The Recolor System for Custom Skins

Updated 2 weeks ago


Each survivor has certain sections that can be recolored wolfo Image courtesy of WolfoAlternateSkins

This recolor system applies to every skin, whether you like it or not haha

How it works

Certain sections of the model are split into specific rendererinfos. The materials on those renderers simply have their colors set, essentially applying a multiply on that material.

How to work with it

  1. separate the sections of the model you want to be recolored
  2. grayscale and brighten the textures on these materials so that color can be multiplied on to them
  3. set those sections of the model to the certain rendererinfos for each character

I suppose you can just set your materials to not be in the recolored renderers but that's no fun


Tesla Trooper

  • Rendererinfo 4: "ArmorColor": main color, ever so slightly muted
  • Rendererinfo 5: "BodyColor": very muted, expecting slightly darker texture
  • Rendererinfo 1: "Fanservice": black for red color, white for rest
  • Rendererinfo 2: "Emission": sets diffuse color and emission color

Examples of the colors set:

Tesla Tower

When making a Tesla Trooper skin, the towers can also be re-skinned. This is done by giving Tesla Trooper's skin Minion Skin Replacements.

The towers' body names are TeslaTowerBody and TeslaTowerScepterBody
Yes, sceptered tower is actually a different upgraded looking model. You can simply use the same skin for both if you want


  • Rendererinfo 0: Main color
  • Rendererinfo 7: Emission


  • RendererInfo 1: "Body"
  • Rendererinfo 2: "ArmorColor" (no emission color... I should add that)

Examples of the colors set:

Chrono Legionnaire

  • Rendererinfos 1, 4, 8: "ArmorColor": main color
  • Rendererinfos 2, 9: "Emission": sets diffuse color and emission color
  • Rendererinfo 6: "Decals"

Examples of the colors set: