- Fixed readme
- Purify whip damage: 600% > 700%
- Nothing changed, just thought 1.6.0 was cool
- When the whip slam indicator is active, whip will now always be prioritized over sword
- Broke Belmont's kneecaps and took his lunch money fuck this guy for real
- Adjudicate was accidentally using Rush's damage coefficient instead of its 1200% oops
- Updated VFX for Adjudicate
- Belmont now takes Eclipse 8 permanent damage no matter what mode he's playing on
- Fall damage is also now lethal
- He also got robbed and can't afford to pay hospital bills anymore so death is permanent
- Added alternate utility skill: Adjudicate
- Shrine of the Night no longer spawns enemies
- Permanent upgrades were too overpowered, this should be more balanced compared to the vanilla cast
- Purify whip damage: > !% > 0.1%
- Purify sword damage: 0.1% > 0.01%
- it was a little overpowered, sorry
- Balanced the survivor according to RoR2 number cruncher statistics, he should be perfectly balanced for Eclipse 8 runs now
- Purify sword damage: 300% > 0.1%
- Purify whip damage: 600% > 1%
- Purify whip slam damage: 1800% > 1%
- Rush damage: 350% > 0.1%
- Ancient Flame damage: 800% > 0.1%
- Battle Cross damage: 200% > 0.01%
- Sacred Flame tick damage: 3000% > 1%
- Sacred Flame burst damage: 300% > 0.1%
- Pegasus Boots no longer displace bosses, too cheesy sorry
- Mithrix now counters whip slams, taking no damage and firing his own shockwaves
- Improved Pegasus Boot kick VFX
- Winged Boots have returned, with a huge glow up
- Winged Boots renamed to Pegasus Boots, hover removed, now upgrades Rush into a combo move that knocks enemies into the air (even heavies), setting up easy whip slams
- Crissaegrim damage: 3x175% > 3x300% - melee doesn't scale well because of the risk, Morning Star on the other hand is crazy no matter how far into a run, this should level the playing field a little
- Added a logbook entry, HUGE thanks to getsurabbit for this
- Silver Bullet damage: 1000% > 800%
- Silver Bullet now resets cooldowns on kill- this skill was a joke and never intended to be good, and obviously didn't mesh with his kit at all, but maybe this change gives it a niche that makes it worth taking for those who find that fun
- Added more breakdance flair
- Fixed Ancient Flame and Hellfire dealing a fraction of their intended damage
- Belmont has taken breakdancing lessons from Ravager
- Added, updated and rebalanced a handful of sound effects
- Added a Skeleton Key transformation effect
- Added an alternate primary locked behind cursed config. it was an experiment and not fun in practice
- Silver Bullet cooldown: 12s > 8s
- Updated Battle Cross skill icon
- Networked whip slam
- Ancient Flame damage per hit: 500% > 800%
- Hellfire damage per hit: 500% > 1200% REJECT WEAK BORING WEAPONS EMBRACE EYE SHATTERING VFX龍雲木 雲 龍
- Updated Ancient Flame cast animation to match the new subweapon
- Fixed Ancient Flame not working if used too close to an enemy
- Gargoyle damage cut in half
- Blue Fangs damage cut in half, Hellfire cooldown doubled
- Blue Fangs no longer sprints
- Shrine of the Night delay between spawns increased from 3s to 6s, with a 16s delay for the boss spawn
- Shrine of the Night has finally been upgraded from simple Lemurians still very rough, expect more polish very soon
- Added two unlockable alternate specials, earned by collecting the subweapons hidden in the world
- ^Both have Ancient Scepter upgrades and hints to their locations ingame
- Rush cooldown: 6s > 5s
- Added rest emote
- Some animation tweaks
- Fixed Julius achievement still requiring Winged Boots new special icons are a work in progress still
- Winged Boots REMOVED- by far the worst and most boring relic, they'll be back after a substantial rework but for now it's better not having them clog up the pool
- Sacred Flame icon updated
- Sacred Flame damage per tick: 150% > 300%
- Sacred Flame finisher damage: 2000% > 4000%
- Sacred Flame ticks now apply burn
- Sacred Flame pull range and strength doubled
- ^for being usable once every 3 mins it needs more base value instead of relying on proc items to do anything
- Ancient Flame is now a multi-hit as the visual would suggest. Damage unchanged so go crazy
- Networked whip slam (again)(?(?(????))
- Fixed Shrine of the Night
- Networked Hellfire
- Fixed enemies going through the ground when whip slammed
- Added relic: Soul of the King - gain Mithrix's power on most of your attacks, earned after defeating him (every Belmont in the game gets their own in multiplayer)
- Added custom swords for each skin, thanks VCR for this!!
- Sacred Flame damage and vacuum radius buffed
- Winged Boots now increase the knockup force from Rush
- Abscond dash force slightly increased while on the ground, so you don't HAVE to jump before using it every time
- Abscond speed boost from cancelling a roll now applies from any form of cancel instead of just walking, and speed is greatly increased
- Skeleton Key glow range: 96m > 128m
- Shrine of the Night Gargoyles temporarily reduced to ordinary Lemurians, will be fixed at a later date
- Shrine of the Night now spawns an enemy every 1 second, down from 3, just to speed things up
- Networked the SFX when picking up a relic
- Fixed Aria of Sorrow being unlocked while playing any survivor
- Fixed new relics not counting toward certain achievements
- Fixed whip slam not working for multiplayer clients
- Added Ancient Scepter upgrade: Hellfire - pillars are larger, do more damage and leave a trail of flame
- Added whip slam: double tap m1 while targeting an airborne enemy to cancel the whip crack and instead slam them down for 1800% damage, target indicator also changes to show this move is available - very situational but rewarding if used right
- Ancient Flame now has strong vertical knockback to combo with the new whip slam
- Added a proper lobby pose
- Fixed Sacred Flame not being properly networked
- Fixed RiskUI shit again
- RiskUI fixes (thanks score!)
- Fixed the achievement for getting all the relics not counting the two added last patch
- Added relic: Savior's Scarf - every 3 minutes replace your special with Sacred Flame, a massive AoE attack
- Added relic: Winged Boots - greatly boost ground sprint speed and gain an aerial hover
- Added config option to make Red Whip replace your whip when obtained, just for fun- off by default
- Updated skill icons, all made by PiPetka give him all the love
- Added more item displays, including all relics
- Added more flair to Ancient Flame's flask
- Added config for alternate, lamer animations
- Morning Star's explosion now always goes off even if the target dies before the delay is over, added new impact effect as well
- Rush hitbox is now separate from the sword hitbox, and is also made thinner so it's more reliable as an escape tool
- Abscond velocity retained when letting go of your swing greatly increased, and no longer enters a freefall state if you launch yourself high enough upward
- Treasure Chests now drop random relics, excluding ones you already possess
- Skeleton Key will now glow when near a Treasure Chest
- Made Purify's sword close-up detection more consistent- all this means is standing close to a big enemy will more consistently slash instead of thinking you're further away and defaulting to whip (this is a large BUFF before anybody whines)
- Improved Purify's whip animation tracking by having the character face your target instead of camera direction
- Relics can no longer be picked up by non-Belmont survivors (they can still snatch your keys though)
- Greatly improved Ancient Flame's aim mode accuracy
- Various animation improvements
- Fixed blade hits with enough attack speed sending you way higher than intended, making it hard to keep hitting
- Fixed sideways sprints not having footsteps
- Fixed Shrine of the Night objective prompt showing up for ALL survivors in multiplayer, rather than just the Belmont(s)
- Fixed Morning Star's explosion effect and SFX being extremely inconsistent
- Fixed character model being able to turn in unintended directions during an aerial Rush
- Fixed certain SOTS items not working after their reworks, go crazy with Breaching Fin now
- Fixed mod requiring SeekerPatcher to work (but you should probably have that installed anyways)
- Whip base duration: 1.5s > 1.7s
- Sword damage: 350% > 300%
- Rush damage: 500% > 350%
- Rush iframes on hit: 1s > 0.5s
- Abscond now recharges all stocks at once, but cooldown resets when a stock is used
- Abscond now always factors sprint speed into the dash distance, previously it wouldn't if you weren't sprinting before using it, resulting in much shorter dashes
- Helminth Hatchery Treasure Chest is now actually obtainable, one wasn't supposed to spawn here but it did due to an oversight so it has a proper placement now
- Abscond cooldown: 3s > 4s
- Abscond base charges: 1 > 2
- ^should boost usability in a fun way
- Treasure Chests now spawn on Commencement (both variants) as doing the shrine each stage got you an extra key that went unused in a standard no-loop run, so now you get an extra powerup before Mithrix if you can find the chest
- Treasure Chest logic slightly changed: instead of flipping a coin for the item, Morning Star is now always guaranteed first with Crissaegrim following, and after that it's random red items
- Mithrix and False Son now talk shit to Belmont
- Fixed lang
- Initial release