- New Item!
- Bison Pills: Using a skill or equipment has a chance to grant a charge back.
- Bug Fixes
- No longer conflicts with new content management API release
- Bug Fixes
- Leech Jar no longer causes NREs
- New Items!
- Sunken Chains (Void Jumper Cables)
- Royal Tick (Void Jar of Medium Leeches)
- Tweaks
- Leech Jar now gives 5% bleed chance on the first stack.
- Bug Fixes
- No more NREs when killing an enemy with a bleed stack on you.
- MULT's blast canister no longer has its size affected by inert bomblet.
- Logbook models appear.
- Visual Changes
- Accelerent's effect is no longer a seizure hazard with frost relic.
- Damage Markers are blue when affected by induction coil.
- Balance Changes
- Jumper cables no longer stack damage by default (Requires resetting config file, or changing yourself).
- Jumper cables proc coefficient reduced.
- Bomblets can now proc.
- Initial Release