Library for TheMysticSword's mods
- all elites should be properly disabled on config
- hopefully fixed the nre spam
- compat layer for elitevariety
- fixed Tier 2 elites becoming Tier 1.5(gilded-type) elites (sots issue)
- fixes for SotS
- Fixed this mod breaking Starstorm 2's Fear execution
- Fixed ConfigurableValues ignoring the useDefaultValueConfigEntry option and calling onChanged with the actual value
- Removed ConCommandHelper
- Added GenericGameEvents.OnApplyDamageExecutions
- Fixed DirectorCards added by BaseCharacterMaster.AddDirectorCard appearing in family event spawn selections
- Fixed BaseItemLike item displays being overwritten by newest ones if two bodies share the same ItemDisplayRuleSet
- Fixed DirectorCards added by BaseCharacterMaster.AddDirectorCard not actually being added to in-game monster pools
- Fixed BaseElite throwing NREs every frame if a BaseElite doesn't have a model effect assigned to it
- Changed HurtBoxSetUpInfo from struct to class
- Changed characterSpawnCards from a List to a Dictionary
- Added BaseBuff.refreshable
- Added isSniperTarget to HurtBoxSetUpInfo
- Added a static BaseItemLike.AddDisplayRule. All the instance-specific ones refer to it now
- Added an overload for BaseItemLike.AddDisplayRule that takes the itemDisplayPrefab argument before childName
- Added BaseCharacterBody.onSetupIDRS and BaseCharacterBody.AddItemDisplay
- Added EliteDisplays
- Removed debug warning message about a body not being found for BaseItemLike IDRS set-up
- Removed unused BaseItemLike.itemDisplayRuleDict
- Removed DebugTools
- Removed BaseElite recolour ramp functionality in favour of using R2API.EliteAPI's implementation
- Removed MysticsRisky2UtilsCustomEliteFields
- Updated dependencies to use only some R2API modules
- Optimized BaseElite modelEffect handling
- Optimized CustomTempVFXManagement
- Added string ConfigOption creation
- Fixed elites derived from BaseElite being pushed into wrong elite tiers
- Renamed BaseElite tier field to vanillaTier
- Added BaseElite isHonor field
- Tier 1 elites are no longer auto-added to Honor tiers, and use this new field for that instead
- Added some more generic ChildLocator additions
- Marked the mod as client-side
- Fixed CopyChildren setting the children positions to wrong values
- BaseItem deprecatedTier is now set immediately
- Fix the mod not reloading the logbook on ConfigurableValue creation
- Added ConfigOptions
- Added SoftDependencyManager
- Added Risk of Options soft dependency
- Converted BaseInteractable.AddDirectorCardTo to static
- Added BaseInteractable.RemoveDirectorCardFrom
- Recompiled against the 1.2.3 version of the game to update certain references
- Removed BaseAssetTypes.BaseAchievement
- Dependent mods should migrate to the RoR2.RegisterAchievement attribute
- Added BrotherInfection static class
- Added BaseItem.SetItemTierWhenAvailable method
- Fixed GenericGameEvents.OnPopulateScene crashing the game
- Standard CameraTargetParams and PlainHologram are no longer loaded on plugin Awake
- This fixes an issue with the game hanging up for a few seconds before the rest of the game content starts loading
- Added MysticsRisky2UtilsObjectTransformCurveLoop MonoBehaviour
- Removed StateSerializerFix as it's no longer needed
- Updated project references to work with the 1st March 2022 version of the game
- Removed the mr2u_notification console command
- Added XML documentation for fields that can be used by mods that soft-depend on this mod
- Removed CharacterStats class in favour of R2API's RecalculateStatsAPI
- Added RetrieveCharacterBodyList to MysticsRisky2UtilsColliderTriggerList component
- Added a static loadedDictionary (string -> BaseItem/BaseEquipment) for BaseItem and BaseEquipment
- BaseItemLike now has a followerModels dictionary that can be used to store and retrieve multiple item display objects
- The old followerModel field is now a property that points to followerModels["default"]
- Added OnPlayerCharacterDeath generic game event hook
- Added Utils.AddItemIconBackgroundToSprite
- Added Utils.FormatStringByDict
- Added CharacterModelMaterialOverrides
- Removed BaseLoadableAsset.TokenPrefix and ContentLoadHelper.AddPrefixToAssets
- Removed several methods from BaseItemLike:
- IsDisabledByConfig
- LoadModel
- FollowerModelExists
- LoadFollowerModel
- LoadIconSprite
- SetAssets
- SetIcon
- AfterTokensPopulated
- PreLoad
- Removed BaseItem.ModifierTimesFunction