Gives more opportunities to summon Aurelionite and increases her power.
- Updated for v1.3.5.
- Added "Body List" configuration, controls the list of bodies that count as False Son when determining Aurelionite's team.
- Changed how channeling is handled on the Voidling fight to be significantly less jank.
- Changed how channeling is handled for Mithrix.
- Updated for Seekers of the Storm.
- Removed "Team Selection Fix" for my own sanity, it now behaves as if it was enabled.
- Added "Loyal to NPC False Son" configuration, forces channeled Aurelionite onto the team with the highest amount of npc False Sons.
- Added "Loyal to Playable False Son" configuration, forces channeled Aurelionite onto the team with the highest amount of player controlled False Sons.
Compatability for GoldenCoastPlus:
- "Effect Multiplier" is unused while it's installed.
- Fixed Halcyon Seed's damage scaling requiring "Effect Multiplier" to be something other than 1.
- Fixed "Team Selection Fix" requiring "Effect Multiplier" to be something other than 1.
- Fixed the phase 1 Voidling boss fight only summoning Aurelionite once until rebooting the game.
- Mod Name changed from "AurelioniteStuck" to "HalcyonSeedBuff".
- Added "Spawn On Void Raid" configuration, summons Aurelionite during the Voidling boss fight.
- Added "Spawn On Focus" configuration, summons Aurelionite when activating the Focus in Simulacrum.
- Added "Team Selection Fix" configuration, is used to toggle the changes this mod makes to how the summoned Aurelionite's team is selected.
- Added "Effect Multiplier" configuration, multiplies the Halcyon Seed's effect by this much.
- Renamed "Steal Mode" configuration to "Can Be Stolen", now is a boolean.
- Renamed "Spawn Phase" configuration to "Spawn Against Mithrix".