Wave Information

Updated a year ago

Common Waves

New Artifact Augments

Evolution, Sacrifice, Metamorphosis (change for that wave), Honor, Swarms

Family Augments

Spawn enemies of their respective family.
Have a higher chance to drop the boss item of that family.

Elite Augments

Perfected, Voidtouched, Malachite.
The elite will be the only elite that can spawn.

Unique Augments

Augment of Heresy
Enemies gain heresy items for the wave.

Either Visions or Hooks+Strides of Heresy.
Enemies get a damage down for Visions.

Augment of Flight
All enemies gain flight.

Enemies get Milky Chrysalis, Gesture of the Drowned, Red Whip and some bonus HP.
No Elites spawn during this wave.

Augment of Haunting
A unknown horror follows you.

A invulnerable ghost enemy spawns as part of the wave.
Possible Enemies; Elder Lemurian, Lunar Golem, Clay Apothecary, Clay Templar, Void Jailer
Late waves will have multiple ghosts.

Augment of the Equipment Drone
A Equipment Drone has been released from the focus.

A hostile Equipment Drone is part of the wave.
Possible Equipment; Molotov, Gorag's Opus, Volcanic Egg,
Glowing Meteorite, Effigy of Grief,
Forgive me Please (with Deskplant), Remote Caffeinator
Later waves will have multiple drones.

Augment of Caffeine
Enemies have increased movement and attack speed.
Monsters are given 6+ Mocha, more on later stages.

Augment of Hoarding
Monsters get higher stacks of items
Monsters get 5x the items, excluding Dios.

Augment of Flowers
Monsters spawning may unleash a healing aura.
Monsters are given 2+ Lepton Daisies.

Augment of Detonation
The planet turns unstable.
Spawns in the "enemy" that causes Commencement to have the line explosions.

Augment of Blindness
It becomes hard to see.
All players get the normally unused Blindness debuff.

Augment of Battery
Improper storage may cause SERIOUS harm.
Enemies spawn with Fuel Array and more HP.
Fuel Arrays explode in a smaller radius than normal, but still do thousands of damage.

Wave : Surprise
All credits are spent immediately.

Boss Waves

New Artifact Augments

Honor, Vengance, Dissonance and Kin

Special Boss

Aurelionite, Alloy Worship Unit, Twisted Scavenger, Voidling
All special bosses get special scaling like in the normal game.
Just like the Mithrix wave in vanilla.

Giant Gup Boss
A giant Gup that drops a irradiant pearl.
He's just big

Deepened Void Devestator.
A void devestator with various void items.
Uses the unused Super Void Devestator model.

Unique Augments

Boss Augment of the Mountain
Defeat twice as many enemies for twice the rewards.

Boss Augment of Infestation
A swarm of Void Infestors is gathering.

Face more enemies but many void infestors spawn, turning enemies against each other.

Boss Augment of the Equipment Drones
A swarm of Equipment Drones has been released from the focus.

3 of the same and 1 other equipment drone spawn.
Late waves will have more drones.

Boss Augment of Haunting
A strong unknown horror follows you.

A invulnerable ghost boss spawns as part of the wave.
Possible Enemies; Magma Worm, Imp Overlord, Vagrant, Grandparent, Mithrix
Late waves will have multiple ghosts.

Boss Augment of Cell Breach
This is a simulation everything is under control.

Spawns in 2 Void Reavers and a "Void Team" Acrid or Void Fiend or Artificer
Enemies are likely to target the character that spawned in

Mod Support


3 more basic family waves.
1 boss family wave.


1 artifact augment (Cognation)


1 special boss augment (Direseeker)