Adds more Sots-style loop weather variants and adds config for loop variants to happen pre-loop
Added config to alternate loop variants, default false. (Loop 0 and 2, basic variants, Loop 1 / 3 alts)
Made default loop2+ chance 50%.
Moved enemy additions here so they can be tied to Loop Variants.
-By default only enabled with LittleGameplayTweaks installed still.
*Child on Dusk Acres
*Void Floor Barnacle/Reaver, more Imps in Red Depths
*Void Jailer/Devestator, more Imp Overlords in Loop Red Depths
*Lunar Exploder in Night Sanctuary
*Lunar Golem/Wisp in loop Night Sanctuary
*Geep/Gip on Spring Grove
*Halcyonite on Gold Helminth
Lowered Credits of Stage 1 Disturbed Impact to 280.
ReAllowed Stage 1 Grandparent on Viscious.
Removed Stage 1 Void Seeds on Viscious.
Added Config to disable name changes.
Added eclipsed Aphelian Sanctuary
v1.3.3 -
Fixed Extra Aquaducts in variant Aquaduct not blocking spawn points.
Removed Rescue Ship detail in variant Aquaduct because it kept melting reality and changed it's color to poison (???)
You can no longer go to Viscious Falls without owning Sots.
v1.3.2 - Attempt at fixing problem with how r2dmodman keeps folder structures
v1.3.1 - Attempt at fixing problem with how r2dmodman keeps folder structures
Added Loop Weather for Reformed Altar. (Golden Dieback leaves, yellow vibe)
Added Loop Change to Prime Meridian. (Golden Dieback leaves)
-Since Treeborn is very visible in both these stages, it makes sense to change it to Golden Dieback on loops.
Added Risk of Options support.
Added more Aquaducts to Tar filled Aquaduct
Lowered Tar debuff duration by 1s.
Made mod translatable.
Took AssetBundle out of .dll.
Fixed Sulfur Pods Helfire using wrong config.
Fixed wrong Disturbed Impact spawn pool having Cleansing Pools removed.
Fixed an issue with Abyssal Variant rocks being more red than intended.
Removed Cleansing Pool and Wild Printer from Stage 1 Disturbed Impact
Tied applying weather directly to recieving the information for clients.
(Might mean they see the normal version for a couple frames when loading weirdly)
(But should mean they never get out of sync)
Added a config to disable Helfire Sulfur Pods on Sulfur Variant.
Made Moss patches less slimy in Sundered Variant
Made textures added by mod able to scale down. (Optimization)
(Apparently something I needed to add manually and this optimization is missing from most textures I ever added)
Matched Sunset Plains Sun rotation more to Trailer Plains rotation
Increased visibility on Forest, reduced shadow strength on Plains.
Made new Abyssal Depths ground less noisy.
Reduced light amount in Sulfur Pools variant. (Potentially optimization)(Config to reduce further)
Reduced fruit amount in Sundered Grove variant. (Potentially optimization)
Grove Variant should load faster.
Config to make variants chance based on Loop2+ (Disabled by default)
(ie: You want guaranteed variants Loop 1 but not on Loop 2,3,4, because you'd see the default variants less if most your runs do multiple loops)
Added loop weather for Sundered Grove (Orange, Autumn-y, has Fruit from Golden Dieback)
Added loop weather for Sulfur Pools (Blue Smoke)
Adjusted fog on Abyssal and Helminth variant slightly.
Increased visibility on Wetland and Scorched variant slightly.
Fixed Fruit in Golden Dieback, not working.
Added loop weather for Wetlands Aspect (Foggy, Rainy, More Water)
Hopefully increased consistency of syncing weathers in multiplayer.
Fixed Golden Dieback not appearing pre loop if enabled.
Fixed stage names still changing if variant disabled.
If stage order is random (Artifact of Wander), 50/50 chance to use the loop or preloop chance.
-Stage 1 Disturbed Impact will no longer have.
--Elder Lemurian
-Stage 1 Viscious Falls will no longer have.
--Elder Lemurians
--Void Reavers
--Imp Overlords
v1.0.3 Left debug multiplayer testing on whoops.
Added config to enable variants on specific stages.
Added config to enable Goo River on Aquaduct alt weather
Variants should now be synced in Multiplayer
Fixed some issues in the config and how it was applied.
1.0.0 - Now seperate mod
Added loop weather for Siphoned Forest (Aurora)
Added loop weather for Abandoned Aquaduct (Tar, Green)
Added loop weather for Abyssal Depths (Magenta)
Added loop weather for Helminth Hatchery (Gold)
Added loop weather for Titanic Plains (Sunset)
Added loop weather for Scorched Acres (Dusk)