noodleGemo-LunarsOfExiguity icon


Overhauls the Lunar Tier, and adds a new Cleansing Pool Tier! Extremely configurable. Currently includes 7 Lunar reworks and 7 Purified items.


Version 0.1.4

  • Relic of Greed's debt is now handled way more efficiently, and no longer causes other modded money items to not be extremely overpowered
  • Relic of Greed now turns your money red to have a more obvious indicator
  • Relic of Greed also changes the damage number color to also indicate taking more damage

Version 0.1.3

  • Networked Honor of Greed to properly show on all clients
  • Networked Cleansing Pool to disappear on all clients
  • Added a new Cleansing Pool config to enable scaling with Player Count, spawning one per Player when guaranteed
  • Changed the message event for a guaranteed Cleansing Pool to have .. instead of ..., being more consistent with the rest
  • Added a condition behind Cleansing Pool just in case
  • Fixed Relic / Honor of Focus from spamming NREs on stages without proper Teleporters
  • Fixed Relic / Honor of Focus to properly work on all Holdout Zones that Focused Convergence was allowed on
  • Fixed Honor of Glass giving negative damage boosts when having barrier

Version 0.1.2

  • Added new Config options for Cleansing Pool
    - Spawn Every # Stage in a Loop
    - Spawn After # Stages
    - Director Cost Modifier
    - Uses Before Consume
  • Added a condition to Relic of Glass to prevent extremely small health that allows taking damage without dying
  • Relic of Purity now sets proc-coefficient to an extremely small number, letting Survivors apply their status effects normally
    Default stat increases are now decreased due to allowing some items to function as well
  • Fixed Relic of Focus not properly dealing damage sometimes
  • Fixed Relic of Focus disabling an important variable that others use, notably Abstracted Locus from BubbetsItems
  • Temporarily blacklisted Egocentrism from being Fractured for the time being

Version 0.1.1

  • Forgot to add a dependency to FreeCostFix
    - The mod is still functional even without it, but is preferred for Honor of Greed

Version 0.1.0

  • Initial BETA release