampion
    • comes with a unique tower
    • comes with a few custom effects
  • holy shit VR
    • zaps with right hand, build tower with left hand
    • all skins supported
  • Added Lore by Jaysian, thanks!
  • bumped up damage of cursed config alt primary
    • if it's not gonna make sense may as well be strong
  • Added new heavy WIP Alt Utility in cursed config: Surging Forward
    • not really sure where I was going with this one but turned out kinda fun so y not
  • fixed tower blocking its own projectiles, mainly ATG missiles

1.1.1 buncha tweaks

  • ally zap no longer does damage, fixing pennies exploit
  • zapping allies with m1 now ends the move earlier
    • so accidentally hitting allies doesn't eat up a full duration m1
  • m1 zap now travels instantly
  • slightly lowered m1 attack duration
    • not enough to affect any balance concerns, just to hopefully feel a little smoother
  • fixed m1 not blooming crosshair for clients
  • lowered lingering m2 cast time
  • added very WIP m1 alt skill under cursed config


  • Added proper Mastery skin, complete with a unique tower
    • thanks Mr.Bones!
  • Added Scepter Upgrade
    • but by accident I did exactly lysate cell, so I'm open to any better ideas
  • Limited lysate cell to 1 additional tower, similar to engi
    • stacking simultaneous towers turned out way too strong for a green rarity item
    • truthfully it should be 0 but I want the opportunity for multiple towers in some capacity
    • unlimited stacking behavior can be reverted in config
  • Fixed Utility's cooldown to start after the move is done
  • Fixed missing tower sounds in multiplayer
  • lowered sound distance so they don't dominate the battlefield
    • let me know if they're too quiet now
  • Removed dependency on FixPluginTypesSerialization


  • accidentally cranked up m1 distance way too high woops


  • fixed tower getting taken by void infestors
  • bumped up tracking range to help deal with xi construct
  • adjusted m1 visual to make separate arcs a little more visible
  • added config to disable tower item displays if you find them too silly
  • added Aetherium item displays
  • added item displays just for Tinker's Satchel mustaches


  • c: