Blind Pest Hate Club
This is a modpack containing lots of great mods that improve upon vanilla ror2 by adding various quality of life changes, skins, survivors, stages, aesthetics, enemies, items, and more :0
1.1.0: Added some QoL mods, skin mods, stage aesthetic mods, a miniboss, and some larger general content mods.
1.1.1: Added an "Overview" and a "Changelog" to this page.
1.1.2: Changed icon
1.1.3: Fixed spelling, fixed Changelog
1.2.3: Added some small content mods that expand the item pool and add more alt skills
1.3.3: Added a few skins and a shit ton of modded artifacts
1.4.3: Added some qol mods, a bazzar update mod, some skins, new survivors, new enemies, new survivor skills, and some multi-player mods
1.4.4: Updated the mod page