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Thrayonlosa-QolElements-2.6.0 icon


A collection of QoL elements that are too small to warrent their own mod. Minimal gameplay changes. Vanilla compatible.

Date uploaded 2 days ago
Version 2.6.0
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Downloads 1331
Dependency string Thrayonlosa-QolElements-2.6.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2113 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2113


Each element is fully toggleable, and text huds can have their position and font size changed. Config can be configured in-game with the qolelements_reloadconfig console command, or by using the Risk of Options mod.

Client-Side Elements:

Survivor related
  • Auto Chef Cleaver
    • Makes Chef's cleavers auto return when reaching max range or hitting an obstacle
    • Manually recall by letting go of primary button instead of clicking twice
  • Railgun auto reload
    • Automatically reloads Railgun when reaching the specified portion of the boost window
    • The portion can be configured
  • Auto Meditate
    • Will automatically do inputs for Seeker's Meditate
    • Blocks manual input
  • Seeker Orb Counter
    • Adds text displaying how many active soul spiral orbs are orbiting you
  • Sojourn Duration
    • Displays how much time is left until self damage activates
    • After which it will display the total explosion damage
  • Mult retool smoother
    • Made swap spam smooth and easy by increasing the cooldown to 0.55 seconds
    • Getting attack speed will revert the cooldown back down to 0.5 seconds
  • Genesis Loop timer
    • Having Genesis Loop will create a timer that countdowns to detonation, factoring in the various stages of the explosion.
    • When it is fully charged but not triggered it will slowly fade away
  • Genesis Fall damage estimator
    • Will shows on your healthbar how much fall damage you will take if you were to fall straight down
    • If the damage will be enough the go below low life threshold, the indicator will change color
    • Also increases the visiblity of the low health threshold indicator
    • Can be changed to be always enabled regardless if you have a Genesis Loop
    • Configurable
  • Show current monster count
    • Shows how many members are in the monster team.
  • Ping Hud
    • Displays your latency at top right corner of screen
    • Only visible as non-host
  • Band Overlay
    • Adds an overlay depicting the current state of bands and their cooldown
    • By default only enabled for certain characters
    • Can play a sound when bands become fully charged
    • The mode, position and scale can be configured
  • Out of Bounds Indicator
    • Shows if you are about to walk into a teleport zone
    • This element is inactive by default
  • Teleport Slam Indicator
    • Affects the Stone Titan's fist attack and Clay Apothecary's teleport slam attack
    • The vanilla circle indicator is often not visble in places such as the air, so this will turn it into a sphere.
  • Clay Apothecary Loadener
    • Increases the volume of it's teleport slam attack a bit
  • Mithrix Spin Predictor
    • His spin attack will also spawn visuals showing where the attack will land
    • Can also completly hide the original visuals
    • The actual attack itself is untouched
    • This element is inactive by default
  • Automatic Equipment Usage
    • Switch between three equipment modes: normal, hold, and toggle
    • Will automatically use equipment in a configurable interval
    • Key to switch modes is by default F5
  • Loader Swapper
    • Use loadout [slotIndex] [skillIndex] command to swap skills midrun
    • Leave some of the args empty to print a list of valid indexes
    • Compared to the vanilla loadout_set_skill_variant, this will work on clients, and is less clunky

Server-Side Elements:

Lunar related
  • Lunar Shop Disabler
    • Disables the purchasing of lunar items and rerolls in the bazaar
    • This element is inactive by default
  • Intrinsic Eulogy
    • Lets you set an amount of hidden Eulogies to be used by the game
    • These Eulogies are not owned by anyone
    • Has an option to be reset everytime you open the game
  • Newt's Dream Seer overide chance
    • Lets you change the probability of dream seer options getting overridden by Gilded Coast or Deep Void
    • By default Gilded Coast probability is set to 0
  • No stage 1 drop pods
    • This element is inactive by default
  • Mountain Shrine counter
    • Adds mountain count after shrine use chat message
    • Chat message becomes: {Name} has invited the challenge of the Mountain.. #
  • Mountain boss reward distribution message
    • Adds chat message after defeating mountain challenge in multiplayer
    • Message: # items over # players is # items each
  • PingAll Command
    • pingall in console to see every client's ping


  • 2.6.0
    • Added Sojourn Duration
    • Added Loadout Swapper
  • 2.5.1
    • Added pingall command
  • 2.5.0
    • Added Auto Cleaver
    • Added Seeker Orb Count text
  • 2.4.1
    • Fixed low life threshold indicator not appearing
    • Fixed the SotS Gilded Coast Dream Seer not appearing in RiskOfOptions
  • 2.4.0
    • Added Auto Meditate
  • 2.3.2
    • Fixed a crash caused by the latest bepinexpack update
  • 2.3.1
    • Disabled prediction duration changes until sots fixes get introduced
  • 2.3.0
    • Added Teleport Slam Indicator
    • Added Mithrix Spin Predictor
    • Added Intrinsic Eulogy
    • Text will now hide when hud isnt visible
    • sots fix
    • Moved config file
  • 2.2.2
    • Fixed Lunar Shop Disabler not being able to be turned off midgame
    • Minor improvments to the Vector2 window
  • 2.2.1
    • Created a Vector2 option window for RiskOfOptions
    • Fixed OobIndicator sometimes briefly appearing on spawn
    • Fixed Clay Apothecary Loadener not using the sfx volume setting
  • 2.2.0
    • Added Band Overlay
    • Added Clay Apothecary Loadener
    • Small changes to how text huds work for Devotion update
    • Let OOBIndicator distance scale with velocity
    • Changed the coloring of Mountain Reward message
  • 2.1.0
    • Added PingHud, which displays your latency
    • Let OOBIndicator have more verticality
    • Couple minor bug fixes
    • Added more formating to the readme
  • 2.0.1
    • Fixed drop pod spawning on every stage
  • 2.0.0
    • Genesis Fall now detects out of bounds zones
    • Added Out of Bounds indicator
    • Added Lunar shop disabler
    • Equip mode now switches directly to normal on switch button press if more than 2 seconds has passes since last switch press
    • Seperated Equip mode frequency between Hold and Toggle
    • Mod may now use Risk of Options for most configurations
    • Moved config entries around a bit, some settings have been reset
    • Improved the handling of enabling and disabling elements mid-game
  • 1.5.1
    • Fixed AutoEquip firing slower than it should have, it can now fire every tick
  • 1.5.0
    • Added Automatic equipment usage
  • 1.4.1
    • Fixed some cases where Genesis Fall wouldnt display
  • 1.4.0
    • Added Mult retool swap smoother
    • Made it possible to make GenesisFall always active insead of just when you had a Genesis Loop
    • The low hp threshold indicator is now also extra visible if you have any on low hitpoints item
    • Fixed Genesis Timer persisting betweeen spectating change targets
  • 1.3.2
    • Fixed Genesis Timer persisting betweeen spectating change targets
  • 1.3.1
    • Genesis Fall will now flow past the bar if you are above low hp and the fall-damage is overkill
    • Genesis Fall now includes your curse factor in its calculations
  • 1.3.0
    • Added Genesis Fall, which estimates how much fall damage you will take
    • Made the low life threshold indicator more visible when you have Genesis Loop
    • Tweaked Genesis Timer color scaling
    • Slightly changed Genesis scaling
  • 1.2.0
    • Added mountain shrine counter: adds mountain count after shrine use chat message
    • Added mountain shrine boss reward boss distribution message
  • 1.1.0
    • Added Dream Seer overide chance element