Wolfo-StormItemBuffs icon


Buffs and fixes many Seekers of the Storm items. Nerfs Twisted Elites



v1.1.0 - Requested
Seperate config for fixes.
-(Chronic 6% at one stack)
-(Chronic not using level damage)(Questionable)
-(Warped Echo OSP)
-(Warped applying E8 curse 1.5x times)
-(Nox Thorn not working or stacking)
-(Nox Thorn applying dots as if they were from enemies)
-(Nox Thorn not applying certain buffs correctly, even if it did work)
-(Prayer Beads counting wrong)
-(Lum Shot wrong dmg stat)
-(Nectar not counting buffs)
-(War Bonds incorrect money)


v1.0.10 - Antler situation is crazy
Antler Shield now has a proc of 0. (Thought this was in already)
Antler Shield reflect damage no longer stacks.
Antler Shield now has a damage limit of 800% (+800% per stack)
(Stacking it more, still increasing it's viability against big hits)
(But makes it worse against small hits so Razorwire can get the win there)

Fixed Lum Shot not scaling with other damage up items.

Unstable Transmitter now 700% per stack (instead of 875%)

Twisted Elite damage now 7x. (They lack an onhit effect)

Fixed Knockback Fin still doing 100%.

v1.0.8 - Nerfs & Buffs
(Pushing this update because left over debug code made someones game lag)

Upped Twisted range to 42 (up from 21).
-(Such low range is an overnerf alongside the cooldown nerf)
Twisteds now have the same HP & Damage as other Tier 2 elites. 

Knockback Fin
-Knock-Down now pushes enemies away like the Knock-Up.
-Now deals 80% Total Damage
(I want the Knockback part to play more of a role instead of just being Sticky Bomb 2)

Bolstering Lanter health now 80%. (75% is alright but this item still isn't good)

Antler Shield:
-Now has a damage limit of 1000%(+1000% per stack) of your damage.
-Now 6 armor per item.
(The idea that big hits = big reflect is interesting and can be fun)
(But this item super out performs Razorwire and Nox thorn. And it shredded Mithrix)

Chronic Expansion:
-Now needs 4 kills.
-Now capped at 3 buffs.
-Now +10 per stack instead of 5. 
-Now thinks of combat as 7 seconds. (Instead of 5, it uses it's own definition of combat)
(This is a multi kill item, and for this mod I want items to keep their theme)
(Maximum 30% extra damage per item. "Harder to fulfil condition than 20% dmg white items" ig as the balancing idea)

Warped Echo now shows a debuff for "incoming Echoed damage". 
(This is already set up in the game they just decided to hide it.)
Fixed mod allowing Echoed damage to kill you on Fall Damage & Blood Shrines.

Electric Boomerang now shocks instead of stuns.
War Bands now 30 attack speed.

AIBlacklisted Warped Echo and Chronic Expansion (because apparently it can still cause invulnerable enemies?)
Removed some left over debug stuff.

Fixed prev patch breaking Medkit + Warped Echo.
(I feel like Antler might need a damage nerf because of how well it works with other damage items)

v1.0.6 - Warped Echo Hater Update
Warped Echo
-Now no longer makes Shield take longer to regenerate
-Now no longer makes Opal take longer to regenerate
-Now no longer makes Slug take longer to activate
--(Just no longer puts you in danger)
-Now works with Repulsion Armor Plate
-Now works with Planula
-No longer applies Eclipse 8 curse 1.5x

Noixous Thorn
-Fixed Noxious Thorn using the enemies damage stat instead of yours. (4th bug with this item)
-(Instead of setting you as the attacker, it set the enemy that hit you. This made enemies mad at each other since technically they attacked each other)
--(Enemies do double damage to each other and are higher level than you so the item might do a lot less damage now?*)
-Fixed Noxious Thorn not applying Strong Burns correctly (5th bug with this item)
-Fixed Noxious Thorn not applying extra Essence of Heresy stacks (6th bug with this item)
Now has a 33% chance to proc
Now adds 2 + 1 debuff.
Now adds 2 bleed + 2 of every Other debuff.
-(ie before 2 bleed + 1 debuff would be 3 bleed to bleeding targets, now always 2)
--(Vanilla would be 2 bleed to non bleeding and 1 bleed to bleeding, or 0 bleed if only other debuff. so still better)
-(Easier activation and better reward for it's main gimmick. Hopefully that can be cool for stuff like Blight/Lunar Ruin)

-Fixed Warped Echo second half not accounting if the shot that triggered it was protected by OSP due to wrong coding.

War Bonds now has a buff to show you how much of a buff you get.
Now needs 400 Gold + 200 per loop for max boost.
Now gives 120 + 80 gold. (Removed scaling with level)
Now gives 40% attack speed + 40% movement speed. (instead of 40 damage, 30 speed)
--(Power of 2.33 greens with a not so difficult condition is what I want it to be)
--(Don't really know what's best for this item because tbh I don't like Golden Gun)

Antler Shield Proc back to vanilla 0.3 (down from 1)
-(Can deal absurds amounts of damage on it's own so it doesn't really need to start procs as often)

Knockback fin cooldown now 0.1s. (prev 1s)
-(Cooldown was meant to prevent knocking down multiple times in one shot, 1s is excessive for that)
--(Was first added because I knocked a Scav TP boss off Treeborn and that shouldn't be easily done)
KnockDown cooldown buff now hidden. (This is a unused vanilla buff, idk why it was visible)

Lum shot is now 5 + 0 max charges (Useless stat anyways)
Lum Shot now reduces Secondary skill cooldown by 15% + 0%
-(Meant to be like the 5% crit chance on Scythe)
-(Not all greens give a way to activate them on their own but this should be a bit more fun.)
--(Nerfing the damage and making it 15+15 cooldown seems like diverting from the item idea however)
--(There's also the slightly more XP you get from killing with a charged shot which is just like ??? who cares)

Fixed vanilla bug where Chance Dolls effect uses an invisible color.
Fixed Lum Shots effect having blue light. (It's a copy of charged perferator they just forgot)

v1.0.4 - Balancing
-Bolstering Lantern now activates at 75%
-Now is 5(+5) damage, 20(+20) speed. 
--A common complaint with it is that it doesn't activate often enough.
--20% damage with an easy activation is fine. But I want it to be a speed item
---So 1.5 Hoofs speed and 0.5 Glasses of damage. 
---To match other whites that are 2x as good but have a activation method.
----(Maybe could get rid of damage entirely and just 2 Hoofs but needs to be activated, but 28% speed is close to 30% of Whip which is a green (with a easier activation but still))

-Antler now 7 armor per stack (instead of 8)

-Damage is now 100% + 0% 
-Damage now has a proc of 0. 
--(Forgot Damage and Chance stacking at the same time is not balanced)
-Allowed Kockback Fin to work on bosses & champions.
--Knockback at reduced rate
-Knock Down speed no longer scales with stacking. 
--(to prevent extreme fall damage or one shotting AWU now that it works on bosses) 
-Fixed Knock Down making enemies move toward you.
-Now has a 1s cooldown between Knocking up and Knocking up again (Vanilla is 5, pre patch was 0)

-Chronic Expansion buff no longer "ramps up"
-Chronic Expansion buff is now capped at 5. 
-Fixed a bug with Chronic Stacking giving too much damage.
--One stack of this item could give absurd amounts of damage. 
--Now it's 50% (+25% per stack) damage at it's maximum effectiveness. 
--Since the mod already makes it scale with level and thus useful at later stages of the game, capping makes sense.

-Fixed Nox Thorn using procCoeff of attack that triggered it.

-Transmitter is now 3500+(875 per stack) (instead of 3500+3500)
-Transmitter no longer is prevented from working if you have an Elixir.

-Fixed Transmitter model being too high.
-Fixed War Bands model being half black.

v1.0.3 - Twisted 
-Twisted Elite Nerf
--Now has a range of 21.
--Now has a proc of 0. (This is what caused elite effects to be transferred)
--Now has a short cooldown. (It removes the buff, then the aura needs to apply the buff again)
-Added Config per item.

-Added missing dependency on RecalculateStatsAPI
-Fixed Prayer Beads counting as -1 stacks when scrapping.
-Increased Prayer Beads stats on stack.

v1.0.1: Release