
Updated a year ago
 All Simulacrum Waves : CommonWaveCategory
 Wave {0}  
 Defeat all enemies.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Spite  
 Enemies drop multiple exploding bombs on death.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Glass  
 Allies deal 500% damage, but have 10% health.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Kin  
 Monsters will be of only one type.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Frailty  
 Fall damage is doubled and lethal.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Soul  
 Wisps emerge from defeated monsters.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Dissonance  
 Monsters can appear outside their usual environments.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Command  
 Choose your items.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Enigma  
 Your equipment changes every time it's activated.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Brigade  
 All elites will be of the same type.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Transpose  
 Use a random loadout for this wave.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Spiriting  
 Characters move and attack faster at lower health.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Evolution  
 Monsters have additional items during this wave.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Sacrifice  
 Monsters have a chance to drop items on death.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Metamorphosis  
 Play as a random survivor for this wave.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Honor  
 Enemies are guaranteed to be Elite.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Swarms  
 Double the monsters, but monster health is halved.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Beetle  
 The ground begins to shift beneath you.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Earth  
 The earth rumbles and groans.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of the Jellyfish  
 The air crackles and arcs.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Embers  
 The air begins to burn.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Lemuria  
 The ground's temperature begins to rise.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of the Red Plane  
 A tear in the fabric of the universe.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Gup  
 The air smells of sweet strawberries.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of the Constructs  
 You have tripped an ancient alarm.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Parenthood  
 A familial bond is being interrupted.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Acid  
 The air smells foul.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Mushrooms  
 The ground grows sickly.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of the Moon  
 The bulwark begin to falter.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of the Void  
 The Void has become curious.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Vermin  
 You have invaded rampant breeding grounds.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Solus X  
 The whirring of wings and machinery.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Aphelia  
 You feel parasitic influences.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Design  
 A crippling pulse is being emmited.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Nullifciation  
 Nullifying grounded subjects.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Attraction  
 Grounded monsters get pulled inwards.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Poison  
 Your healing will be disabled if pulsed.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Hoarding  
 Monsters get higher stacks of items.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Heresy  
 Enemies gain heresy items for the wave.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Caffeine  
 Enemies have increased movement and attack speed.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Flowers  
 Monsters spawning may unleash a healing aura.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Volatility  
 Enemy attacks cause explosions.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Perfection  
 Elites spawn as Perfected.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Collapse  
 Elites spawn as Voidtouched.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Malachite  
 All enemies spawn as weakened Malachites.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Flight  
 All enemies gain flight.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Haunting  
 A unknown horror follows you.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of the Equipment Drone  
 A Equipment Drone has been released from the focus.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Battery  
 Improper storage may cause serious harm.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Surprise  
 All enemies spawn immediately.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Detonation  
 The planet turns unstable.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Safety  
 Enemies block the first instances of damage.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Blindness  
 It becomes hard to see.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Friction  
 The ground turns slippery.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Misfortune  
 Luck down.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Implosion  
 Endless void implosions occur.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Blaze  
 The ground gets covered in lunar flames.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Sulfur  
 Sulfur pods keep growing.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Tar  
 It's raining pots of tar.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Brigade and Honor  
 All enemies are elite and the same elite type.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Cognation  
 Enemies leave behind temporary duplciates on death.  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Empyrean  
 Powerful energies have harmonized.  
 All Simulacrum Waves : CommonWaveCategory
 [0] InfiniteTowerWaveDefault  
 Wave {0}  
 Defeat all enemies.  
 Weight: 100  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 [1] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactBomb  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Spite  
 Enemies drop multiple exploding bombs on death.  
 Weight: 2  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITBasicWaveOnKill  
 Prerequesites: ArtifactBombDisabledPrerequisite  
 [2] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactGlass  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Glass  
 Allies deal 500% damage, but have 10% health.  
 Weight: 1  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: ArtifactGlassDisabledPrerequisite  
 [3] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactSingleMonsterType  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Kin  
 Monsters will be of only one type.  
 Weight: 2  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: ArtifactSingleMonsterTypeDisabledPrerequisite  
 [4] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactWeakAssKnees  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Frailty  
 Fall damage is doubled and lethal.  
 Weight: 1  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: ArtifactWeakAssKneesDisabledPrerequisite  
 [5] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactWispOnDeath  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Soul  
 Wisps emerge from defeated monsters.  
 Weight: 2  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITBasicWaveOnKill  
 Prerequesites: ArtifactWispOnDeathDisabledPrerequisite  
 [6] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactMixEnemy  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Dissonance  
 Monsters can appear outside their usual environments.  
 Weight: 3  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtAllTier  
 Prerequesites: ArtifactMixEnemyDisabledPrerequisite  
 [7] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactCommand  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Command  
 Choose your items.  
 Weight: 1  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: ArtifactCommandDisabledPrerequisite  
 [8] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactEnigma  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Enigma  
 Your equipment changes every time it's activated.  
 Weight: 1  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave + dtITSpecialEquipment  
 Prerequesites: ArtifactEnigmaDisabledPrerequisite  
 [9] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactSingleEliteType  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Brigade  
 All elites will be of the same type.  
 Weight: 3  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: ArtifacSingleEliteTypeDisabledPrerequisite  
 [10] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactRandomLoadout  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Transpose  
 Use a random loadout for this wave.  
 Weight: 2  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtAllTier  
 Prerequesites: ArtifacRandomLoadoutDisabledPrerequisite  
 [11] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactStatsOnLowHealth  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Spiriting  
 Characters move and attack faster at lower health.  
 Weight: 2  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: ArtifacStatsOnLowHealthDisabledPrerequisite  
 [12] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactEvolution  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Evolution  
 Monsters have additional items during this wave.  
 Weight: 2  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: ArtifacEvolutionDisabledPrerequisite  
 [13] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactSacrifice  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Sacrifice  
 Monsters have a chance to drop items on death.  
 Weight: 1  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITBasicWaveOnKill  
 Prerequesites: ArtifacSacrificeDisabledPrerequisite  
 [14] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactRandomSurvivor  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Metamorphosis  
 Play as a random survivor for this wave.  
 Weight: 1  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtAllTier  
 Prerequesites: ArtifacRandomSurvivorDisabledPrerequisite  
 [15] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactEliteOnly  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Honor  
 Enemies are guaranteed to be Elite.  
 Weight: 1  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusGreen  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [16] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactSwarm  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Swarms  
 Double the monsters, but monster health is halved.  
 Weight: 1  
 Credits: 224.5  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: ArtifacSwarmDisabledPrerequisite  
 [17] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyBeetle  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Beetle  
 The ground begins to shift beneath you.  
 Weight: 0.85  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveUtility  
 MonsterCards: dccsBeetleFamily  
 [18] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyGolem  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Earth  
 The earth rumbles and groans.  
 Weight: 0.85  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveHealing  
 MonsterCards: dccsGolemFamily  
 [19] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyJellyfish  
 Wave {0} - Augment of the Jellyfish  
 The air crackles and arcs.  
 Weight: 0.85  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveDamage  
 MonsterCards: dccsJellyfishFamily  
 [20] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyWisp  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Embers  
 The air begins to burn.  
 Weight: 0.85  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveDamage  
 MonsterCards: dccsWispFamily  
 [21] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyLemurian  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Lemuria  
 The ground's temperature begins to rise.  
 Weight: 0.85  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveDamage  
 MonsterCards: dccsLemurianFamily  
 [22] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyImp  
 Wave {0} - Augment of the Red Plane  
 A tear in the fabric of the universe.  
 Weight: 0.85  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveDamage  
 MonsterCards: dccsImpFamily  
 [23] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyGup  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Gup  
 The air smells of sweet strawberries.  
 Weight: 0.85  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 MonsterCards: dccsGupFamily  
 [24] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyConstruct  
 Wave {0} - Augment of the Constructs  
 You have tripped an ancient alarm.  
 Weight: 0.85  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveUtility  
 MonsterCards: dccsConstructFamily  
 [25] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyParent  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Parenthood  
 A familial bond is being interrupted.  
 Weight: 1.7  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveHealing  
 MonsterCards: dccsParentFamily  
 [26] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyLarva  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Acid  
 The air smells foul.  
 Weight: 1.7  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITBasicWaveOnKill  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsAcidLarvaFamily  
 [27] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyMushroom  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Mushrooms  
 The ground grows sickly.  
 Weight: 0.425  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveHealing  
 MonsterCards: dccsMushroomFamily  
 [28] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyLunar  
 Wave {0} - Augment of the Moon  
 The bulwark begin to falter.  
 Weight: 1.7  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusLunar  
 Prerequesites: StartWave20Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsLunarFamily  
 [29] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyVoid  
 Wave {0} - Augment of the Void  
 The Void has become curious.  
 Weight: 1.7  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusVoid  
 Prerequesites: StartWave20Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsVoidFamily  
 [30] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyVermin  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Vermin  
 You have invaded rampant breeding grounds.  
 Weight: 0.85  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveUtility  
 MonsterCards: dccsVerminFamily  
 [31] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyRoboBall  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Solus X  
 The whirring of wings and machinery.  
 Weight: 0.85  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveUtility  
 MonsterCards: dccsRoboBallFamily  
 [32] InfiniteTowerWaveFamilyClay  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Aphelia  
 You feel parasitic influences.  
 Weight: 0.85  
 Credits: 184  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveHealing  
 MonsterCards: dccsClayFamily  
 [33] InfiniteTowerWavePulseLunar  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Design  
 A crippling pulse is being emmited.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusLunar  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [34] InfiniteTowerWavePulseVoid  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Nullifciation  
 Nullifying grounded subjects.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusVoid  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [35] InfiniteTowerWavePulseSuckInward  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Attraction  
 Grounded monsters get pulled inwards.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveUtility  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [36] InfiniteTowerWavePulseNoHealing  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Poison  
 Your healing will be disabled if pulsed.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveHealing  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [37] InfiniteTowerWaveManyItems  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Hoarding  
 Monsters get higher stacks of items.  
 Weight: 6  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveDamage  
 Prerequesites: StartWave30Prerequisite  
 [38] InfiniteTowerWaveHeresy  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Heresy  
 Enemies gain heresy items for the wave.  
 Weight: 7  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave + dtITHeresy  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [39] InfiniteTowerWaveItemCoffee  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Caffeine  
 Enemies have increased movement and attack speed.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveDamage  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [40] InfiniteTowerWaveItemLepton  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Flowers  
 Monsters spawning may unleash a healing aura.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveHealing  
 Prerequesites: StartWave20Prerequisite  
 [41] InfiniteTowerWaveItemBehemoth  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Volatility  
 Enemy attacks cause explosions.  
 Weight: 3  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITFamilyWaveDamage  
 Prerequesites: StartWave30Prerequisite  
 [42] InfiniteTowerWaveLunarElites  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Perfection  
 Elites spawn as Perfected.  
 Weight: 6.5  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusLunar  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [43] InfiniteTowerWaveVoidElites  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Collapse  
 Elites spawn as Voidtouched.  
 Weight: 6.5  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusVoid  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [44] InfiniteTowerWaveMalachiteElites  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Malachite  
 All enemies spawn as weakened Malachites.  
 Weight: 4.5  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusGreen  
 Prerequesites: StartWave30Prerequisite  
 [45] InfiniteTowerWaveFlight  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Flight  
 All enemies gain flight.  
 Weight: 6  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave + dtITSpecialEquipment  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [46] InfiniteTowerWaveBasicGhostHaunting  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Haunting  
 A unknown horror follows you.  
 Weight: 10  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusGreen  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [47] InfiniteTowerWaveBasicEquipmentDrone  
 Wave {0} - Augment of the Equipment Drone  
 A Equipment Drone has been released from the focus.  
 Weight: 14  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave + dtITSpecialEquipment  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [48] InfiniteTowerWaveBattery  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Battery  
 Improper storage may cause serious harm.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave + dtITSpecialEquipment  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [49] InfiniteTowerWaveSurprise  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Surprise  
 All enemies spawn immediately.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusGreen  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [50] InfiniteTowerWaveBrotherHaunt  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Detonation  
 The planet turns unstable.  
 Weight: 5  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusLunar  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [51] InfiniteTowerWaveVoidBear  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Safety  
 Enemies block the first instances of damage.  
 Weight: 5  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusVoid  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [52] InfiniteTowerWaveBlindness  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Blindness  
 It becomes hard to see.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [53] InfiniteTowerWaveSlippery  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Friction  
 The ground turns slippery.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [54] InfiniteTowerWaveBadLuck  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Misfortune  
 Luck down.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [55] InfiniteTowerWaveDeathVoid  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Implosion  
 Endless void implosions occur.  
 Weight: 5  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusVoid  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [56] InfiniteTowerWaveDeathLunar  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Blaze  
 The ground gets covered in lunar flames.  
 Weight: 5  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusLunar  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [57] InfiniteTowerWaveSulfurPods  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Sulfur  
 Sulfur pods keep growing.  
 Weight: 3  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [58] InfiniteTowerWaveTarPots  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Tar  
 It's raining pots of tar.  
 Weight: 3  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [59] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactHonorAndBrigade  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Brigade and Honor  
 All enemies are elite and the same elite type.  
 Weight: 0.75  
 Credits: 160  
 DropTable: dtITBasicBonusGreen  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [60] InfiniteTowerWaveArtifactSS2Cognation  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Cognation  
 Enemies leave behind temporary duplciates on death.  
 Weight: 1.5  
 Credits: 159  
 DropTable: dtITBasicWaveOnKill  
 [61] InfiniteTowerWaveSS2RainbowElites  
 Wave {0} - Augment of Empyrean  
 Powerful energies have harmonized.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 100  
 DropTable: dtITDefaultWave  
 Prerequesites: StartWave30Prerequisite  
 Total CommonWaveCategory Weight  pre 10: 218.675  Extra Weight: 118.675  Percent for Default: 0.4572995
 Total CommonWaveCategory Weight  pre 30: 264.825  Extra Weight: 164.825  Percent for Default: 0.3776078
 Total CommonWaveCategory Weight post 30: 232.325  Extra Weight: 182.325  Percent for Default: 0.2152157
 Total CommonWaveCategory Weight post 50: 192.325  Extra Weight: 182.325  Percent for Default: 0.05199531
 All Simulacrum Waves : BossWaveCategory
 Wave {0} - Boss  
 Enemies are stronger and more numerous.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Moon  
 Enemies are stronger, more numerous, and guaranteed to be Lunar.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Void  
 Enemies are stronger, more numerous, and guaranteed to be Void.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Scavenger  
 A taste of your own medicine.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Mithrix  
 Defeat the King of Nothing.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Honor  
 Enemies are stronger and guaranteed to be Elite.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Vengence  
 Your relentless doppelganger invades.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Kin  
 Defeat a horde of the same monster.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Dissonance  
 Enemies are stronger and appear outside their usual environments.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Wurms  
 His brother loved worms.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Machines  
 Drones and machines fight against you.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Irradiance  
 Enemies have all stats drastically increased.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Giant  
 Goodness Gracious.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Devastator  
 Face the deepened Void Devastator.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Twisted Scavenger  
 Defeat the Twisted Scavenger.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of「Voidling」  
 D??ef?eat the「Diviner of the Deep」  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Alloy Worship Unit  
 Defeat the Friend of Vultures.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Aurelionite  
 Defeat the Titanic Goldweaver.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Mountain  
 Defeat twice as many enemies for twice the rewards.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Infestation  
 A swarm of Void Infestors is gathering.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Equipment Drones  
 A swarm of Equipment Drones has been released from the focus.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Haunting  
 A strong unknown horror follows you.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Cell Breach  
 The subject is simulated, everything is under control.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Eclipse  
 All eclipse 8 modifiers are enabled.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Direseeker  
 Track and Kill.  
 All Simulacrum Waves : BossWaveCategory
 [0] InfiniteTowerWaveBoss  
 Wave {0} - Boss  
 Enemies are stronger and more numerous.  
 Weight: 90  
 Credits: 500  
 DropTable: dtITBossWave  
 [1] InfiniteTowerWaveBossLunar  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Moon  
 Enemies are stronger, more numerous, and guaranteed to be Lunar.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 500  
 DropTable: dtITBossWave + dtITLunar  
 MonsterCards: dccsLunarFamily  
 [2] InfiniteTowerWaveBossVoid  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Void  
 Enemies are stronger, more numerous, and guaranteed to be Void.  
 Weight: 6  
 Credits: 500  
 DropTable: dtITVoid  
 MonsterCards: dccsITVoidMonsters  
 [3] InfiniteTowerWaveBossScav  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Scavenger  
 A taste of your own medicine.  
 Weight: 6  
 Credits: 100 + 3 * Wave  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossYellow  
 Prerequesites: StartWave25Prerequisite  
 [4] InfiniteTowerWaveBossBrother  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Mithrix  
 Defeat the King of Nothing.  
 Weight: 2.5  
 Credits: 50 + 4 * Wave  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave + dtITLunar  
 Prerequesites: StartWave35Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsLunarFamily  
 [5] InfiniteTowerWaveBossArtifactEliteOnly  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Honor  
 Enemies are stronger and guaranteed to be Elite.  
 Weight: 7  
 Credits: 500  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossYellow  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [6] InfiniteTowerWaveBossArtifactDoppelganger  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Vengence  
 Your relentless doppelganger invades.  
 Weight: 9  
 Credits: 450  
 DropTable: dtITBossWave  
 [7] InfiniteTowerWaveBossArtifactSingleMonsterType  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Kin  
 Defeat a horde of the same monster.  
 Weight: 7  
 Credits: 550  
 DropTable: dtITBossWave  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [8] InfiniteTowerWaveBossArtifactDissonance  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Dissonance  
 Enemies are stronger and appear outside their usual environments.  
 Weight: 10  
 Credits: 500  
 DropTable: dtITBossGreenVoid  
 Prerequesites: ArtifactMixEnemyDisabledPrerequisite  
 [9] InfiniteTowerWaveBossFamilyWorms  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Wurms  
 His brother loved worms.  
 Weight: 4.5  
 Credits: 450  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossYellow  
 Prerequesites: StartWave40Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsWormsFamily  
 [10] InfiniteTowerWaveBossFamilyDrones  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Machines  
 Drones and machines fight against you.  
 Weight: 6  
 Credits: 320  
 DropTable: dtITBossWave  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsITDrones  
 [11] InfiniteTowerWaveBossItemShinyPearl  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Irradiance  
 Enemies have all stats drastically increased.  
 Weight: 6  
 Credits: 420  
 DropTable: dtPearls  
 Prerequesites: StartWave30Prerequisite  
 [12] InfiniteTowerWaveBossGiantGup  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Giant  
 Goodness Gracious.  
 Weight: 7  
 Credits: 50 + 3 * Wave  
 DropTable: dtITBossWave  
 Prerequesites: StartWave20Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsGupFamily  
 [13] InfiniteTowerWaveBossSuperVoidMegaCrab  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Devastator  
 Face the deepened Void Devastator.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 0  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave + dtITSuperVoid  
 Prerequesites: StartWave35Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsVoidFamily  
 [14] InfiniteTowerWaveBossScavLunar  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Twisted Scavenger  
 Defeat the Twisted Scavenger.  
 Weight: 7.5  
 Credits: 50 + 4 * Wave  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave + dtITLunar  
 Prerequesites: StartWave35Prerequisite  
 [15] InfiniteTowerWaveBossVoidRaidCrab  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of「Voidling」  
 D??ef?eat the「Diviner of the Deep」  
 Weight: 3  
 Credits: 0  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave + dtITSuperVoid  
 Prerequesites: StartWave50Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsVoidFamilyNoBarnacle  
 [16] InfiniteTowerWaveBossSuperRoboBallBoss  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Alloy Worship Unit  
 Defeat the Friend of Vultures.  
 Weight: 2.8  
 Credits: 150 + 6 * Wave  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave  
 Prerequesites: StartWave25Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsShipgraveyardMonstersDLC1  
 [17] InfiniteTowerWaveBossTitanGold  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Aurelionite  
 Defeat the Titanic Goldweaver.  
 Weight: 2.8  
 Credits: 150 + 6 * Wave  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave  
 Prerequesites: StartWave25Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsGoldshoresMonstersDLC1  
 [18] InfiniteTowerWaveDoubleBoss  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Mountain  
 Defeat twice as many enemies for twice the rewards.  
 Weight: 10  
 Credits: 1200  
 DropTable: dtITBossWave + dtITBossWave  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [19] InfiniteTowerWaveBossVoidElites  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Infestation  
 A swarm of Void Infestors is gathering.  
 Weight: 10  
 Credits: 580  
 DropTable: dtITVoidInfestorWave  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [20] InfiniteTowerWaveBossEquipmentDrone  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Equipment Drones  
 A swarm of Equipment Drones has been released from the focus.  
 Weight: 10  
 Credits: 500  
 DropTable: dtITBossWave + dtITSpecialEquipment  
 Prerequesites: AfterWave5Prerequisite  
 [21] InfiniteTowerWaveBossGhostHaunting  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Haunting  
 A strong unknown horror follows you.  
 Weight: 15  
 Credits: 500  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossYellow  
 Prerequesites: Wave11OrGreaterPrerequisite  
 [22] InfiniteTowerWaveBossCharacters  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Cell Breach  
 The subject is simulated, everything is under control.  
 Weight: 7  
 Credits: 400  
 DropTable: dtITBossGreenVoid  
 [23] InfiniteTowerWaveBossEclipse8  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Eclipse  
 All eclipse 8 modifiers are enabled.  
 Weight: 10  
 Credits: 500  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave  
 Prerequesites: StartWave20Prerequisite  
 [24] InfiniteTowerWaveBossDireseeker  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Direseeker  
 Track and Kill.  
 Weight: 4  
 Credits: 150 + 6 * Wave  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave  
 Prerequesites: StartWave20Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsDampCaveMonstersDLC1  
 Total BossWaveCategory Weight  pre 10: 146  Extra Weight: 56  Percent for Default: 0.6164383
 Total BossWaveCategory Weight  pre 30: 223.6  Extra Weight: 133.6  Percent for Default: 0.4025045
 Total BossWaveCategory Weight post 30: 206.1  Extra Weight: 161.1  Percent for Default: 0.2183406
 Total BossWaveCategory Weight post 50: 170.1  Extra Weight: 161.1  Percent for Default: 0.05291005
 All Simulacrum Waves : SuperBossWaves
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Scavenger  
 A taste of your own medicine.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Mithrix  
 Defeat the King of Nothing.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Devastator  
 Face the deepened Void Devastator.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Twisted Scavenger  
 Defeat the Twisted Scavenger.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of「Voidling」  
 D??ef?eat the「Diviner of the Deep」  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Aurelionite  
 Defeat the Titanic Goldweaver.  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Alloy Worship Unit  
 Defeat the Friend of Vultures.  
 All Simulacrum Waves : SuperBossWaves
 [0] InfiniteTowerWaveBossScav  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Scavenger  
 A taste of your own medicine.  
 Weight: 0.5  
 Credits: 100 + 3 * Wave  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossYellow  
 Prerequesites: StartWave25Prerequisite  
 [1] InfiniteTowerWaveBossBrother  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Mithrix  
 Defeat the King of Nothing.  
 Weight: 1  
 Credits: 50 + 4 * Wave  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave + dtITLunar  
 Prerequesites: StartWave35Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsLunarFamily  
 [2] InfiniteTowerWaveBossSuperVoidMegaCrab  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Devastator  
 Face the deepened Void Devastator.  
 Weight: 1  
 Credits: 0  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave + dtITSuperVoid  
 Prerequesites: StartWave35Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsVoidFamily  
 [3] InfiniteTowerWaveBossScavLunar  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Twisted Scavenger  
 Defeat the Twisted Scavenger.  
 Weight: 1  
 Credits: 50 + 4 * Wave  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave + dtITLunar  
 Prerequesites: StartWave35Prerequisite  
 [4] InfiniteTowerWaveBossVoidRaidCrab  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of「Voidling」  
 D??ef?eat the「Diviner of the Deep」  
 Weight: 1  
 Credits: 0  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave + dtITSuperVoid  
 Prerequesites: StartWave50Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsVoidFamilyNoBarnacle  
 [5] InfiniteTowerWaveBossTitanGold  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of Aurelionite  
 Defeat the Titanic Goldweaver.  
 Weight: 0.5  
 Credits: 150 + 6 * Wave  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave  
 Prerequesites: StartWave25Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsGoldshoresMonstersDLC1  
 [6] InfiniteTowerWaveBossSuperRoboBallBoss  
 Wave {0} - Boss Augment of the Alloy Worship Unit  
 Defeat the Friend of Vultures.  
 Weight: 0.5  
 Credits: 150 + 6 * Wave  
 DropTable: dtITSpecialBossWave  
 Prerequesites: StartWave25Prerequisite  
 MonsterCards: dccsShipgraveyardMonstersDLC1