Decompiled source of PlayableAegis v1.0.3
Decompiled 11 months ago
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using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Versioning; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Logging; using EntityStates; using HG.Reflection; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using On.RoR2; using PlayableAegis.States; using PlayableAegis.Utils; using PlayableAegis.Utils.Paths; using R2API; using RoR2; using RoR2.Skills; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets; using UnityEngine.Rendering; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)] [assembly: OptIn] [assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.0", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.0")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("PlayableAegis")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] [assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0+d4f01659c764fd778dee4e1a8a588ec765350c3a")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("PlayableAegis")] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("PlayableAegis")] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] [module: RefSafetyRules(11)] [module: UnverifiableCode] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)] internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute { public readonly int Version; public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0) { Version = P_0; } } } namespace PlayableAegis { internal class Passive { [Serializable] [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class <>c { public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c(); public static hook_RecalculateStats <>9__0_0; public static hook_Heal <>9__0_1; public static hook_ServerDamageDealt <>9__0_2; internal void <Hooks>b__0_0(orig_RecalculateStats orig, CharacterBody self) { //IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) orig.Invoke(self); if (self.bodyIndex == BodyCatalog.FindBodyIndex("AegisBody")) { self.barrierDecayRate = self.maxHealth / 35f; self.maxBarrier = float.MaxValue; } } internal float <Hooks>b__0_1(orig_Heal orig, HealthComponent self, float amount, ProcChainMask proc, bool silent) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (self.body.bodyIndex == BodyCatalog.FindBodyIndex("AegisBody")) { self.AddBarrier(amount); return 0f; } return orig.Invoke(self, amount, proc, silent); } internal void <Hooks>b__0_2(orig_ServerDamageDealt orig, DamageReport report) { //IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0049: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) orig.Invoke(report); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)report.attackerBody) && DamageAPI.HasModdedDamageType(report.damageInfo, PlayableAegis.HealOnHit)) { float num = report.damageDealt * 0.3f; report.attackerBody.healthComponent.Heal(num, default(ProcChainMask), false); } } } internal static void Hooks() { //IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0020: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0045: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0064: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006a: Expected O, but got Unknown object obj = <>c.<>9__0_0; if (obj == null) { hook_RecalculateStats val = delegate(orig_RecalculateStats orig, CharacterBody self) { //IL_000a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) orig.Invoke(self); if (self.bodyIndex == BodyCatalog.FindBodyIndex("AegisBody")) { self.barrierDecayRate = self.maxHealth / 35f; self.maxBarrier = float.MaxValue; } }; <>c.<>9__0_0 = val; obj = (object)val; } CharacterBody.RecalculateStats += (hook_RecalculateStats)obj; object obj2 = <>c.<>9__0_1; if (obj2 == null) { hook_Heal val2 = delegate(orig_Heal orig, HealthComponent self, float amount, ProcChainMask proc, bool silent) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (self.body.bodyIndex == BodyCatalog.FindBodyIndex("AegisBody")) { self.AddBarrier(amount); return 0f; } return orig.Invoke(self, amount, proc, silent); }; <>c.<>9__0_1 = val2; obj2 = (object)val2; } HealthComponent.Heal += (hook_Heal)obj2; object obj3 = <>c.<>9__0_2; if (obj3 == null) { hook_ServerDamageDealt val3 = delegate(orig_ServerDamageDealt orig, DamageReport report) { //IL_001c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0049: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) orig.Invoke(report); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)report.attackerBody) && DamageAPI.HasModdedDamageType(report.damageInfo, PlayableAegis.HealOnHit)) { float num = report.damageDealt * 0.3f; report.attackerBody.healthComponent.Heal(num, default(ProcChainMask), false); } }; <>c.<>9__0_2 = val3; obj3 = (object)val3; } GlobalEventManager.ServerDamageDealt += (hook_ServerDamageDealt)obj3; } } [BepInPlugin("ModAuthorName.PlayableAegis", "PlayableAegis", "1.0.0")] public class PlayableAegis : BaseUnityPlugin { public const string PluginGUID = "ModAuthorName.PlayableAegis"; public const string PluginAuthor = "ModAuthorName"; public const string PluginName = "PlayableAegis"; public const string PluginVersion = "1.0.0"; public static AssetBundle bundle; public static ManualLogSource ModLogger; public static SkinDef SkinAegis; public static SkinDef SkinAegisAlt; public static GameObject AegisBody; public static SkillDef AegisPrimary; public static SkillDef AegisSecondary; public static SkillDef AegisUtility; public static SkillDef AegisSpecial; public static SurvivorDef sdAegis; public static GameObject AegisTracer; public static ModdedDamageType HealOnHit = DamageAPI.ReserveDamageType(); public static GameObject AegisRadiusIndicator; public static GameObject AegisExplosion; public static GameObject AegizapTracer; public static UnlockableDef MasteryUnlockable; public void Awake() { bundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.Replace("PlayableAegis.dll", "aegisbundle")); ModLogger = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger; LoadAssets(); SetupLanguage(); ModifyAssets(); ContentAddition.AddBody(AegisBody); ContentAddition.AddSurvivorDef(sdAegis); ContentAddition.AddEffect(AegisTracer); ContentAddition.AddEffect(AegisExplosion); ContentAddition.AddEffect(AegizapTracer); SkillDef[] array = bundle.LoadAllAssets<SkillDef>(); foreach (SkillDef val in array) { ContentAddition.AddSkillDef(val); } SkillFamily[] array2 = bundle.LoadAllAssets<SkillFamily>(); foreach (SkillFamily val2 in array2) { ContentAddition.AddSkillFamily(val2); } Passive.Hooks(); PrefabAPI.RegisterNetworkPrefab(AegisBody); } internal void LoadAssets() { //IL_00f2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0120: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0141: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0146: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0149: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_014e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0187: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01ae: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01b7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01bc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0278: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) SkinAegis = bundle.LoadAsset<SkinDef>("Assets/PlayableAegis/skinAegis.asset"); SkinAegisAlt = bundle.LoadAsset<SkinDef>("Assets/PlayableAegis/skinAegisAlt.asset"); AegisBody = bundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Assets/PlayableAegis/AegisBody.prefab"); AegisUtility = bundle.LoadAsset<SkillDef>("Assets/PlayableAegis/Skills/Skills/sdAegisUtility.asset"); AegisSecondary = bundle.LoadAsset<SkillDef>("Assets/PlayableAegis/Skills/Skills/sdAegisSecondary.asset"); AegisPrimary = bundle.LoadAsset<SkillDef>("Assets/PlayableAegis/Skills/Skills/sdAegisPrimary.asset"); AegisSpecial = bundle.LoadAsset<SkillDef>("Assets/PlayableAegis/Skills/Skills/sdAegisSpecial.asset"); sdAegis = bundle.LoadAsset<SurvivorDef>("Assets/PlayableAegis/sdAegis.asset"); MasteryUnlockable = bundle.LoadAsset<UnlockableDef>("Assets/PlayableAegis/AegisUnlockSkinAlt.asset"); AegisTracer = PrefabAPI.InstantiateClone(GameObject.VoidSurvivorBeamTracer.Load<GameObject>(), "AegisTracer"); ((Renderer)AegisTracer.GetComponent<LineRenderer>()).material = Material.matGoldOrbTrail.Load<Material>(); AegisTracer.GetComponentInChildren<Light>().color = Color.yellow; AegisExplosion = PrefabAPI.InstantiateClone(GameObject.VagrantNovaExplosion.Load<GameObject>(), "AegisExplosion"); AegisExplosion.GetComponentInChildren<Light>().color = Color.yellow; ParticleSystem[] componentsInChildren = AegisExplosion.GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>(); foreach (ParticleSystem val in componentsInChildren) { MainModule main = val.main; ((MainModule)(ref main)).startColor = MinMaxGradient.op_Implicit(Color.yellow); } AegisRadiusIndicator = PrefabAPI.InstantiateClone(GameObject.VagrantNovaAreaIndicator.Load<GameObject>(), "AegisIndicator"); AegisRadiusIndicator.GetComponentInChildren<Light>().color = Color.yellow; ParticleSystem[] componentsInChildren2 = AegisRadiusIndicator.GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>(); foreach (ParticleSystem val2 in componentsInChildren2) { MainModule main2 = val2.main; ((MainModule)(ref main2)).startColor = MinMaxGradient.op_Implicit(Color.yellow); } AegizapTracer = PrefabAPI.InstantiateClone(GameObject.TracerVoidRaidCrabTripleBeamSmall.Load<GameObject>(), "AegizapTracer"); LineRenderer[] componentsInChildren3 = AegizapTracer.GetComponentsInChildren<LineRenderer>(); foreach (LineRenderer val3 in componentsInChildren3) { ((Renderer)val3).material = Material.matGoldBeaconActivate.Load<Material>(); } ParticleSystem[] componentsInChildren4 = AegizapTracer.GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>(); foreach (ParticleSystem val4 in componentsInChildren4) { ParticleSystemRenderer component = ((Component)val4).GetComponent<ParticleSystemRenderer>(); ((Renderer)component).material = Material.matGoldOrbTrail.Load<Material>(); } AegizapTracer.GetComponentInChildren<Light>().color = Color.yellow; } internal void SetupLanguage() { "AEGIS_PRIMARY_NAME".Add("Barrier Beam"); "AEGIS_SECONDARY_NAME".Add("Aegizap"); "AEGIS_UTILITY_NAME".Add("Barrier Boost"); "AEGIS_SPECIAL_NAME".Add("Aegsplosion"); "AEGIS_PASSIVE_NAME".Add("Bulwark"); "AEGIS_SKIN_NAME".Add("Default"); "AEGIS_BODY_NAME".Add("Aegis"); "AEGIS_BODY_SUBTITLE".Add("Item Scrap, Red"); "AEGIS_SKIN_ALT_NAME".Add("Redeemed"); "ACHIEVEMENT_AEGISCLEARGAMEMONSOON_NAME".Add("Aegis: Mastery"); "AEGIS_BODY_DESC".Add("Order: Artifact E-8EE572\nTracking Number: 490******\nEstimated Delivery: 08/10/2056\nShipping Method: Priority\nShipping Address: Titan Museum of History and Culture, Titan\n\nSorry about the delay, we've had a flood of orders come in from this site. But it was exactly where you said we should look - there was a sealed off room where you marked the excavation diagram. I finished translating the engraving too, so consider that a bonus for the time we took to get to it:\n\n\"I am the will to survive made manifest. To those who never lose hope, to they who try in the face of impossible odds, I offer not \nprotection, but the means to bring one's unconquerable spirit forth as the defender of their mortal lives.\"\n\nIt’s so lightweight, we figure it must've been entirely decorative. That seems to line up with the text. In any case, I hope it makes a good exhibit! I'm a big fan of the museum, so it wouldn't hurt to give me a partner's discount next time I visit, right?"); "AEGIS_BODY_LORE".Add("Order: Artifact E-8EE572\nTracking Number: 490******\nEstimated Delivery: 08/10/2056\nShipping Method: Priority\nShipping Address: Titan Museum of History and Culture, Titan\n\nSorry about the delay, we've had a flood of orders come in from this site. But it was exactly where you said we should look - there was a sealed off room where you marked the excavation diagram. I finished translating the engraving too, so consider that a bonus for the time we took to get to it:\n\n\"I am the will to survive made manifest. To those who never lose hope, to they who try in the face of impossible odds, I offer not \nprotection, but the means to bring one's unconquerable spirit forth as the defender of their mortal lives.\"\n\nIt’s so lightweight, we figure it must've been entirely decorative. That seems to line up with the text. In any case, I hope it makes a good exhibit! I'm a big fan of the museum, so it wouldn't hurt to give me a partner's discount next time I visit, right?"); "AEGIS_BODY_OUTRO".Add("And so it left, remaining the peak of a healing build."); "AEGIS_BODY_FAILURE".Add("And so it vanished, never to be printed into clover again."); "KEYWORD_DRAINING".Add("<style=cKeywordName>Draining</style>Using this skill <style=cDeath>consumes barrier</style>."); "AEGIS_PRIMARY_DESC".Add("Fire a spread of <style=cIsDamage>barrier beams</style> for <style=cIsDamage>3x200% damage</style>. <style=cIsUtility>30%</style> of damage dealt is <style=cIsHealing>returned as barrier</style>."); "AEGIS_SECONDARY_DESC".Add("Fire a concentrated beam of <style=cIsHealth>barrier</style> for <style=cIsDamage>1200% damage</style>."); "AEGIS_UTILITY_DESC".Add("<style=cDeath>Draining.</style> <style=cIsUtility>Agile.</style> Channel barrier to <style=cIsUtility>launch forward</style>."); "AEGIS_SPECIAL_DESC".Add("<style=cDeath>Draining.</style> Expel your <style=cIsHealth>temporary barrier</style> to release a devastating blast for <style=cIsDamage>400%-3600% damage</style>."); "AEGIS_PASSIVE_DESC".Add("The <style=cIsUtility>Aegis</style> has no <style=cIsHealth>maximum barrier cap</style>.\nAll healing is converted into <style=cIsUtility>temporary barrier</style> that decays slower."); "ACHIEVEMENT_AEGISCLEARGAMEMONSOON_DESCRIPTION".Add("As Aegis, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon."); } internal void ModifyAssets() { //IL_0021: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0026: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0032: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0043: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0048: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0054: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0059: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0063: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0072: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0077: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0081: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0095: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ee: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0139: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_013a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0153: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_015c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01c1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0202: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0203: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) AegisBody.GetComponent<CharacterBody>().preferredPodPrefab = GameObject.SurvivorPod.Load<GameObject>(); bool flag = default(bool); AegisPrimary.activationState = ContentAddition.AddEntityState<BarrierBeam>(ref flag); AegisUtility.activationState = ContentAddition.AddEntityState<BarrierBoost>(ref flag); AegisSpecial.activationState = ContentAddition.AddEntityState<Aegsplosion>(ref flag); AegisSecondary.activationState = ContentAddition.AddEntityState<Aegizap>(ref flag); SkinAegis.icon = LoadoutAPI.CreateSkinIcon(Color.yellow, Color.white, Color.grey, Color.Lerp(Color.yellow, Color.white, 5f)); SkinAegisAlt.icon = LoadoutAPI.CreateSkinIcon(Color.grey, Color.white,, Color.Lerp(, Color.white, 1f)); MasteryUnlockable.achievementIcon = SkinAegisAlt.icon; SkinAegis.rendererInfos = (RendererInfo[])(object)new RendererInfo[1] { new RendererInfo { defaultShadowCastingMode = (ShadowCastingMode)1, renderer = (Renderer)(object)((Component)SkinAegis.rootObject.transform.Find("MeshAegis")).GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(), defaultMaterial = Material.matAegis.Load<Material>(), ignoreOverlays = false, hideOnDeath = true } }; SkinAegisAlt.rendererInfos = (RendererInfo[])(object)new RendererInfo[1] { new RendererInfo { defaultShadowCastingMode = (ShadowCastingMode)1, renderer = (Renderer)(object)((Component)SkinAegisAlt.rootObject.transform.Find("MeshAegis")).GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(), defaultMaterial = Material.matTrimsheetScrapper.Load<Material>(), ignoreOverlays = false, hideOnDeath = true } }; SkinAegisAlt.meshReplacements = (MeshReplacement[])(object)new MeshReplacement[1] { new MeshReplacement { mesh = bundle.LoadAsset<Mesh>("Assets/PlayableAegis/mdl/ScrapBoxMesh.asset"), renderer = (Renderer)(object)((Component)SkinAegisAlt.rootObject.transform.Find("MeshAegis")).GetComponent<MeshRenderer>() } }; } } } namespace PlayableAegis.Utils { public static class AddressableUtils { public static T Load<T>(this string path) { //IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) return Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<T>((object)path).WaitForCompletion(); } public static T LoadComponent<T>(this string path) where T : Component { return path.Load<GameObject>().GetComponent<T>(); } } public static class Events { public static uint Play_wBisonDeath = 1113517888u; public static uint Play_wBisonHit = 1197473233u; public static uint Play_wBisonShoot1 = 3268390400u; public static uint Play_wBisonSpawn = 1249767875u; public static uint Play_wBlastdoor = 3043230225u; public static uint Play_wBoarDeath = 3944593657u; public static uint Play_wBoarExplosion = 3091761946u; public static uint Play_wBoarHit = 1332006904u; public static uint Play_wBoarMDeath = 2887033908u; public static uint Play_wBoarShoot1 = 2651342963u; public static uint Play_wBoss1Shoot1 = 3380168965u; public static uint Play_wBoss1Shoot2 = 3380168966u; public static uint Play_wBossSkill2 = 857592033u; public static uint Play_wBubbleShield = 3999340508u; public static uint Play_wBullet1 = 3448409474u; public static uint Play_wBullet2 = 3448409473u; public static uint Play_wBullet3 = 3448409472u; public static uint Play_wCasing = 1800381192u; public static uint Play_wChainLightning = 1913174254u; public static uint Play_wChat = 1231583519u; public static uint Play_wChefShoot2_1 = 4002996080u; public static uint Play_wChest0 = 273185112u; public static uint Play_wChest1 = 273185113u; public static uint Play_wChest2 = 273185114u; public static uint Play_wChest5 = 273185117u; public static uint Play_wChildDeath = 3731152613u; public static uint Play_wChildGShoot1 = 2978407106u; public static uint Play_wChildHit = 4072685316u; public static uint Play_wChildShoot1 = 4260787991u; public static uint Play_wClayDeath = 1853199952u; public static uint Play_wClayHit = 2864197409u; public static uint Play_wClayShoot1 = 1969574576u; public static uint Play_wClaySpawn = 1481867283u; public static uint Play_wClick = 1105771879u; public static uint Play_wCoin = 1232716514u; public static uint Play_wCoins = 2360199605u; public static uint Play_wCrabDeath = 2914438815u; public static uint Play_wCrabSpawn = 400103432u; public static uint Play_wCrit_01 = 3774687669u; public static uint Play_wCrowbar = 2755541643u; public static uint Play_wCutsceneAlarm = 2172459452u; public static uint Play_wCutsceneJet = 197474154u; public static uint Play_wCutscenePass = 1461112566u; public static uint Play_wDifficulty = 3657652262u; public static uint Play_wDoll = 1118795882u; public static uint Play_wDrill = 1252691444u; public static uint Play_wDrone1Spawn = 3109566651u; public static uint Play_wEfMushroom = 3355655210u; public static uint Play_wEmbryo = 3519041107u; public static uint Play_wError = 2120356473u; public static uint Play_wExplosiveShot = 1244890662u; public static uint Play_wFeralShoot1 = 732734997u; public static uint Play_wFeralShoot2 = 732734998u; public static uint Play_wFrozen = 1850209911u; public static uint Play_wGeyser = 2014257388u; public static uint Play_wGiantJellyExplosion = 923348941u; public static uint Play_wGiantJellyHit = 3830172407u; public static uint Play_wGolemAttack1 = 1019251312u; public static uint Play_wGolemDeath = 469957963u; public static uint Play_wGolemHit = 1924739498u; public static uint Play_wGolemSpawn = 2658053020u; public static uint Play_wGuardDeath = 2195517878u; public static uint Play_wGuardHit = 3726358359u; public static uint Play_wGuardSpawn = 1193575573u; public static uint Play_wHeavyShoot1 = 2266555164u; public static uint Play_wHitlist = 1828045284u; public static uint Play_wHuntressShoot1 = 2714607293u; public static uint Play_wHuntressShoot3 = 2714607295u; public static uint Play_wImpDeath = 1405469125u; public static uint Play_wImpGShoot1 = 702433570u; public static uint Play_wImpHit = 2697432036u; public static uint Play_wImpShoot1 = 2776445175u; public static uint Play_wImpShoot2 = 2776445172u; public static uint Play_wJanitorShoot1_1 = 2483794322u; public static uint Play_wJanitorShoot1_2 = 2483794321u; public static uint Play_wJanitorShoot2_1 = 1409879677u; public static uint Play_wJanitorShoot2_2 = 1409879678u; public static uint Play_wJanitorShoot4_1 = 1410865383u; public static uint Play_wJanitorShoot4_2 = 1410865380u; public static uint Play_wJarSouls = 4162844532u; public static uint Play_wJellyDeath = 2679553851u; public static uint Play_wJellyHit = 213554906u; public static uint Play_wLevelUp = 1919980434u; public static uint Play_wLevelUpWar = 4023542052u; public static uint Play_wLightning = 1330288141u; public static uint Play_wLizardDeath = 2074794113u; public static uint Play_wLizardGDeath = 4177291774u; public static uint Play_wLizardGHit = 1425978735u; public static uint Play_wLizardGShoot1 = 1170430294u; public static uint Play_wLizardGSpawn = 2684018717u; public static uint Play_wLizardHit = 4207177744u; public static uint Play_wLizardShoot1 = 287412267u; public static uint Play_wLizardSpawn = 1283696654u; public static uint Play_wMine = 1021358464u; public static uint Play_wMinerShoot1 = 1056078324u; public static uint Play_wMinerShoot2 = 1056078327u; public static uint Play_wMinerShoot3 = 1056078326u; public static uint Play_wMinerShoot4 = 1056078321u; public static uint Play_wMissileLaunch = 3415171634u; public static uint Play_wMS = 3023098025u; public static uint Play_wMush = 1473662818u; public static uint Play_wMushDeath = 3463803836u; public static uint Play_wMushHit = 2887429069u; public static uint Play_wMushShoot1 = 487910212u; public static uint Play_wMushSpawn = 4208364455u; public static uint Play_wNautShoot1 = 874719151u; public static uint Play_wPickup = 745840569u; public static uint Play_wPigShoot1 = 4172429713u; public static uint Play_wPodDeath = 368641344u; public static uint Play_wPodHit = 4069172177u; public static uint Play_wPyroShoot1 = 1977581991u; public static uint Play_wReflect = 3534459008u; public static uint Play_wReload = 1935874270u; public static uint Play_wRevive = 3924543518u; public static uint Play_wRiotGrenade = 1170699791u; public static uint Play_wRiotShoot1 = 392428577u; public static uint Play_wSamuraiShoot1 = 2292726403u; public static uint Play_wSamuraiShoot2 = 2292726400u; public static uint Play_wScavengerHit = 3803292342u; public static uint Play_wShield = 144484126u; public static uint Play_wShrine1 = 1516352125u; public static uint Play_wSmite = 1676655215u; public static uint Play_wSniper = 1326789400u; public static uint Play_wSniper2 = 2522836730u; public static uint Play_wSniperShoot3 = 3029163620u; public static uint Play_wSpiderHit = 1534240581u; public static uint Play_wSpiderShoot1 = 4018099836u; public static uint Play_wSpitterHit = 530229631u; public static uint Play_wSpitterShoot1 = 1863108870u; public static uint Play_wSpitterSpawn = 291139117u; public static uint Play_wSqueaky = 1860044956u; public static uint Play_wTeleporter = 1289080377u; public static uint Play_wUse = 1100859862u; public static uint Play_wWatch = 3354880454u; public static uint Play_wWispBDeath = 3021624856u; public static uint Play_wWispBShoot1 = 2025586984u; public static uint Play_wWispDeath = 3169292106u; public static uint Play_wWispGDeath = 1968672835u; public static uint Play_wWispGShoot1 = 969982957u; public static uint Play_wWispHit = 2561235483u; public static uint Play_wWispShoot1 = 914723770u; public static uint Play_wWispSpawn = 3436613665u; public static uint Play_wWormBurning = 2192059253u; public static uint Play_wWormDeath = 3793594386u; public static uint Play_wWormExplosion = 2529227609u; public static uint Play_wWormHit = 3504753139u; public static uint Play_wWormRoar = 1700089088u; public static uint Kill_loops = 3633988413u; public static uint Pause_All = 3864097025u; public static uint Play_Achievement = 3433956687u; public static uint Play_acid_larva_attack1_explo = 2451117845u; public static uint Play_acid_larva_attack1_loop = 3362763155u; public static uint Play_acid_larva_attack1_start = 1646746355u; public static uint Play_acid_larva_death = 3568098837u; public static uint Play_acid_larva_idle = 2621183947u; public static uint Play_acid_larva_impact = 2231265675u; public static uint Play_acid_larva_spawn = 3730906858u; public static uint Play_acid_larva_sprint_land = 2824450583u; public static uint Play_acid_larva_sprint_leap = 2639308470u; public static uint Play_acid_larva_step = 828559811u; public static uint Play_acrid_m1_bigSlash = 1656148530u; public static uint Play_acrid_m1_hit = 1822928838u; public static uint Play_acrid_m1_slash = 1719910342u; public static uint Play_acrid_m2_bite_hit = 2714436782u; public static uint Play_acrid_m2_bite_shoot = 456215952u; public static uint Play_acrid_m2_explode = 2736075181u; public static uint Play_acrid_m2_fly_loop = 644013190u; public static uint Play_acrid_m2_shoot = 999289595u; public static uint Play_acrid_R_fly_loop = 1915769387u; public static uint Play_acrid_R_infect = 1007919396u; public static uint Play_acrid_R_shoot = 1160201708u; public static uint Play_acrid_shift_fly_loop = 642600073u; public static uint Play_acrid_shift_jump = 1749522733u; public static uint Play_acrid_shift_land = 320622162u; public static uint Play_acrid_shift_puddle_loop = 1556265730u; public static uint Play_acrid_sprint_start = 801642819u; public static uint Play_acrid_sprint_stop = 3680364993u; public static uint Play_acrid_step = 372958860u; public static uint Play_acrid_step_sprint = 2575316715u; public static uint Play_acrid_step_sprint_hand = 3560327381u; public static uint Play_affix_mendingBomb_explode = 841626335u; public static uint Play_affix_mendingChain_loop = 3768810533u; public static uint Play_affix_void_bug_infect = 939369398u; public static uint Play_affix_void_bug_loop = 1959624827u; public static uint Play_affix_void_bug_spawn = 3394761874u; public static uint Play_affix_void_spawn = 1535219985u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_arena = 1539048487u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_artifactWorld = 4134483156u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_char_select = 1641027481u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_damp_cave_simple = 1142851345u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_dark_rain = 938309267u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_desert = 56392161u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_limbo = 1359925925u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_moon = 3075336325u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_rootJungle = 2348244945u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_ship_graveyard = 642154978u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_skyMeadow = 3453798682u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_skyMeadow_hiddenLab = 3040657526u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_tundra = 38798342u; public static uint Play_AMB_zone_wisp_graveyard = 751162865u; public static uint Play_arenaCrab_idle_VO = 158852972u; public static uint Play_arenaCrab_swim_land = 2386788264u; public static uint Play_arenaCrab_swim_loop = 2401300333u; public static uint Play_arenaCrab_swim_plant = 1572198610u; public static uint Play_arenaCrab_swim_stroke = 2022745195u; public static uint Play_arenaCrab_swim_uproot = 3172304260u; public static uint Play_artifactBoss_attack1_explode = 71177277u; public static uint Play_artifactBoss_attack1_flightLoop = 2591078442u; public static uint Play_artifactBoss_attack1_shoot = 2196529419u; public static uint Play_artifactBoss_death = 4163357724u; public static uint Play_artifactBoss_idle_VO = 1345400638u; public static uint Play_artifactBoss_loop_level1 = 184703648u; public static uint Play_artifactBoss_loop_level2 = 184703651u; public static uint Play_artifactBoss_loop_level3 = 184703650u; public static uint Play_artifactBoss_spawn = 188493575u; public static uint Play_artifactBoss_takehit = 1098257974u; public static uint Play_bandit2_m1_reload_bullet = 452712768u; public static uint Play_bandit2_m1_reload_finish = 888917029u; public static uint Play_bandit2_m1_rifle = 2347126876u; public static uint Play_bandit2_m1_shotgun = 4206201632u; public static uint Play_bandit2_m2_alt_throw = 595565201u; public static uint Play_bandit2_m2_impact = 2278422317u; public static uint Play_bandit2_m2_slash = 4103120750u; public static uint Play_bandit2_R_alt_kill = 4143438424u; public static uint Play_bandit2_R_fire = 1435016856u; public static uint Play_bandit2_R_kill = 3719464252u; public static uint Play_bandit2_R_load = 3765877048u; public static uint Play_bandit2_shift_enter = 2967307668u; public static uint Play_bandit2_shift_exit = 850833398u; public static uint Play_bandit2_step = 3692683083u; public static uint Play_bandit2_step_sprint = 1764271662u; public static uint Play_bandit_M1_pump = 1853111450u; public static uint Play_bandit_M1_shot = 3033552564u; public static uint Play_bandit_M2_load = 2190546849u; public static uint Play_bandit_M2_shot = 1980580961u; public static uint Play_bandit_shift_end = 2770013503u; public static uint Play_bandit_shift_jump = 1325724668u; public static uint Play_bandit_shift_land = 1259710815u; public static uint Play_beetle_guard_attack1 = 763398245u; public static uint Play_beetle_guard_attack2_initial = 2581251415u; public static uint Play_beetle_guard_attack2_spikeLoop = 542781083u; public static uint Play_beetle_guard_death = 1527577102u; public static uint Play_beetle_guard_idle_VO = 3561602500u; public static uint Play_beetle_guard_impact = 2349109310u; public static uint Play_beetle_guard_spawn = 515189165u; public static uint Play_beetle_guard_step = 2628071246u; public static uint Play_beetle_queen_attack1 = 555937964u; public static uint Play_beetle_queen_attack2_impact = 3157521796u; public static uint Play_beetle_queen_attack2_projectile_loop = 1477410428u; public static uint Play_beetle_queen_attack2_shoot = 4217844119u; public static uint Play_beetle_queen_death = 451763711u; public static uint Play_beetle_queen_impact = 806513485u; public static uint Play_beetle_queen_spawn = 2698326632u; public static uint Play_beetle_queen_step = 2551161845u; public static uint Play_beetle_queen_VO_idle = 1845046503u; public static uint Play_beetle_worker_attack = 4241852727u; public static uint Play_beetle_worker_death = 383219511u; public static uint Play_beetle_worker_idle = 1901530073u; public static uint Play_beetle_worker_impact = 1338816453u; public static uint Play_beetle_worker_spawn = 1471942880u; public static uint Play_beetle_worker_step = 1809191501u; public static uint Play_bellBody_attackCreate = 780374380u; public static uint Play_bellBody_attackLand = 1732098311u; public static uint Play_bellBody_attackShoot = 4097802741u; public static uint Play_bellBody_death = 2182572274u; public static uint Play_bellBody_idle_loop = 345208571u; public static uint Play_bellBody_idle_VO = 4021378928u; public static uint Play_bellBody_impact = 2147523650u; public static uint Play_bellBody_spawn = 4144720393u; public static uint Play_bison_charge_attack_collide = 2909411958u; public static uint Play_bison_charge_attack_end_skid = 2235015895u; public static uint Play_bison_charge_attack_start = 2509443544u; public static uint Play_bison_charge_attack_tell = 4101791573u; public static uint Play_bison_death = 3590751484u; public static uint Play_bison_headbutt_attack_hit = 3802411724u; public static uint Play_bison_headbutt_attack_swing = 1417054473u; public static uint Play_bison_idle_graze = 2516815946u; public static uint Play_bison_idle_VO = 3855060446u; public static uint Play_bison_impact = 4030239748u; public static uint Play_bison_spawn = 3910957799u; public static uint Play_bison_step = 2839275484u; public static uint Play_bison_step_charge = 532574671u; public static uint Play_bleedOnCritAndExplode_explode = 2693964769u; public static uint Play_bleedOnCritAndExplode_impact = 3570667772u; public static uint Play_blindVermin_attack1_bite = 901504895u; public static uint Play_blindVermin_death = 3786262665u; public static uint Play_blindVermin_idle_VO = 2536191415u; public static uint Play_blindVermin_impact = 121244671u; public static uint Play_blindVermin_spawn = 2995165238u; public static uint Play_blindVermin_step = 294344023u; public static uint Play_boss_spawn_radius_appear = 4035156426u; public static uint Play_boss_spawn_rumble = 2327315087u; public static uint Play_captain_drone_idle_VO = 1028355892u; public static uint Play_captain_drone_quick_move = 8118127u; public static uint Play_captain_drone_zap = 3992615829u; public static uint Play_captain_m1_chargeStart = 2544146878u; public static uint Play_captain_m1_hit = 3819278833u; public static uint Play_captain_m1_reload = 2226849933u; public static uint Play_captain_m1_shootWide = 532604026u; public static uint Play_captain_m1_shotgun_charge_loop = 2453063032u; public static uint Play_captain_m1_shotgun_shootTight = 1348536996u; public static uint Play_captain_m2_tazed_loop = 3117407908u; public static uint Play_captain_m2_tazer_bounce = 1888136956u; public static uint Play_captain_m2_tazer_impact = 58834266u; public static uint Play_captain_m2_tazer_shoot = 832597929u; public static uint Play_captain_R_aim = 364785367u; public static uint Play_captain_R_aiming_loop = 1040620982u; public static uint Play_captain_R_confirmLocation = 1531948689u; public static uint Play_captain_R_impact = 3902637834u; public static uint Play_captain_R_turret_build = 1359756347u; public static uint Play_captain_R_turret_healing_loop = 788149618u; public static uint Play_captain_shift_active_loop = 3941125189u; public static uint Play_captain_shift_confirm = 2140775262u; public static uint Play_captain_shift_end = 803261989u; public static uint Play_captain_shift_impact = 3269630552u; public static uint Play_captain_shift_preImpact = 1069989355u; public static uint Play_captain_shift_start = 2113266862u; public static uint Play_captain_sprint_start = 3430012852u; public static uint Play_captain_sprint_stop = 1094493224u; public static uint Play_captain_step = 1226612947u; public static uint Play_captain_step_sprint = 2831720022u; public static uint Play_captain_utility_variant_impact = 1357225738u; public static uint Play_captain_utility_variant_laser_loop = 2451237826u; public static uint Play_captain_utility_variant_preImpact = 3461917085u; public static uint Play_char_glass_death = 359633836u; public static uint Play_char_jump_VO = 1654395377u; public static uint Play_char_land = 81910470u; public static uint Play_char_land_fall_damage = 2642009198u; public static uint Play_clayboss_death = 2559714313u; public static uint Play_clayboss_idle_loop = 3870838284u; public static uint Play_clayboss_idle_VO = 628079927u; public static uint Play_clayboss_impact = 1890981503u; public static uint Play_clayboss_M1_explo = 2368148000u; public static uint Play_clayboss_m1_lidClose = 1576056771u; public static uint Play_clayboss_m1_lidOpen = 1470926389u; public static uint Play_clayboss_m1_shoot = 2922284055u; public static uint Play_clayboss_m2_explo = 4043539191u; public static uint Play_clayboss_m2_projectile_loop = 3593581531u; public static uint Play_clayboss_m2_rise = 916955724u; public static uint Play_clayboss_m2_shoot = 600290068u; public static uint Play_clayboss_R_mulch_loop = 968500644u; public static uint Play_clayboss_R_start = 988517284u; public static uint Play_clayboss_R_tether_loop = 3132967749u; public static uint Play_clayboss_spawn = 1768616886u; public static uint Play_clayboss_step = 3088890839u; public static uint Play_clayboss_step_legMove = 869404285u; public static uint Play_clayboss_walk_loop = 212114079u; public static uint Play_clayBruiser_attack1_shoot_bullet = 491470286u; public static uint Play_clayBruiser_attack1_shoot_flyby = 3572694566u; public static uint Play_clayBruiser_attack1_shootLoop = 649113537u; public static uint Play_clayBruiser_attack1_windDown = 263088688u; public static uint Play_clayBruiser_attack1_windUp = 1916278867u; public static uint Play_clayBruiser_attack2_shoot = 1288244652u; public static uint Play_clayBruiser_death = 3332873880u; public static uint Play_clayBruiser_idle_VO = 2519366882u; public static uint Play_clayBruiser_impact = 1250949200u; public static uint Play_clayBruiser_spawn = 817063995u; public static uint Play_clayBruiser_step = 1697475496u; public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_attack1_chargeup = 318212996u; public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_attack1_explode = 2432531130u; public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_attack1_launch = 1826024586u; public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_attack2_chargeup = 1264580837u; public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_attack2_explode = 1475316029u; public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_attack2_throw = 3151664278u; public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_death = 4008628731u; public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_idle_VO = 2834945965u; public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_impact = 216053097u; public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_spawn = 1404722828u; public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_step = 2998452545u; public static uint Play_commando_M1 = 4060526873u; public static uint Play_commando_M2 = 4060526874u; public static uint Play_commando_M2_grenade_beep = 767972256u; public static uint Play_commando_M2_grenade_bounce = 2406813524u; public static uint Play_commando_M2_grenade_explo = 1805372450u; public static uint Play_commando_M2_grenade_throw = 2891623396u; public static uint Play_commando_M2_impact = 3856027043u; public static uint Play_commando_R = 1872804647u; public static uint Play_commando_R_stun = 856897882u; public static uint Play_commando_shift = 4030773325u; public static uint Play_deathProjectile_activate = 4274104951u; public static uint Play_deathProjectile_activeLoop = 4274851604u; public static uint Play_deathProjectile_exit = 2255177404u; public static uint Play_deathProjectile_pulse = 3311061351u; public static uint Play_deathProjectile_throw = 3241022660u; public static uint Play_drone_active_loop = 1397126242u; public static uint Play_drone_attack = 2284311463u; public static uint Play_drone_deathpt1 = 263213456u; public static uint Play_drone_deathpt2 = 263213459u; public static uint Play_drone_repair = 1856960692u; public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_spawn = 691984684u; public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_turret_die = 3657700870u; public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_turret_shot = 669631748u; public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_turret_spawn = 308571281u; public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_urchin_activeLoop = 3295205085u; public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_urchin_land = 962572750u; public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_urchin_spawn = 569941158u; public static uint Play_elite_haunt_ghost_convert = 2762055418u; public static uint Play_elite_haunt_hauntorb_activeLoop = 543514253u; public static uint Play_elite_haunt_spawn = 265705826u; public static uint Play_emergency_drone_heal_loop = 2145196828u; public static uint Play_engi_M1_chargeLoop = 1143106461u; public static uint Play_engi_M1_chargeStock = 1582860475u; public static uint Play_engi_M1_explo = 2460302619u; public static uint Play_engi_M1_land = 1224228428u; public static uint Play_engi_M1_shot = 2716114991u; public static uint Play_engi_M2_arm = 801551500u; public static uint Play_engi_M2_explo = 1876447108u; public static uint Play_engi_M2_land = 1942736441u; public static uint Play_engi_M2_spider_dash = 2039062976u; public static uint Play_engi_M2_throw = 2382761590u; public static uint Play_engi_R_activate = 3298597612u; public static uint Play_engi_R_place = 643340344u; public static uint Play_engi_R_turret_death = 4245687690u; public static uint Play_engi_R_turret_rotate_start = 3711319792u; public static uint Play_engi_R_turret_rotate_stop = 3202539612u; public static uint Play_engi_R_turret_shot = 3407965588u; public static uint Play_engi_R_turret_spawn = 4130025569u; public static uint Play_engi_R_walkingTurret_laser_end = 3407461464u; public static uint Play_engi_R_walkingTurret_laser_start = 1126280707u; public static uint Play_engi_R_walkingTurret_step = 2412533739u; public static uint Play_engi_seekerMissile_explode = 2273471583u; public static uint Play_engi_seekerMissile_HUD_close = 872995266u; public static uint Play_engi_seekerMissile_HUD_loop = 3389061272u; public static uint Play_engi_seekerMissile_HUD_open = 1095370646u; public static uint Play_engi_seekerMissile_lockOn = 407672846u; public static uint Play_engi_seekerMissile_shoot = 2951980765u; public static uint Play_engi_shift_end = 1395092584u; public static uint Play_engi_shift_hit = 1846263908u; public static uint Play_engi_shift_start = 729856403u; public static uint Play_engi_sprint_end = 1589710056u; public static uint Play_engi_sprint_start = 1694535187u; public static uint Play_env_dampCave_crystalLight_loop = 3080548713u; public static uint Play_env_dampCave_steamVent_loop = 2932480344u; public static uint Play_env_desert_wind_gust = 363197352u; public static uint Play_env_fan_activate = 1753248287u; public static uint Play_env_geyser_launch = 3684346483u; public static uint Play_env_geyser_loop = 2001038684u; public static uint Play_env_gooWaterfall_loop = 3671383336u; public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_laptop_activate = 1191732790u; public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_laptop_active_loop = 3198839584u; public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_laptop_button_cycle = 1729294674u; public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_laptop_sequence_fail = 3795285125u; public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_laptop_sequence_lock = 535095044u; public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_laptop_sequence_success = 2883328426u; public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_TP_active_loop = 1656660852u; public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_TP_VO = 1027544848u; public static uint Play_env_light_flicker = 1529618755u; public static uint Play_env_moon_planet_destroying_loop = 56354104u; public static uint Play_env_moon_shuttle_engineIdle_loop = 979450395u; public static uint Play_env_roach_scatter = 1578037490u; public static uint Play_env_rootJungle_mushroom_bounce = 1759858961u; public static uint Play_env_ship_interior_loop = 2037610980u; public static uint Play_env_ship_pulsing_energy_loop = 2105493367u; public static uint Play_env_teleporter_active_button = 2694206298u; public static uint Play_env_vase_shatter = 3320446911u; public static uint Play_fireballsOnHit_aliveLoop = 3330327238u; public static uint Play_fireballsOnHit_impact = 1308908475u; public static uint Play_fireballsOnHit_pool_aliveLoop = 289286259u; public static uint Play_fireballsOnHit_shoot = 2071974498u; public static uint Play_flyingVermin_attack1_explo = 2325827633u; public static uint Play_flyingVermin_attack1_loop = 959625319u; public static uint Play_flyingVermin_attack1_start = 2469277671u; public static uint Play_flyingVermin_death = 2852936633u; public static uint Play_flyingVermin_idle_VO = 1488967u; public static uint Play_flyingVermin_impact = 1482226543u; public static uint Play_flyingVermin_spawn = 2569421798u; public static uint Play_flyingVermin_wingFlap = 2482198841u; public static uint Play_golem_clap = 3011704479u; public static uint Play_golem_death = 4251967229u; public static uint Play_golem_idle = 4196494707u; public static uint Play_golem_impact = 790462995u; public static uint Play_golem_laser_charge = 3644347705u; public static uint Play_golem_laser_fire = 3454198445u; public static uint Play_golem_spawn = 1773057618u; public static uint Play_golem_step = 4056609419u; public static uint Play_grandParent_attack1_boulderLarge_impact = 124225148u; public static uint Play_grandParent_attack1_boulderSmall_impact = 3157690056u; public static uint Play_grandParent_attack1_flightLoop = 1108205171u; public static uint Play_grandParent_attack1_throw = 659529741u; public static uint Play_grandParent_attack1_windUp = 1356813166u; public static uint Play_grandParent_attack2_loop = 1723739392u; public static uint Play_grandParent_attack2_spawn = 1710100275u; public static uint Play_grandParent_attack3_spawn = 1361990298u; public static uint Play_grandParent_attack3_sun_activeLoop = 3203163036u; public static uint Play_grandParent_attack3_sun_damageLoop = 406969537u; public static uint Play_grandParent_attack3_sun_destroy = 2118002602u; public static uint Play_grandParent_attack3_sun_spawn = 2441414753u; public static uint Play_grandParent_death = 1713910539u; public static uint Play_grandparent_handStep = 2848869794u; public static uint Play_grandParent_idle_VO = 779063965u; public static uint Play_grandParent_impact = 2762774137u; public static uint Play_grandparent_rotate = 19433626u; public static uint Play_grandParent_spawn = 3902005852u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack1_close = 351879350u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack1_explode = 1862008297u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack1_fire = 187415678u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack1_fly_loop = 48308530u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack1_open = 3258261602u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack2_charge = 843010431u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack2_fly_loop = 4016868819u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack2_impact = 3666498161u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack2_shoot = 1854147796u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack2_shoot_singleChain = 157111274u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_death_01 = 2997386486u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_death_impact_01 = 886079489u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_idle_loop = 1267131317u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_idle_twitch = 416657018u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_idle_VO = 3630636154u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_impact_body = 205671591u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_impact_canister = 3811738432u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_jump = 3152593038u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_land = 1220364025u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_spawn_01 = 833992567u; public static uint Play_gravekeeper_step = 3893993616u; public static uint Play_greater_wisp_active_loop = 742303752u; public static uint Play_greater_wisp_attack = 1232102909u; public static uint Play_greater_wisp_death = 1444167041u; public static uint Play_greater_wisp_idle = 731002447u; public static uint Play_greater_wisp_impact = 2158457527u; public static uint Play_gup_attack1_charge = 3438622745u; public static uint Play_gup_attack1_shoot = 950894418u; public static uint Play_gup_death = 256612421u; public static uint Play_gup_idle_VO = 1624048235u; public static uint Play_gup_impact = 3673819067u; public static uint Play_gup_spawn = 305164250u; public static uint Play_gup_step = 1253711379u; public static uint Play_healing_drone_heal_loop = 5845797u; public static uint Play_heretic_sprint_end = 789491861u; public static uint Play_heretic_sprint_start = 19266142u; public static uint Play_heretic_squawk = 48852143u; public static uint Play_heretic_step = 303018737u; public static uint Play_heretic_step_sprint = 3042543384u; public static uint Play_heretic_transform = 1223237669u; public static uint Play_hermitCrab_attack = 2071920904u; public static uint Play_hermitCrab_attack_explo = 1299570915u; public static uint Play_hermitCrab_attack_flight_loop = 860273710u; public static uint Play_hermitCrab_burrow = 1102794849u; public static uint Play_hermitCrab_death = 216810634u; public static uint Play_hermitCrab_idle_VO = 3628647800u; public static uint Play_hermitCrab_impact = 3575639578u; public static uint Play_hermitCrab_spawn = 101148513u; public static uint Play_hermitCrab_step = 1911862778u; public static uint Play_hermitCrab_unburrow = 2901751544u; public static uint Play_huntress_m1_flight_loop = 3991633291u; public static uint Play_huntress_m1_ready = 1580388997u; public static uint Play_huntress_m1_shoot = 2005806765u; public static uint Play_huntress_m1_unready = 3092701574u; public static uint Play_huntress_m2_flight_loop = 3255539260u; public static uint Play_huntress_m2_impact = 3716108135u; public static uint Play_huntress_m2_throw = 2486049627u; public static uint Play_huntress_R_aim_loop = 298764410u; public static uint Play_huntress_R_jump = 3742373894u; public static uint Play_huntress_R_rain_loop = 1245670489u; public static uint Play_huntress_R_rain_start = 282745493u; public static uint Play_huntress_R_snipe_readyBow = 2533424749u; public static uint Play_huntress_R_snipe_shoot = 1625097243u; public static uint Play_huntress_shift_end = 976427987u; public static uint Play_huntress_shift_mini_blink = 4022209774u; public static uint Play_huntress_shift_start = 201442408u; public static uint Play_imp_attack = 2774179431u; public static uint Play_imp_attack_blink = 3629323260u; public static uint Play_imp_attack_tell = 940622283u; public static uint Play_imp_death = 3861350375u; public static uint Play_imp_idle_VO = 52008113u; public static uint Play_imp_impact = 3120622133u; public static uint Play_imp_overlord_attack1_land = 1106684340u; public static uint Play_imp_overlord_attack1_pop = 4199685168u; public static uint Play_imp_overlord_attack1_throw = 14820277u; public static uint Play_imp_overlord_attack2_smash = 2956702486u; public static uint Play_imp_overlord_attack2_tell = 819196927u; public static uint Play_imp_overlord_death = 1533958787u; public static uint Play_imp_overlord_idle_loop = 632481506u; public static uint Play_imp_overlord_idle_VO = 2719593925u; public static uint Play_imp_overlord_impact = 4009116561u; public static uint Play_imp_overlord_spawn = 583303092u; public static uint Play_imp_overlord_teleport_end = 200938724u; public static uint Play_imp_overlord_teleport_start = 2511118231u; public static uint Play_imp_spawn = 194906576u; public static uint Play_item_goldgat_fire = 981107519u; public static uint Play_item_goldgat_winddown = 917072005u; public static uint Play_item_goldgat_windup = 285162482u; public static uint Play_item_laserTurbine_charge_loop = 3907556148u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_focusedConvergence = 3972729947u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_primaryReplace_explode = 4293819245u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_primaryReplace_impact = 1243809256u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_primaryReplace_shoot = 320958651u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_secondaryReplace_activate = 2823364229u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_secondaryReplace_active_loop = 3372252345u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_secondaryReplace_explode = 1538162561u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_secondaryReplace_impact = 1781545244u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_secondaryReplace_throw = 3617280490u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_specialReplace_apply = 838666715u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_specialReplace_explode = 445399200u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_use_utilityReplacement_end = 3344329139u; public static uint Play_item_lunar_use_utilityReplacement_start = 1158437704u; public static uint Play_item_proc_armorReduction_hit = 3817389283u; public static uint Play_item_proc_armorReduction_shatter = 3687264935u; public static uint Play_item_proc_attackAndMoveBuff = 1867859700u; public static uint Play_item_proc_bandolier_Loop = 1800237208u; public static uint Play_item_proc_bandolierLand = 2260567040u; public static uint Play_item_proc_bandolierPickup = 2389173779u; public static uint Play_item_proc_bandolierSpawn = 3156422452u; public static uint Play_item_proc_bear = 2639048063u; public static uint Play_item_proc_behemoth = 2630955643u; public static uint Play_item_proc_bleed = 493503047u; public static uint Play_item_proc_bounceChain = 1835757740u; public static uint Play_item_proc_bounceChainPull = 2911094985u; public static uint Play_item_proc_chain_lightning = 4217941291u; public static uint Play_item_proc_clover = 1253570078u; public static uint Play_item_proc_crit_attack_speed1 = 4131003629u; public static uint Play_item_proc_crit_attack_speed2 = 4131003630u; public static uint Play_item_proc_crit_attack_speed3 = 4131003631u; public static uint Play_item_proc_crit_cooldown = 3641613923u; public static uint Play_item_proc_crit_heal = 4185184582u; public static uint Play_item_proc_crowbar = 3038522607u; public static uint Play_item_proc_dagger_fly = 893157561u; public static uint Play_item_proc_dagger_impact = 1843195976u; public static uint Play_item_proc_dagger_spawn = 2440278163u; public static uint Play_item_proc_deathMark = 4156567482u; public static uint Play_item_proc_delicateWatch_break = 4145952825u; public static uint Play_item_proc_equipMag = 3393425640u; public static uint Play_item_proc_extraLife = 10812723u; public static uint Play_item_proc_fallboots_activate = 1060806871u; public static uint Play_item_proc_fallboots_impact = 1203791954u; public static uint Play_item_proc_feather = 4205703066u; public static uint Play_item_proc_fireRingTornado_end = 3174138708u; public static uint Play_item_proc_fireRingTornado_start = 1856621255u; public static uint Play_item_proc_firework_explo = 4073142045u; public static uint Play_item_proc_firework_fire = 3289149845u; public static uint Play_item_proc_firework_fly_loop = 366165761u; public static uint Play_item_proc_ghostOnKill = 156474425u; public static uint Play_item_proc_goldOnHurt = 445783307u; public static uint Play_item_proc_guillotine = 3052861231u; public static uint Play_item_proc_healingPotion = 2286437436u; public static uint Play_item_proc_hoof = 2977775053u; public static uint Play_item_proc_iceRingSpear = 1422900995u; public static uint Play_item_proc_icicle = 4195869532u; public static uint Play_item_proc_igniteOnKill = 336621644u; public static uint Play_item_proc_igniteOnKill_Loop = 893467349u; public static uint Play_item_proc_infusion = 1760348744u; public static uint Play_item_proc_interstellarDeskPlant_aura_loop = 3834902961u; public static uint Play_item_proc_interstellarDeskPlant_bloom = 723179718u; public static uint Play_item_proc_interstellarDeskPlant_grow = 302148888u; public static uint Play_item_proc_interstellarDeskPlant_plant = 3442515624u; public static uint Play_item_proc_laserTurbine_explode = 2581646485u; public static uint Play_item_proc_laserTurbine_shoot = 1560382371u; public static uint Play_Item_proc_medkit = 3606808427u; public static uint Play_item_proc_missile_explo = 2487423796u; public static uint Play_item_proc_missile_fire = 7429106u; public static uint Play_item_proc_moneyOnKill_loot = 1430581037u; public static uint Play_item_proc_moneyOnKill_spawn = 2526449896u; public static uint Play_item_proc_monsterTooth_impact = 2173757546u; public static uint Play_item_proc_monsterTooth_spawn = 3390131953u; public static uint Play_item_proc_moveSpeedOnKill = 2700149860u; public static uint Play_item_proc_mushroom_start = 738518158u; public static uint Play_item_proc_nearbyDamageBonus = 2796124104u; public static uint Play_item_proc_novaonheal_impact = 1742958959u; public static uint Play_item_proc_novaonheal_spawn = 2975053286u; public static uint Play_item_proc_permDebuffOnHit = 1620867805u; public static uint Play_item_proc_personal_shield_end = 483164925u; public static uint Play_item_proc_personal_shield_recharge = 3466249773u; public static uint Play_item_proc_phasing = 248626039u; public static uint Play_item_proc_regenOnKill = 1558985587u; public static uint Play_item_proc_regenScrap_consume = 2502641228u; public static uint Play_item_proc_regenScrap_regen = 2245996497u; public static uint Play_item_proc_repulsionArmor = 578189511u; public static uint Play_item_proc_roseBuckler = 2699213042u; public static uint Play_item_proc_scrapGoop_consume = 49902816u; public static uint Play_item_proc_shocknearby_start = 473521005u; public static uint Play_item_proc_shocknearby_stop = 4247306927u; public static uint Play_item_proc_slowOnHitChains = 984771586u; public static uint Play_item_proc_slug_emerge = 2713477620u; public static uint Play_item_proc_slug_hide = 3287285055u; public static uint Play_item_proc_squidTurret_death = 3465273956u; public static uint Play_item_proc_squidTurret_shoot = 52277663u; public static uint Play_item_proc_squidTurret_shotExplode = 358461945u; public static uint Play_item_proc_squidTurret_spawn = 3872610127u; public static uint Play_item_proc_stickyBomb_activate = 3823545488u; public static uint Play_item_proc_stickyBomb_countdown = 1000393504u; public static uint Play_item_proc_strengthenBurn = 3491136092u; public static uint Play_item_proc_tempest = 1940605673u; public static uint Play_item_proc_thorns = 2835848023u; public static uint Play_item_proc_TPhealingNova = 1629959823u; public static uint Play_item_proc_TPhealingNova_hitPlayer = 3445258450u; public static uint Play_item_proc_vagrantNova_charge = 3542341717u; public static uint Play_item_proc_vagrantNova_explode = 1552852512u; public static uint Play_item_proc_warbanner = 3020656183u; public static uint Play_item_proc_warCry = 1529510111u; public static uint Play_item_proc_warhorn = 245801894u; public static uint Play_item_proc_whip = 2592114451u; public static uint Play_item_proc_wisp_explo = 1449771891u; public static uint Play_item_use_AP_round_impact = 1445965321u; public static uint Play_item_use_BFG_charge = 3648252036u; public static uint Play_item_use_BFG_explode = 1887770999u; public static uint Play_item_use_BFG_fire = 314013804u; public static uint Play_item_use_BFG_zaps = 2863231332u; public static uint Play_item_use_blackhole_end = 2401578979u; public static uint Play_item_use_blackhole_start = 1274487736u; public static uint Play_item_use_blackhole_suckin = 1496712675u; public static uint Play_item_use_bossHunter = 2352091251u; public static uint Play_item_use_bugWingClose = 1141102451u; public static uint Play_item_use_bugWingFlapLoop = 883104978u; public static uint Play_item_use_bugWingOpen = 3557178245u; public static uint Play_item_use_cleanse = 1772243041u; public static uint Play_item_use_crit_end = 3252548768u; public static uint Play_item_use_crit_start = 728398715u; public static uint Play_item_use_EMPScanner_activate = 169204410u; public static uint Play_item_use_EMPScanner_findChest = 2875220375u; public static uint Play_item_use_EMPScanner_loop_end = 2536312349u; public static uint Play_item_use_fireballDash_explode = 561188827u; public static uint Play_item_use_fireballDash_start = 2855368448u; public static uint Play_item_use_fruit = 945893144u; public static uint Play_item_use_gainArmor = 3466615724u; public static uint Play_item_use_gateway_activeLoop = 2990725107u; public static uint Play_item_use_gateway_create = 2196766755u; public static uint Play_item_use_gateway_rideEnd = 2550664912u; public static uint Play_item_use_gateway_rideStart = 1117197931u; public static uint Play_item_use_gateway_vanish = 4071381594u; public static uint Play_item_use_gummyClone_expire = 3808524354u; public static uint Play_item_use_gummyClone_spawn = 1336597660u; public static uint Play_item_use_hellfire_end = 2319739001u; public static uint Play_item_use_hellfire_start = 930023322u; public static uint Play_item_use_lighningArm = 146656078u; public static uint Play_item_use_meteor_impact = 980294159u; public static uint Play_item_use_meteor_storm_end = 149370750u; public static uint Play_item_use_meteor_storm_start = 3899526229u; public static uint Play_item_use_meteor_tell = 3881332164u; public static uint Play_item_use_molotov_fire_loop = 2067188288u; public static uint Play_item_use_molotov_impact_big = 672604242u; public static uint Play_item_use_molotov_impact_small = 2278056645u; public static uint Play_item_use_molotov_throw = 2541237413u; public static uint Play_item_use_passive_healing = 2655000266u; public static uint Play_item_use_radio = 4093333211u; public static uint Play_item_use_recycler = 648073085u; public static uint Play_item_use_sawmerang_catch = 2800461073u; public static uint Play_item_use_sawmerang_chargeup = 880810807u; public static uint Play_item_use_sawmerang_fly_loop = 3778622708u; public static uint Play_item_use_sawmerang_throw = 3601175276u; public static uint Play_item_use_tonic = 2813300389u; public static uint Play_item_use_tonic_debuff = 2454986002u; public static uint Play_item_void_bear = 2959567177u; public static uint Play_item_void_bleedOnHit_buildup = 275414159u; public static uint Play_item_void_bleedOnHit_explo = 3944977254u; public static uint Play_item_void_bleedOnHit_start = 3754606692u; public static uint Play_item_void_chainLightning = 3133589932u; public static uint Play_item_void_clover = 1595383632u; public static uint Play_item_void_critGlasses = 2383643113u; public static uint Play_item_void_equipmag = 3659141198u; public static uint Play_item_void_explodeOnDeath = 3255812633u; public static uint Play_item_void_extraLife = 3370576369u; public static uint Play_item_void_missle_explode = 3377207268u; public static uint Play_item_void_missle_fire = 1965882253u; public static uint Play_item_void_missle_fly_loop = 411283497u; public static uint Play_item_void_mushroom = 1701324517u; public static uint Play_item_void_mushroom_loop = 1887910762u; public static uint Play_item_void_slowOnHit = 3377032266u; public static uint Play_item_void_treasureCache_open = 3626432589u; public static uint Play_jellyfish_chase_start = 4193522322u; public static uint Play_jellyfish_death = 4156878447u; public static uint Play_jellyfish_detonate = 3881637691u; public static uint Play_jellyfish_detonate_pre = 3376774817u; public static uint Play_jellyfish_spawn = 2595268184u; public static uint Play_lemurian_bite_attack = 2282066863u; public static uint Play_lemurian_death = 1573805040u; public static uint Play_lemurian_fireball_flight_loop = 3656020651u; public static uint Play_lemurian_fireball_impact = 2368197886u; public static uint Play_lemurian_fireball_shoot = 2508881549u; public static uint Play_lemurian_idle = 4010028444u; public static uint Play_lemurian_impact = 1377658344u; public static uint Play_lemurian_spawn = 1244152243u; public static uint Play_lemurian_step = 2408820448u; public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_death_VO = 396237504u; public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_idle_VO = 1115840328u; public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_impact = 531055562u; public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m1_bounce = 498348177u; public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m1_charge = 1931275385u; public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m1_explode = 2984458692u; public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m1_fly_loop = 91875145u; public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m1_shoot = 4092547890u; public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m2_end = 1648115203u; public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m2_loop = 3339276574u; public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m2_shoot = 4186206849u; public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_spawn = 1735477457u; public static uint Play_lifestealOnHit_activate = 2978305631u; public static uint Play_loader_m1_impact = 2770011881u; public static uint Play_loader_m1_shield = 1860805892u; public static uint Play_loader_m1_swing = 477567759u; public static uint Play_loader_m2_impact = 3438837980u; public static uint Play_loader_m2_launch = 1515255731u; public static uint Play_loader_m2_travel_loop = 53631743u; public static uint Play_loader_R_activate = 1196476016u; public static uint Play_loader_R_active_loop = 2017558714u; public static uint Play_loader_R_expire = 1663060790u; public static uint Play_loader_R_shock = 2677093323u; public static uint Play_loader_R_toss = 2440962342u; public static uint Play_loader_R_variant_activate = 197132802u; public static uint Play_loader_R_variant_slam = 2640687082u; public static uint Play_loader_R_variant_whooshDown = 66656691u; public static uint Play_loader_shift_activate = 1551360582u; public static uint Play_loader_shift_charge_loop = 722666690u; public static uint Play_loader_shift_release = 1770547348u; public static uint Play_loader_sprint_end = 1320199588u; public static uint Play_loader_sprint_start = 352892247u; public static uint Play_loader_step = 3677284904u; public static uint Play_loader_step_sprint = 3073525207u; public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_death = 4264158797u; public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_idle_loop = 857654832u; public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_m1_fire = 1151210026u; public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_m1_impact = 91220880u; public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_spawn = 2700934242u; public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_sprint_loop = 762326434u; public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_step = 3547915643u; public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_step_heavy = 1344403603u; public static uint Play_lunar_golem_attack1_aliveLoop = 1424916579u; public static uint Play_lunar_golem_attack1_charge = 4237730550u; public static uint Play_lunar_golem_attack1_explode = 2049113149u; public static uint Play_lunar_golem_attack1_launch = 1952794087u; public static uint Play_lunar_golem_attack2_buildUp = 2350939290u; public static uint Play_lunar_golem_attack2_shieldActivate = 1783111971u; public static uint Play_lunar_golem_death = 2741728284u; public static uint Play_lunar_golem_idle_loop = 2506110785u; public static uint Play_lunar_golem_idle_VO = 486610750u; public static uint Play_lunar_golem_impact = 1247246500u; public static uint Play_lunar_golem_spawn = 3061831431u; public static uint Play_lunar_golem_step = 1636972412u; public static uint Play_lunar_reroller_activate = 569367166u; public static uint Play_lunar_reroller_item_change = 1265279855u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack1_shoot_bullet = 1858233191u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack1_shoot_impact = 1992390953u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack1_shootLoop = 2909507110u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack1_windDown = 1909826189u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack1_windLoop = 56999587u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack1_windUp = 495897210u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack2_aliveLoop = 452148407u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack2_chargeLoop = 4144327796u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack2_explode = 3621412217u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack2_launch = 2936354523u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack2_windDown = 3165958184u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack2_windUp = 151413227u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_death = 4190910447u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_idle_loop = 2168381742u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_idle_VO = 304696105u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_impact = 3773914237u; public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_spawn = 2629300184u; public static uint Play_mage_m1_cast_lightning = 2702327218u; public static uint Play_mage_m1_impact = 2000519842u; public static uint Play_mage_m1_impact_lightning = 2227545749u; public static uint Play_mage_m1_shoot = 3888952945u; public static uint Play_mage_m2_charge = 213746921u; public static uint Play_mage_m2_iceSpear_charge = 578450176u; public static uint Play_mage_m2_iceSpear_impact = 362101858u; public static uint Play_mage_m2_iceSpear_shoot = 883296561u; public static uint Play_mage_m2_impact = 1977865147u; public static uint Play_mage_m2_shoot = 464353890u; public static uint Play_mage_m2_zap = 4241955798u; public static uint Play_mage_R_end = 115213505u; public static uint Play_mage_R_lightningBlast = 3283303018u; public static uint Play_mage_R_start = 2526330034u; public static uint Play_mage_shift_start = 296791476u; public static uint Play_mage_shift_stop = 1193293352u; public static uint Play_mage_shift_wall_build = 3777927093u; public static uint Play_mage_shift_wall_explode = 562143574u; public static uint Play_mage_shift_wall_pre_explode_rumble = 2434051036u; public static uint Play_magmaWorm_burrowed_loop = 4031961282u; public static uint Play_magmaWorm_death = 2224748523u; public static uint Play_magmaWorm_death_small_explos = 2669920255u; public static uint Play_magmaWorm_dive = 2139312625u; public static uint Play_magmaWorm_idle_burn_loop = 3823405252u; public static uint Play_magmaWorm_idle_VO = 2678973117u; public static uint Play_magmaWorm_impact = 1935077337u; public static uint Play_magmaWorm_M1 = 2489492397u; public static uint Play_magmaWorm_M1_explo = 3311706942u; public static uint Play_magmaWorm_spawn_VO = 790241066u; public static uint Play_majorConstruct_death = 354933339u; public static uint Play_majorConstruct_death_piece_land = 1708514112u; public static uint Play_majorConstruct_idle_VO = 1023489613u; public static uint Play_majorConstruct_impact = 2837604937u; public static uint Play_majorConstruct_m1_laser_chargeShoot = 3822661709u; public static uint Play_majorConstruct_m1_laser_end = 3298589691u; public static uint Play_majorConstruct_m1_laser_loop = 2668434406u; public static uint Play_majorConstruct_R_pulse = 1719152825u; public static uint Play_majorConstruct_shift_lower = 3212506843u; public static uint Play_majorConstruct_shift_raise = 843575052u; public static uint Play_majorConstruct_spawn_rumble = 2692277904u; public static uint Play_majorConstruct_spawn_surface = 495875720u; public static uint Play_merc_m1_hard_swing = 4028970009u; public static uint Play_merc_m2_uppercut = 1892656648u; public static uint Play_merc_R_dash = 4156900065u; public static uint Play_merc_R_end = 1603633668u; public static uint Play_merc_R_slicingBlades_flight_loop = 2847996807u; public static uint Play_merc_R_slicingBlades_throw = 2911481668u; public static uint Play_merc_R_start = 3475430583u; public static uint Play_merc_shift_end = 736404446u; public static uint Play_merc_shift_slice = 68402651u; public static uint Play_merc_shift_start = 3770997429u; public static uint Play_merc_sword_impact = 2884474380u; public static uint Play_merc_sword_swing = 3675283896u; public static uint Play_merc_utility_variant = 3863518702u; public static uint Play_merc_utility_variant_buildup = 103882784u; public static uint Play_miniMushroom_burrow = 2394876897u; public static uint Play_minimushroom_death = 3848891146u; public static uint Play_minimushroom_idle_VO = 2499186680u; public static uint Play_minimushroom_impact = 572754330u; public static uint Play_miniMushroom_selfHeal_loop = 443126161u; public static uint Play_minimushroom_spawn = 3733229025u; public static uint Play_minimushroom_spore_chargeUp = 3747085821u; public static uint Play_minimushroom_spore_explode = 2754153445u; public static uint Play_minimushroom_spore_gasCloud_loop = 1542376905u; public static uint Play_minimushroom_spore_shoot = 2457943795u; public static uint Play_minimushroom_step = 3119842682u; public static uint Play_miniMushroom_unborrow = 4073562310u; public static uint Play_minorConstruct_attack_bodyClose = 2087632802u; public static uint Play_minorConstruct_attack_bodyOpen = 102085366u; public static uint Play_minorConstruct_attack_chargeUp = 553643209u; public static uint Play_minorConstruct_attack_explode = 3214992105u; public static uint Play_minorConstruct_attack_flight_loop = 2248627301u; public static uint Play_minorConstruct_attack_shoot = 945784279u; public static uint Play_minorConstruct_death = 234636383u; public static uint Play_minorConstruct_hide = 3168353919u; public static uint Play_minorConstruct_spawn = 2481199304u; public static uint Play_minorConstruct_VO_idle = 3224588039u; public static uint Play_monstersOnShrineUse_activate = 1435808974u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_blueWall_active_loop = 1912330522u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_blueWall_explode = 1820467490u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_blueWall_slam_start = 3502735825u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_dash = 2471009076u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_death = 1391457286u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_firePillar_loop = 1901482441u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_idle_VO = 1249692364u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_impact = 4276506230u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_m1_laser_impact = 1753379823u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_m1_laser_shoot = 625852214u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_orb_slam_impact = 2897735846u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_orb_slam_orbLoop = 2645733969u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_orb_slam_pre = 2003858883u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_itemSuck_end = 4243565055u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_itemSuck_returnSingle = 3958297650u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_itemSuck_start = 1717433628u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_itemSuck_stealBackSingle = 248987608u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_itemSuck_takeSingle = 2333254273u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_step = 3907097568u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_transition = 2158807115u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phaseJump_jumpAway = 2778579998u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phaseJump_kneel = 1438626783u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phaseJump_land_impact = 3884053696u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phaseJump_land_preWhoosh = 2555746427u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phaseJump_shockwave_loop = 3289985618u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_phaseJump_shockwave_single = 1473186892u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_spawn = 4224386021u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_spawn_preWhoosh = 3276170341u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_sprint = 3298429148u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_step = 1687759686u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_swing_horizontal = 3781745233u; public static uint Play_moonBrother_swing_vertical = 1525938463u; public static uint Play_MULT_crate_land = 3440819688u; public static uint Play_MULT_m1_grenade_launcher_beep = 1882452288u; public static uint Play_MULT_m1_grenade_launcher_explo = 2695190594u; public static uint Play_MULT_m1_grenade_launcher_shoot = 844837473u; public static uint Play_MULT_m1_sawblade_active_loop = 368776509u; public static uint Play_MULT_m1_sawblade_impact_loop = 1630218497u; public static uint Play_MULT_m1_sawblade_start = 2280547798u; public static uint Play_MULT_m1_sawblade_stop = 252608982u; public static uint Play_MULT_m1_smg_impact = 4066695960u; public static uint Play_MULT_m1_smg_shoot = 1162985099u; public static uint Play_MULT_m1_snipe_charge = 1908474992u; public static uint Play_MULT_m1_snipe_charge_end = 4185275926u; public static uint Play_MULT_m1_snipe_shoot = 2172180833u; public static uint Play_MULT_m2_aim = 1632759044u; public static uint Play_MULT_m2_main_explode = 1416927996u; public static uint Play_MULT_m2_secondary_explode = 2935238587u; public static uint Play_MULT_m2_throw = 2075679355u; public static uint Play_MULT_move_loop = 2331366233u; public static uint Play_MULT_R_toSMG = 3594476652u; public static uint Play_MULT_R_toSnipe = 2981295322u; public static uint Play_MULT_R_variant_activate = 943999695u; public static uint Play_MULT_R_variant_end = 1674327467u; public static uint Play_MULT_shift_end = 837713779u; public static uint Play_MULT_shift_hit = 1393096435u; public static uint Play_MULT_shift_start = 3163992584u; public static uint Play_MULT_shift_turnSqueal = 317428472u; public static uint Play_newtShopkeep_idle_loop = 2035618909u; public static uint Play_newtShopkeep_VO = 2336577387u; public static uint Play_nullifier_attack1_explode = 1416262554u; public static uint Play_nullifier_attack1_root = 1421358047u; public static uint Play_nullifier_attack1_summon = 1762402358u; public static uint Play_nullifier_death = 3762332315u; public static uint Play_nullifier_death_vortex_explode = 525158496u; public static uint Play_nullifier_death_vortex_loop = 3712167975u; public static uint Play_nullifier_idle_VO = 1162692493u; public static uint Play_nullifier_impact = 2385726089u; public static uint Play_nullifier_spawn = 1116849964u; public static uint Play_nullifier_step = 23070305u; public static uint Play_obj_itemShip_fire_loop = 2117056219u; public static uint Play_outro_fadeToWhite_01 = 4252377252u; public static uint Play_outro_fadeToWhite_02 = 4252377255u; public static uint Play_outro_planetExplode_01 = 357029279u; public static uint Play_outro_shuttleDoorClose_01 = 633225991u; public static uint Play_outro_shuttleFlyBy_01 = 4127418755u; public static uint Play_outro_shuttleTakeOff_01 = 3989896619u; public static uint Play_parent_attack1_slam = 3374469962u; public static uint Play_parent_attack1_windUp = 1054616856u; public static uint Play_parent_death = 2299560037u; public static uint Play_parent_idle_VO = 4174411851u; public static uint Play_parent_impact = 2460400987u; public static uint Play_parent_spawn = 2389585402u; public static uint Play_parent_step = 4278846131u; public static uint Play_parent_teleport = 3275097964u; public static uint Play_Play_elite_haunt_death = 4131555994u; public static uint Play_Player_footstep = 1724675634u; public static uint Play_railgunner_m1_fire = 3663213371u; public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_alt_fire = 1123745322u; public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_fire = 1503231250u; public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_headshot = 4207848420u; public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_reload_basic = 1519777290u; public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_reload_fail = 1165349380u; public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_reload_pass = 2134590459u; public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_scope_in = 3426860520u; public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_scope_loop = 1156887411u; public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_scope_out = 2323813871u; public static uint Play_railgunner_R_alt_fire = 2346534403u; public static uint Play_railgunner_R_fire = 2208219471u; public static uint Play_railgunner_R_gun_chargeUp = 1433734405u; public static uint Play_railgunner_R_gun_ready = 747189219u; public static uint Play_railgunner_R_gun_rebooted = 1110075238u; public static uint Play_railgunner_R_gun_rebooting_loop = 752268156u; public static uint Play_railgunner_R_gun_swap = 89410791u; public static uint Play_railgunner_R_gun_timer_loop = 3062488286u; public static uint Play_railgunner_R_preFire = 639561466u; public static uint Play_railgunner_selectScreen_idle = 3805369911u; public static uint Play_railgunner_shift_alt_explo = 3210684213u; public static uint Play_railgunner_shift_chargeUp = 277844730u; public static uint Play_railgunner_shift_explo = 1744190021u; public static uint Play_railgunner_shift_land = 2500532114u; public static uint Play_railgunner_shift_slowField_loop = 948974347u; public static uint Play_railgunner_shift_throw = 2700781839u; public static uint Play_railgunner_step = 909005004u; public static uint Play_railgunner_step_sprint = 938334763u; public static uint Play_randomDamageZone_appear = 3122474070u; public static uint Play_randomDamageZone_disappear = 2994706824u; public static uint Play_roboBall_attack1_charge = 2356432344u; public static uint Play_roboBall_attack1_explode = 414673691u; public static uint Play_roboBall_attack1_flightLoop = 926946976u; public static uint Play_roboBall_attack1_shoot = 2453128921u; public static uint Play_roboBall_attack2_createMini = 3305531308u; public static uint Play_roboBall_attack2_mini_active_loop = 1625935406u; public static uint Play_roboBall_attack2_mini_death = 3567434931u; public static uint Play_roboBall_attack2_mini_laser_start = 4267852861u; public static uint Play_roboBall_attack2_mini_laser_stop = 3542004415u; public static uint Play_roboBall_attack2_mini_spawn = 3103470308u; public static uint Play_roboBall_attack3_gravityBump_charge = 4148122655u; public static uint Play_roboBall_attack3_gravityBump_explo = 1532407255u; public static uint Play_roboBall_death_final_explo = 353938708u; public static uint Play_roboBall_death_small_explo = 3826098169u; public static uint Play_roboBall_death_start = 227016555u; public static uint Play_roboBall_idle_loop = 2608942291u; public static uint Play_roboBall_idle_VO = 2623497928u; public static uint Play_roboBall_spawn = 2233082961u; public static uint Play_roboBall_takehit = 2898574144u; public static uint Play_scav_attack1_chargeup = 1256744759u; public static uint Play_scav_attack1_explode = 3725214619u; public static uint Play_scav_attack1_fly_loop = 4154556660u; public static uint Play_scav_attack1_shoot = 2105789273u; public static uint Play_scav_attack2_chargeup = 247806018u; public static uint Play_scav_attack2_explode = 2723074940u; public static uint Play_scav_attack2_fly_loop = 604544545u; public static uint Play_scav_attack2_shoot = 349433546u; public static uint Play_scav_attack3_itemPull = 3995612630u; public static uint Play_scav_attack3_sit = 3075953682u; public static uint Play_scav_backpack_open = 2533670393u; public static uint Play_scav_death = 787289210u; public static uint Play_scav_idle_VO = 1006743368u; public static uint Play_scav_impact = 3237786570u; public static uint Play_scav_spawn = 132913361u; public static uint Play_scav_step = 1306488778u; public static uint Play_siphonOnLowHealth_launch = 2463673000u; public static uint Play_siphonOnLowHealth_retract = 1531292160u; public static uint Play_siphonOnLowHealth_siphonLoop = 1656802232u; public static uint Play_teamWarCry_activate = 2496755845u; public static uint Play_titanboss_death = 2721404520u; public static uint Play_titanboss_idle = 4086897300u; public static uint Play_titanboss_idle_loop = 54186637u; public static uint Play_titanboss_impact = 810181280u; public static uint Play_titanboss_m2_charge = 2661175306u; public static uint Play_titanboss_m2_fist = 1100261012u; public static uint Play_titanboss_R_laser_loop = 3736294797u; public static uint Play_titanboss_R_laser_preshoot = 602615619u; public static uint Play_titanboss_R_laser_shoot = 3896483612u; public static uint Play_titanboss_shift_charge = 861710173u; public static uint Play_titanboss_shift_loop = 3867410735u; public static uint Play_titanboss_shift_shoot = 3694637590u; public static uint Play_titanboss_spawn = 1121382603u; public static uint Play_titanboss_step = 1906717720u; public static uint Play_treeBot_m1_3rd_hit = 3381653860u; public static uint Play_treeBot_m1_hit_heal = 1461667197u; public static uint Play_treeBot_m1_impact = 2074366515u; public static uint Play_treeBot_m1_shoot = 1706423866u; public static uint Play_treeBot_m2_impact = 323005434u; public static uint Play_treeBot_m2_launch = 2886069581u; public static uint Play_treeBot_m2_seedRain_loop = 1388761226u; public static uint Play_treeBot_R_constrict = 1414602716u; public static uint Play_treeBot_R_expire = 1254293392u; public static uint Play_treeBot_R_impact = 2833507695u; public static uint Play_treeBot_R_shoot = 2893248438u; public static uint Play_treeBot_R_tether = 3415846421u; public static uint Play_treeBot_R_variant_burst = 2656396187u; public static uint Play_treeBot_R_variant_impact = 2966376717u; public static uint Play_treeBot_R_variant_seed_land = 533231672u; public static uint Play_treeBot_R_variant_shoot = 4193307120u; public static uint Play_treeBot_R_yank = 2638772870u; public static uint Play_treeBot_shift_charge = 335233555u; public static uint Play_treeBot_shift_shoot = 641898280u; public static uint Play_treeBot_sprint_end = 592738334u; public static uint Play_treeBot_sprint_start = 1788171509u; public static uint Play_treeBot_step = 4191740994u; public static uint Play_UI_3D_printer_itemIntoPrinter = 2335990995u; public static uint Play_UI_3D_printer_process = 3054142941u; public static uint Play_UI_3D_printer_selectItem = 2887528035u; public static uint Play_UI_achievementUnlock = 3990458996u; public static uint Play_UI_achievementUnlock_enhanced = 2807885713u; public static uint Play_UI_arenaMode_coundown321 = 2215856537u; public static uint Play_UI_arenaMode_coundown_loop = 4227156628u; public static uint Play_UI_arenaMode_coundownMain = 3245971952u; public static uint Play_UI_arenaMode_portal_open = 2886830617u; public static uint Play_UI_arenaMode_voidCollapse_appear = 1471403541u; public static uint Play_UI_arenaMode_voidCollapse_select = 3672417454u; public static uint Play_UI_arenaMode_wave_complete = 3539485743u; public static uint Play_UI_arenaMode_wave_start = 88293954u; public static uint Play_UI_arenaMode_wave_startBoss = 275244589u; public static uint Play_UI_artifactDeselect = 28723904u; public static uint Play_UI_artifactKey_spawn = 1799157830u; public static uint Play_UI_artifactSelect = 1395173481u; public static uint Play_UI_barrel_open = 3133879614u; public static uint Play_UI_charTeleport = 2523488618u; public static uint Play_UI_chatMessage = 4130149726u; public static uint Play_UI_chest_unlock = 1989309705u; public static uint Play_UI_coin = 4031644860u; public static uint Play_UI_commandHUD_appear = 106926523u; public static uint Play_UI_commandHUD_select = 2338479168u; public static uint Play_UI_conversion_item = 2313844919u; public static uint Play_UI_conversion_void = 1355082488u; public static uint Play_UI_cooldownRefresh = 254030745u; public static uint Play_UI_crit = 70111447u; public static uint Play_UI_equipment_activate = 2030501579u; public static uint Play_UI_hit = 2288436326u; public static uint Play_UI_HUD_unfold = 2764871249u; public static uint Play_UI_insufficient_funds = 1590463403u; public static uint Play_UI_item_land_command = 3355119344u; public static uint Play_UI_item_land_tier1 = 74455154u; public static uint Play_UI_item_land_tier2 = 74455153u; public static uint Play_UI_item_land_tier3 = 74455152u; public static uint Play_UI_item_pickup = 3141848185u; public static uint Play_UI_item_spawn_tier1 = 287386698u; public static uint Play_UI_item_spawn_tier2 = 287386697u; public static uint Play_UI_item_spawn_tier3 = 287386696u; public static uint Play_UI_levelUp_enemy = 376698017u; public static uint Play_UI_levelUp_player = 3439383576u; public static uint Play_ui_lunar_coin_drop = 983279345u; public static uint Play_UI_lunarCache_open = 596425428u; public static uint Play_UI_menuBack = 1175261259u; public static uint Play_UI_menuClick = 3993912102u; public static uint Play_UI_menuHover = 2637661084u; public static uint Play_UI_monsterLogDrop = 949041908u; public static uint Play_UI_monsterLogLand = 2661359524u; public static uint Play_UI_obj_casinoChest_expire = 1140415887u; public static uint Play_UI_obj_casinoChest_open = 2127395302u; public static uint Play_UI_obj_casinoChest_swap = 3570819983u; public static uint Play_ui_obj_eradicator_active_loop = 3588873189u; public static uint Play_ui_obj_eradicator_open = 2066281022u; public static uint Play_ui_obj_lunarPool_activate = 762276887u; public static uint Play_ui_obj_lunarPool_idle_loop = 2770897579u; public static uint Play_ui_obj_nullWard_activate = 363349340u; public static uint Play_ui_obj_nullWard_charge_loop = 3054399388u; public static uint Play_ui_obj_nullWard_complete = 1182993810u; public static uint Play_ui_obj_nullWard_idle_loop = 54162858u; public static uint Play_ui_obj_voidCache_open = 2355963422u; public static uint Play_ui_obj_voidCradle_open = 3009339021u; public static uint Play_ui_player_death = 1624429951u; public static uint Play_UI_podBlastDoorOpen = 2599908982u; public static uint Play_UI_podDescentLoop = 2986179704u; public static uint Play_UI_podImpact = 393521682u; public static uint Play_UI_podImpactPre = 1204627077u; public static uint Play_UI_podSteamBurst = 634951102u; public static uint Play_UI_podSteamLoop = 2040935798u; public static uint Play_UI_rustedLockbox_open = 588893005u; public static uint Play_UI_shrineActivate = 4023227809u; public static uint Play_UI_skill_unlock = 3277128633u; public static uint Play_UI_takeDamage = 2252286985u; public static uint Play_UI_teleport_off_map = 1531471387u; public static uint Play_ui_teleporter_activate = 1462303513u; public static uint Play_UI_teleporter_event_complete = 1598866792u; public static uint Play_UI_tripleChestShutter = 2941507693u; public static uint Play_UI_xp_gain = 2217337859u; public static uint Play_vagrant_attack1_land = 1685625891u; public static uint Play_vagrant_attack1_pop = 4212320241u; public static uint Play_vagrant_attack1_shoot = 2620977113u; public static uint Play_vagrant_attack1_spawn = 3089109169u; public static uint Play_vagrant_attack2_charge = 988502625u; public static uint Play_vagrant_attack2_explode = 3607088124u; public static uint Play_vagrant_attack2_shoot = 864621386u; public static uint Play_vagrant_death = 3248761082u; public static uint Play_vagrant_death_gibImpact = 356233279u; public static uint Play_vagrant_idle_loop = 1322378707u; public static uint Play_vagrant_idle_VO = 3520993224u; public static uint Play_vagrant_impact = 926021962u; public static uint Play_vagrant_R_charge = 1931902725u; public static uint Play_vagrant_R_explode = 3773571408u; public static uint Play_vagrant_spawn = 2594385233u; public static uint Play_voidBarnacle_death = 2148912245u; public static uint Play_voidBarnacle_idle_loop = 1761032424u; public static uint Play_voidBarnacle_idle_VO = 1400899771u; public static uint Play_voidBarnacle_impact = 3140229227u; public static uint Play_voidBarnacle_m1_chargeUp = 2679975765u; public static uint Play_voidBarnacle_m1_flight_loop = 1575421249u; public static uint Play_voidBarnacle_m1_impact = 2758193192u; public static uint Play_voidBarnacle_m1_shoot = 2196716795u; public static uint Play_voidBarnacle_spawn = 2270143306u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_death = 2934929484u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_death_bodyfall = 612932604u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_death_VO = 1315262618u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_death_vortex_explode = 3439107777u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_death_vortex_loop = 816553244u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_idle_VO = 2025116878u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_impact = 960901012u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_m1_chargeUp = 1072067060u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_m1_shoot = 4207394936u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_m1_stick = 3890861909u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_m2_chargeUp = 3934876245u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_m2_flight_loop = 1285006913u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_m2_primary_explo = 4268468199u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_m2_secondary_explo = 2389515951u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_m2_shoot = 2561091067u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_spawn_close = 1890445230u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_spawn_land = 108782469u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_spawn_loop = 92299020u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_spawn_open = 2126193130u; public static uint Play_voidDevastator_step = 3170167180u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_death = 2420838022u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_death_bodyfall = 4212139290u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_death_vortex_explode = 3067268799u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_idle_VO = 343648588u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_impact = 357631478u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_m1_chargeUp = 3852369302u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_m1_flight_loop = 202395092u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_m1_impact = 2448605855u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_m1_shoot = 2972325190u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_m2_chargeUp = 440327995u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_m2_grappleImpact = 2008775719u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_m2_shoot = 2592606373u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_spawn = 958799461u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_sprint = 3674521692u; public static uint Play_voidJailer_step = 1674327750u; public static uint Play_voidman_idle_twitch = 2837871021u; public static uint Play_voidman_m1_corrupted_end = 1454486218u; public static uint Play_voidman_m1_corrupted_start = 3491603641u; public static uint Play_voidman_m1_shoot = 986215293u; public static uint Play_voidman_m2_charged_loop = 3802488840u; public static uint Play_voidman_m2_chargeUp = 3890431262u; public static uint Play_voidman_m2_explode = 2533860864u; public static uint Play_voidman_m2_flight_loop = 414414508u; public static uint Play_voidman_m2_shoot = 2185499614u; public static uint Play_voidman_m2_shoot_fullCharge = 4021527550u; public static uint Play_voidman_m2_small_impact = 360309971u; public static uint Play_voidman_R_activate = 3778899369u; public static uint Play_voidman_R_pop = 1613825827u; public static uint Play_voidman_selectScreen_idle = 1916868248u; public static uint Play_voidman_shift_end = 4129159651u; public static uint Play_voidman_shift_start = 2890268088u; public static uint Play_voidman_sprint_start = 2754304702u; public static uint Play_voidman_sprint_stop = 360032734u; public static uint Play_voidman_step = 2440261905u; public static uint Play_voidman_step_sprint = 2410485368u; public static uint Play_voidman_transform = 463099845u; public static uint Play_voidman_transform_return = 1698922818u; public static uint Play_voidRaid_breakLeg = 1376415212u; public static uint Play_voidRaid_bump_chargeUp = 2953756561u; public static uint Play_voidRaid_bump_explode = 3365879681u; public static uint Play_voidRaid_death = 2050567151u; public static uint Play_voidRaid_fall_pt1 = 779637992u; public static uint Play_voidRaid_fall_pt2 = 779637995u; public static uint Play_voidRaid_fall_return = 4211751453u; public static uint Play_voidRaid_final_stand = 3309576680u; public static uint Play_voidRaid_fog_active_loo